So, was General Layers actually spying for... — Beneath a... Q&A
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Greta Stromberg I have also questioned this concerning General Layers. He certainly could have learned Pino's code name while supposedly helping the American's after the surrender. I think the burning of all incriminating evidence was part of his plan, an ingenious man, as it left no paper trail for them to follow except things he did the might have seemed supportive of the allies during the war. I see him now very guilty of the atrocities he committed upon the people of Italy. Being a family man and seeming to love his children and his identifying Pino with his nephew and even his son, softened him now and then. That he escaped being tried and convicted at the Nuremberg trials is a great injustice to those who suffered and died under his commands.
Mary F For more information on recent developments that definitively establish it is fair to categorize the book as a literary fraud and hoax, start with comments in Philip's top default review, the recent comments to Mike Lella's answer to ''Is Pino still living...'' question in the Q&A section on the book page, as well as my review and discussion comments at

Most recent developments:

Report issued to establish author knew in 2009 that he was miscasting Leyers:

Article written by Franco Isman, who lived at Cases Alpina from Sep-Oct 1943 through April 1945, says the Lellas were not there *and* just recently discovered that a picture of him from a 2003 article of his about the experience was misappropriated by someone and used by the author of the book in his book presentations, falsely captioned as "Mimmo Lella, spring 1944, Casa Alpina".

Archived versions of Franco's 2003 and 2008 articles in which you will see the picture (English version in the works, for those without browsers that will do a half-way decent job of auto-translation):

Archived version of Franco's article from 2008, in which you can also see the picture (English version in the works):

Image for Beneath a Scarlet Sky
by Mark T. Sullivan (Goodreads Author)
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