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Who Are We?

Healing through Humour is a non-profit organization that teaches people living with mental illness and mental health issues the art of comedy writing and performance.  Our mission is to give people living with mental illness an opportunity to express themselves in a safe and creative environment.  We also work with people without an illness so they can work hand in hand with those who are ill as a way to break down stigma and show the person without an illness that there is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to people who do live with a mental illness.

Who Are We

Our Work

Do you like telling jokes? Do you love an audience? Do you need a place where you can just be yourself without the fear of being judged? Come check out our comedy writing class. Learn all the tricks that will make your jokes even funnier. Practice with the group until you are ready to perform your own stand-up comedy routine. There's no other feeling like having a room full of people laugh at your jokes. We can help get you there.

We are currently meeting Wednesdays at 3:30 at CMHA Division Office, 2702 12th Ave.

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comedy class


General Spanky

50 Shades of spanky

General Spanky is back with a new album for 2018. Crack a smile with 15 new tracks jammed full of witty lyrics in this unique blend of comedy & rap.

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Also Available @ BandCamp.com

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General Spanky

Mr.Immature is the debut album from Comedy recording artist General Spanky. Be sure to check out the music videos and like us on facebook.


You can find more great videos on our YOUTUBE channel

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Our Work
Who Am I

Who am I?

Ian Morrison

General Spanky

Comedian Ian Andrew Morrison lives in Regina Saskatchewan Canada and has been doing comedy since the age of thirteen. He is a graduate of the Humber College School of Comedy Writing and Performance in Toronto Ontario and has performed in various venues during his time as a comedian. These venues include such famous Canadian comedy clubs as Yuk Yuk's and The Laugh Stop. Ian is also a published writer and a professional musician. He is the founder and facilitator of a nonprofit organization entitled “Healing Through Humour,” a group that teaches people living with mental illness or mental health issues the art of comedy writing and performance. The Healing through humor course has also been turned into a case study which is available to marketing students at Universities in Japan as well as Harvard in Boston Massachusetts.


Ian wrote and directed his first independent short film in 2013 and his second short film in 2014. The first feature film by Healing Through Humour was shot in July 2016 and on a modest budget of only $4000. Ian has also been a professional actor since the age of thirteen and received a great deal of his training and education through a theater group in his hometown of Regina Saskatchewan. He has appeared as an extra in multiple productions throughout his teen years as well as a principle role in the movie Painted Angels in 1996.


Ian is also a graduate of the Western Academy Broadcasting College in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and has worked as an on-air radio personality. Ian’s debut comedy rap album by his alter ego General Spanky, was released in 2015 and the first single, “Dollars and Sense” has spent over 100 weeks on the Official European Independent Music Chart. Ian also wrote and published an article about living with mental illness and running Healing Through Humour, in the October 2015 edition of Moods Magazine.


He has also received an award by the Canadian Mental Health Association of Saskatchewan for his work with comedy and mental illness. Ian has also been a guest lecturer at the University of Regina, as well as a speaker at the 2014 improvisation symposium concerning mental health and improvisation. He has also appeared on multiple television and radio programs on the Canadian broadcasting corporation as well as other programs within the province of Saskatchewan. Healing through humour has also done over 20 performances across the province since 2010.


Ian continues to live and work in Regina and plans to keep gaining exposure for his comedy and, “Healing through Humour.”



Contact us

Ian | 306-352-3006


Healing Through Humour| 306-525-5601

Email | healingthroughhumour@gmail.com


Address | Canadain Mental Health Saskatchewan Division

          2702 12th ave. Regina, Sask.

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