What is the theme or message of the poem The road not taken?
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What is the theme or message of the poem The road not taken?

Last updated date: 29th May 2024
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Hint: The poem ‘Road not taken’ is a poem in which the narrator describes a journey through the woods where he comes across two roads and had to choose one to continue travelling. The meaning of the poem is interpreted differently by different readers as claimed by the poet himself.

Complete answer:
The Road not taken describes the situation of a person in his life where he finds it difficult to make decisions between what is right and what is wrong. It deals with the complexities of life and how its ways never fall into the right place initially.

The main theme of the poem is making the right decisions at the right time. It offers a profound perception of decision making. The traveller comes across a path that was diverging into two and he was in a dilemma regarding which path to choose. This hides a deep meaning behind it. It suggests that sometimes in life, we have to make decisions without the full knowledge and understanding of the state of affairs. But it is also necessary to consider all the available options and make an appropriate choice.

The choice at the crucial moment determines and changes the path of our lives. Hence, the poem focuses on a deep analysis of the situation before we arrive at a decision.

- The poet of this poem is Robert Frost. He was born in 1874 in the United States.
- He was one among those who were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.
- The main theme of the poem is the dilemma that people face while making a choice between two or more things. The poet described the same in the poem when the traveller had to choose one road out of the two that were in front of him. The decisions that The Road Not Taken are taken always have a life-changing effect on the people.