British Airways Avios Calculator | Reward Flight Finder

British Airways Avios Calculator

Want to know how many Avios points you need for British Airways flight destinations? Use our handy Avios Calculator

Got Avios Points?

Use are BA Avios calculator

How many Avios Do i need ?

Uncover the right amount for your dream trip!

Where to?

Choose the British Airways route and
calculate the Avios Points

A year’s availability in
1 search

We'll show you all reward seats in all cabin classes up to 355 days ahead

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Our Worldwide Map shows you all available destinations and Avios points required

A year’s availability in 1 search

Simply enter your preferred departing and destination airports, cabin class, and number of passengers.

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Enter your details and we'll show you where you can go with our interactive Worldwide Map Tool.

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It's quick, easy and reliable

You won't miss out on reward seats ever again! Stay tuned for our Alerts and redeem your points.

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Gold member

Wonderful tool for seeing all availability ahead for a year. Makes it much easier to plan.

Jon Bryant

Silver Member

Well worth the handful of quid a month to get the flights you really want with their Alert service. Have used it multiple times with success!

Suzie Tee

Gold member

We have now booked three holidays using the world search as we know the dates we can fly around school term dates and then it's just a matter of deciding where in the world we fancy going! Brilliant!

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