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Alfield is a small, rural farming town in the Marrow Valley in the Western Wynandir region of Wildemount, and it primarily shuts down post-sunset.[3] It serves as a trade stop on the Amber Road between Trostenwald and Zadash. The town falls under the rule of the Dwendalian Empire and is overseen by Starosta Kosh.[4]

On the night of 20 Sydenstar 835 PD, Alfield suffered significant loss of life and arson of several buildings during a gnoll attack.[5]


Alfield on map of Dwendalian Empire by Deven Rue

Official map of Alfield and the surrounding regions (cropped), by Deven Rue.[art 3]

Slightly smaller than Trostenwald, Alfield is an open farm village with occasional waist- to shoulder-height partitions.[6] With open fields to the south, the town is flanked by clusters of trees on the eastern and northeastern sides.[7] Alfield is shaped like a small diamond, only a couple of miles across on all sides. Two main streets, the Dustway and Harvest Path,[2] bisect the village in its central square, one spanning from the northwest to the southeast, and the other from west to east.[8]

The old mines winding beneath the nearby hills yield a fair amount of tin, copper, and quartz that supplement the town's economy.[2]

Points of Interest[]

Candleglow Inn Icon The Candleglow Inn is located in the central square. It was once built by Reedus Candleglow, who left the inn to his grandson, Thadeus Candleglow.[9] Thadeus was proud, that his inn once had, though perhaps not the greatest quantity, the highest quality of salted, dried, fresh, and butchered meats in town.[10]

Ruddy Top ButcherRuddy Top Butchers is located near the Candleglow Inn.[11]

Broad Barn The Broad Barn is located on the western edge of town, selling farming and basic supplies. The name comes from the fact that it once was a barn.[12] The proprietor was an extremely old gentleman with a giant, gnarled tuft of a chin beard that merged with a lion's mane–like halo of white hair with a thin, long, crooked nose.[13]

Broad Barn Inventory
  • Cleaning supplies[14]
  • Thick, heavy pieces of cloth[15]
  • Buckets[16]
  • Burn balm kits[17]
  • Healer's kits[18]
  • Hundred-foot coils of rope[19]
  • Bags of ground herb incense[20]
  • Farming supplies[21]
  • Metal keg taps[22]
  • Insecticide (diluted acute poison; 1 sp/vial)[23]
  • Mishmash of materials for creating acid (12 gp/vial)[24]
  • Incense[25]


  • Jester, after inquiring if the store had pickles, purchased a mason jar containing two pickles from the owner, who had pulled it out of his paper bag lunch. Jester paid 1 copper and Mollymauk paid 2 so that he could share one of the pickles.[26] The jar was later used to collect gnoll ears.[27]
  • Caleb Widogast, wanting to buy about 20 gp worth of incense, had the owner bag anything that could have some semblance of being considered incense into two burlap sacks. Caleb was willing to pay 17 gp for them and proceeded to count out the sum slowly on the counter. Distracted by other customers and with Nott's help, Caleb swindled the shop owner by counting out and paying only 16 gp for the bags.[28]

On the WindOn the Wind Stables is located in the northern part of town. Durmas was the main stablehand.[29]

Salt Trench Jail The Salt Trench Jail is the only prison in the city and the furthest building towards the forest. It is a small weathered shack made out of stone and covered in dark grey colors.[30][31]

Feed & Mead Tavern The Feed and Mead Tavern is managed by Crute. The tavern has two[32] or three[33] rooms for rent upstairs; one of them had four twin-sized beds tightly jammed in the room. It is not the most comfortable establishment.

Menu: For the cost of three silver pieces, Feed and Mead offered a top-shelf drink in a deep green, corked, glass bottle. Poured into a shot glass, the liquid was a deep sea-teal green. When drunk, it had a smoky, oak barrel flavor on the tongue, though this was quickly followed by an herbal and charcoal medicinal burning taste.[34]



Alfield is a small rural town with a population of 3,410 as of 835 PD, most of which are humans (61%), halflings (22%), and gnomes (11%).[2]

Notable People[]

Name Type Description
Watchmaster Bryce Feelid NPC The half-elf Watchmaster of Alfield.[35]
Crute NPC Ornery dwarf owner of the Feed and Mead inn.[36]
Durmas NPC A dragonborn and main stablehand of the On the Wind Stables.[37]
Starosta Kosh NPC The gnome Starosta of Alfield.[38]
Reggie NPC A local guard.[39]
Thadeus Candleglow NPC Owner of the Candleglow Inn.[40]


The Crownsguards' attention in the city is mostly split between policing the borders and watching over public safety. The lack of support from the Empire and the relatively small Crownsguard presence opened up opportunities for charlatans and thieves who often swept through town in an attempt to relieve the townsfolk of any loose coin. It also provided the opportunity for the Myriad's rise to power in Alfield.[2]


The Broad Barn was once a barn, though poor crops led to the farmers who owned it giving up farming and selling the tools they didn't need. As that happened, the farmers saw that they made more money that year from their tool sale than from the crops, so they started importing more tools and converted the barn into a general store, which has been serving this part of town since 805 P.D.[41] Due to the store's success, the town eventually grew in to fill the gap between it and the town proper.[42]

Gnoll Attack and Response[]

When a Crownsguard patrol reported seeing a small hunting party of gnolls to the south, Watchmaster Bryce Feelid sent out a troop of more than half of the town's guards to find and slay them. This decision left the town vulnerable when a large force of gnolls struck two hours later.

"The Open Road" (2x05)[]

Alfield 5

Game map of a burning Alfield

When the party that would soon be called the Mighty Nein approached Alfield at night from the south, about half a mile out they noticed several flashes of orange light and the curl of flames spreading from rooftop to rooftop. They saw a handful of buildings on the eastern side of the village that had already been consumed by flame. Quickly making their way closer to within a few hundred feet of the western side of the village, they saw a few hundred people running out of town into the fields. Among them were a family of five halflings.

Reaching the Alfield's central square, the party engaged the gnolls in battle. A brief battle ensued but ended when two of the party members were knocked unconscious, leading to the gnolls escaping in an east-northeasterly direction along with three carts full of various loot, corpses of the villagers they had slain, captives, and almost all of the village's meat supply. As the villagers began to emerge from their homes, the party helped put out fires and collected ears from the dead gnolls.

In appreciation for their help in fighting the gnolls, the Crownsguard and Watchmaster Bryce lodged the Mighty Nein in the Feed and Mead Tavern, and they would have continued paying for their stay as long as they continued helping deal with the aftermath of the gnoll attack. The party was lodged in one of the rooms that had four twin-sized beds tightly jammed in the room.

"The Howling Mines" (2x06)[]

The party woke up after a somewhat less than comfortable night's sleep in their single room at the Feed and Mead Tavern before going out into the town and helping to sift through the rubble.

At the Broad Barn, the party found Watchmaster Bryce involved in an argument with Starosta Kosh (whom Jester happened to recognize as a former client of her mother's). As they approached, Kosh stormed out, and Bryce greeted them with an offer of further work: 30 gold per gnoll ear, 25 for a returned living villager, and 10 gold for a dead citizen's body. The party purchased some supplies at the Broad Barn, then convinced a crownsguard under the effects of Mollymauk Tealeaf's Charm Person spell to loan them a horse to use during their mercenary mission.[43]

"The Gates of Zadash" (2x08)[]

After coming back from the Rill's Mouth Mines, the party rented additional rooms for the night. The next day, before leaving town, the party collected payment for their gnoll ears from Bryce. When asked again for their party name, they settled on The Mighty Nein, marking its first use as the party's name.[44]



  • Ruben: The town's former lawmaster.
  • A village straggler: A hundred feet outside the village, while people were running out of town, a young human man with scrappy, tattered, brown hair and a bit of blood dripping down his face took an arrow in the back from a gnoll archer. Another gnoll then proceeded to leap onto his back and bite and tear out a chunk of flesh from his shoulder before dragging the corpse back two hundred feet into the depths of the burning village.
  • Leiman: A regular patron of the Candleglow Inn, all that remained of him within the ruins of the inn was a charred and crushed skeleton.
  • Crownsguard Soldiers:
    • A guard had been hunkered down behind a wall with Watchmaster Bryce Feelid. They wielded a crossbow and had been exchanging volleys with the gnolls during the attack. They were killed when they took an arrow to the back of the head.
    • A guard taken by the gnolls, bound, and fed as a sacrifice to the manticore by the Yeenoghu priest.


  • Herma and Jules: This human mother-and-child pair were taken to the Rill's Mouth Mines and kept in cells within the Y-intersection. Jules sustained a mortal injury from a hyena's bite to the clavicle and chest. As he was at the cusp of bleeding out, Jester stabilized him and reunited him with his mother, with whom he traveled back to Alfield.
  • Petrov: He only intended to pass through town, bringing some of his armor wares up to Zadash. His group was waylaid on the road to Alfield, as the gnolls made their way to the town. Looking disheveled, he had suffered a large claw gash around his midsection that was possibly infected.[45]
  • Two civilians who were tied up in the manticore's lair.
  • Seven civilians who were rescued by Shakäste.

Property Damage The Candleglow Inn was ransacked and burned down. Due to the cost to rebuild it, estimated in thousands of gold pieces, Thadeus initially expected to leave Alfield to start his life over someplace else.[46]

The Ruddy Top Butcher building was still standing after the gnoll raid, but it had taken quite a bit of fire damage, resulting in its roof collapsing down into the floor below. The gnolls seemed to specifically target this building and took its entire stock of meat during the attack.[47]

The On the Wind Stables sustained fire damage.

Preparation for demon incursion This raid was just a way to test the town's defenses for the full-scale offensive actions. The gnolls sacrificed the townsfolk captured during their raid to open a portal to the Abyss, letting demons loyal to Yeenoghu invade the Material Plane.[2]

"Beyond the Boundaries" (2x32)[]

About two-and-a-half months after the gnoll attack, the party returned to Alfield on its way south to the Wuyun Gates. They discovered, much to their surprise and joy, that Thadeus was well on his way to rebuilding with the help of his neighbors. They drank and ate with Bryce in the Feed and Mead Tavern. While in the tavern they were recognized by the other patrons as the saviors of Alfield, and were given free drinks. After they discussed the war and their journey to the Menagerie Coast, they decided to stay the night in the tavern.

"Homeward Bound" (2x48)[]

The Mighty Nein visited Alfield a final time on their way from Nicodranas to Felderwin. In addition to the normal Crownsguard presence, about one hundred Righteous Brand soldiers were stationed in Alfield. The party checked in with Bryce Feelid, who told them about the attack on Felderwin. Bryce believed Felderwin was targeted because it supplies a lot of food to the Empire.[48]

"A Game of Names" (2x49)[]

Fjord urged Nott to get Luc somewhere safer, and after discussion, Jester used Sending to ask Bryce in Alfield if Edith and Luc could come there. Bryce agreed. Jester visited Edith, introducing herself as a friend of Veth, and told her Veth wanted Edith to take Luc to Alfield. Edith agreed. The party hired some friends of a townsguard named Geoff's to escort them.

After Campaign Two[]

One month before the apogee solstice of 843 PD, when Luc ran away from home, Kingsley Tealeaf helped his parents track him down, finding him in Alfield.[49]



  1. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:25:00.  In 835 PD, Thadeus Candleglow stated that his grandfather bequeathed the Candleglow Inn to him twenty years prior.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 See Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, p. 78.
  3. See "Beyond the Boundaries" (2x32) at 0:34:30.
  4. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:40:46.
  5. See "The Open Road" (2x05).
  6. See "The Open Road" (2x05) at 1:17:21.
  7. See "The Open Road" (2x05) at 1:12:51.
  8. See "The Open Road" (2x05) from 1:18:11 through 1:19:17.
  9. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:24:28 through 0:25:26.
  10. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:27:41.
  11. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:30:46.
  12. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:37:07 through 0:37:43.
  13. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:57:20.
  14. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:37:07 through 0:37:43.
  15. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:37:07 through 0:37:43.
  16. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:37:07 through 0:37:43.
  17. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:57:20.
  18. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 1:06:06.
  19. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:37:07 through 0:37:43.
  20. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 1:01:13.
  21. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:31:10.
  22. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 1:02:34 through 1:03:41.
  23. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 1:02:34 through 1:03:41.
  24. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 1:05:26.
  25. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:59:50 through 1:03:02.
  26. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:58:26 through 0:59:36.
  27. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 2:05:18.
  28. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:59:50 through 1:03:02.
  29. See "The Gates of Zadash" (2x08) at 1:07:42.
  30. See "The Gates of Zadash" (2x08) at 0:59:34.
  31. See "Beyond the Boundaries" (2x32) at 0:28:24.
  32. See "The Open Road" (2x05) at 3:26:10.
  33. See "The Gates of Zadash" (2x08) at 0:39:34.
  34. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 3:27:22 through 3:28:38.
  35. See "The Open Road" (2x05) at 3:15:21.
  36. See "The Open Road" (2x05) at 3:25:47.
  37. See "The Gates of Zadash" (2x08) at 1:07:42.
  38. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:40:46.
  39. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 1:15:10.
  40. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:24:28 through 0:25:26.
  41. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:31:39.
  42. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:37:07 through 0:37:43.
  43. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 1:15:50.
  44. See "The Gates of Zadash" (2x08) at 1:03:30.
  45. See "Hush" (2x07) at 59:31.  He is named at 1:08:14
  46. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) from 0:25:58 through 0:26:26.
  47. See "The Howling Mines" (2x06) at 0:30:46.
  48. See "Homeward Bound" (2x48) at 3:03:32.
  49. See "The Mighty Nein Reunion: Echoes of the Solstice" (Sx79) at 1:19:34.


  1. Fan art of Alfield, by Mathi Blodnatt (source). Used with permission.
  2. Official map of Alfield and surrounding areas, by Deven Rue from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. This page contains unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
  3. Official map of Alfield and the surrounding regions (cropped), by Deven Rue (source). This file is a copyrighted work. Its use in this article is asserted to qualify as fair use of the material under United States copyright law.