BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HOUSE (Beaconsfield, Inglaterra) - opiniones y comentarios - alojamiento - Tripadvisor

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N.º 2 de 2 establecimientos de servicio limitado en Beaconsfield
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78A Gregories Road, Beaconsfield HP9 1HL Inglaterra
Buckinghamshire House
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Internet gratis
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Estacionamiento gratis
Hotel para no fumadores
Internet de alta velocidad gratuito (WiFi)
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Internet gratis
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Desayuno bufet
5.0 de 5 estrellas5 estrellas
1.0 de 5 estrellas1 estrella
No hay calificaciones disponibles
3.0 de 5 estrellas3 estrellas
A 19.3 km de Aeropuerto de Heathrow
A 1.4 km de Bekonscot Model Village
A 19.3 km de Aeropuerto de Heathrow
A 1.4 km de Bekonscot Model Village
A 19.4 km de Aeropuerto de Heathrow
A 1.2 km de Bekonscot Model Village
High Wycombe
A 22.5 km de Aeropuerto de Heathrow
A 3.5 km de Bekonscot Model Village
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Leeserf escribió una opinión (nov 2019)
Shrewsbury, Reino Unido20 aportes24 votos útiles
My husband and I were due to stay at Buckinghamshire House the night before heading out on holiday from Heathrow. We had booked it months in advance. Payment for the room was due early Oct with us staying early Nov. We paid on time and received an email confirming so from Booking.com, and then about 5 days before we were due to stay, Booking.com emailed us to say B.H wanted to cancel our room because we hadn't paid! We challenged this with Booking.com, who could see we had paid and we also tried calling B.H directly. We either got a phone that rang and rang with no answer, and then on two separate occasions we did get to speak to someone at the hotel, they then never got back to us after supposedly looking into the problem. Very frustrating and concerning so close to our trip. We reached our limit after a lady at BH put the phone down on my husband and wouldn't talk through anything with him. Booking.com looked into it further and were then supposedly told by BH our room wasn't available due to a cable problem! Got refunded by B.Com and compensation £20 voucher towards a replacement room Felt this was really bad service on behalf of the hotel. It looked so nice from the photos, but would not rebook or recommend based on our experience.
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Fecha de la estadía: noviembre de 2019
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
1 voto útil
Odradek25 escribió una opinión (oct 2019)
Avilés, España503 aportes219 votos útiles
Qualities: Quiet, well-heated room Defects: The bathroom did not correspond to the one shown in internet pictures. The shower was narrow and uncomfortable. The dotation of bath gel and soap was too scant.
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Fecha de la estadía: octubre de 2019
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HOUSE (Beaconsfield, Inglaterra) - opiniones y comentarios - alojamiento - Tripadvisor

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Buckinghamshire House
¿Qué atracciones populares están cerca de Buckinghamshire House?
Algunas atracciones cercanas son Bekonscot Model Village (0.7 km), The Taps (0.5 km) y The Home of G. K. Chesterton (1.1 km).
¿Qué restaurantes hay cerca de Buckinghamshire House?
Algunos restaurantes bien ubicados son Prime Steak & Grill, The Cape y China Diner.
¿Está Buckinghamshire House ubicado cerca del centro de la ciudad?
Sí, está a 0.3 km del centro de Beaconsfield.
¿Hay sitios históricos cerca de Buckinghamshire House?
Muchos viajeros disfrutan de visitar Milton's Cottage (6.0 km), The Home of G. K. Chesterton (1.1 km) y Jordans and the Mayflower Barn (4.0 km).