Distance Calculator Mapping Tool | Maptive
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Distance Calculation Tool

Distance Calculation Map Tool

Calculate the Distance Between Two or More Addresses, Cities, Zip Codes or Points on a Map Quickly and Easily.

Calculate the Distance Between Multiple Addresses - Distance Calculator Tool
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Calculate the Distance Between Multiple Addresses - Distance Calculator Tool

Use Maptive’s mapping software to calculate the distance between two or more locations or points on a map! Read on to learn more about how to use Maptive’s distance calculator tool.

Quickly determining the distance between multiple points on a map can provide important insights for businesses.

Maptive’s distance calculator makes it easy to calculate the distance between two or more addresses. This, along with our many other mapping tools, provides you with the information you need to run your business effectively.

distance calculator tool

Get Started

Calculate straight-line distances between two or more addresses, cities, or zip codes in a few simple steps with Maptive

  1. Create a free account with Maptive.
  2. Create a new map.
  3. Click the ruler icon on the right side of the screen.
    Distance Calculator Map Tool
  4. Select the option you prefer: single point measurement or multiple point measurement.
  5. Use your cursor to click on the first point, then click on the second point (and if using multiple point measurement, your third, fourth, fifth, etc., points).
    Distance Area Calculator

What is a Distance Calculator?

Measure Straight-Line Distance - Distance Calculator Tool

A distance calculator measures the straight line distance between various points on a map. This is different from a driving distance or travel time calculation. Calculate the distance between physical addresses, major cities, or any other point you select on the map.

Maptive’s distance calculator gives you the option to measure the distance between two addresses or the continuous distance between multiple points.

How Maptive’s Distance Calculator Can Benefit Your Business

  • Measure the Distance to Your Competitors: Ensure there is ample distance between you and your competitors when creating new locations for your business.
  • Measure the Distance Between Store Locations: Ensure your stores aren’t located too close to one another.
  • Measure the Distance to Your Suppliers: Optimize your supply chain by finding suppliers that are closer to your business.
  • Visualize the Distance Between Two Locations: Clearly demonstrate the distance between two or more points during presentations and meetings.
  • Measure the area and size of lots, buildings, roofs, and more!

How to Measure Distance Between Locations

Individual Distance Calculator Tool

Maptive’s Distance calculator is easy to use. Calculate the distance between multiple points in just a few moments by following the steps below:

Individual Distance Calculator Tool

Use the individual distance calculator to determine the distance between two addresses.

  1. Click the ruler icon on the right side of the screen.
  2. Select “Single Point Distance Measurement (A to B).”
  3. Use your cursor to click on the first point, then click on the second point.
  4. A dotted line will appear between the two points, and the distance between them will be displayed on the map.
  5. You can delete the dotted line and the distance display by clicking on the “X” at the end of the distance line.
Continuous Distance Calculator Tool

Continuous Distance Calculator Tool

Use the continuous distance tool to determine the distance between more than two addresses.

  1. Click the ruler icon on the right side of the screen.
  2. Select “Multiple Point Distance Measurement (A to B to C to D).”
  3. Use your cursor to click on the first location, then continue to click on the other locations in the order you’d like them to be measured.
  4. A dotted line will appear between all the points as you click on them. Every time you click on a different point, it will display the distance from that point to the first point you clicked on.
  5. Stop measuring by clicking the ruler icon on the right side of the screen.
  6. You can delete the dotted line and the distance displays by clicking on the “X” at the end of the distance line.

How the Distance Calculator Works With Other Maptive Features

Distance Between Two Addresses - Distance Calculator Tool

Pin Maps: Measure the distance between various data points on your map.

Territory Drawing Tool: Create custom territories on your map and calculate the distance between them.

Boundary Tool: Establish boundaries based on zip codes, districts, cities, states, and more and determine the distance between them.

If you need to calculate driving distance rather than straight-line distance, you can use Maptive’s Route Planner to get optimized driving directions between multiple locations.

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