The Meaning Behind The Song: Para Vivirla by Alvaro Soler - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Para Vivirla by Alvaro Soler


The Meaning Behind The Song: Para Vivirla by Alvaro Soler

In this article, we will delve into the meaning behind the song “Para Vivirla” by Alvaro Soler. We will analyze the lyrics, provide some background information, and share personal experiences with this empowering anthem.

Song Information

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Para Vivirla Alvaro Soler Alvaro Soler, Liam Dowell, RAPHI (UK) Unknown July 28, 2023 Rock Alvaro Soler, Eljay (Producer)

Meaning and Message

The song “Para Vivirla” is about living life on your own terms, disregarding the opinions and judgments of others. It is an anthem that encourages listeners to follow their dreams and embrace their individuality. The lyrics convey a sense of empowerment and a reminder that we only have one life to live.

The song starts with the lines “Para vivirla y solo a mi manera-era-eh, Para vivirla y suelta la correa-ea-eh”, which can be translated as “To live it and only in my own way-yeah, To live it and let go of the leash-yeah”. These lines set the tone for the entire song, emphasizing the importance of freedom and self-expression.

In the verses, Alvaro Soler acknowledges that he may be a bit different from others, but he embraces his uniqueness. He describes himself as someone who moves at a fast pace and has a touch of craziness. The lyrics “Soy San Juan y fin de año a la vez, Hago lo que quiero yo” can be interpreted as him being the celebration of both the present moment and the anticipation of the future.

The pre-chorus reinforces the idea of not allowing others to hinder our dreams. Soler sings “No te metas en mis sueños, Porque me alimentas más, No me digas que no puedo, Oye, mira que la vida está”, which translates to “Don’t meddle in my dreams, Because you only fuel me more, Don’t tell me I can’t, Listen, life is happening”. These lines serve as a reminder that outside opinions should not hold us back from pursuing what truly makes us happy.

The chorus repeats the title phrase “Para vivirla y solo a mi manera-era-eh, Para vivirla y suelta la correa-ea-eh”. This repetition puts emphasis on the central theme of living life authentically and freely. It serves as a rallying cry for listeners to break free from societal expectations and live life according to their own terms.

In the bridge, Soler again reinforces the idea of protecting our dreams and not letting others dampen our spirits. The lines “No le tires leña al fuego, Oye, mira que la vida está” remind us not to throw gasoline on the fire, meaning that we should not add negativity or doubt to our own aspirations.

Personal Experience

Listening to “Para Vivirla” always fills me with a sense of empowerment and reminds me of the importance of living life authentically. The energetic beat and uplifting lyrics serve as a constant reminder to be true to myself and pursue my dreams without hesitations.

There have been times in my life when I have doubted my choices or felt pressured to conform to societal expectations. However, this song resonates with me deeply, encouraging me to stay true to my passions and not let anyone else dictate the path I should follow.

The lyrics “No te metas en mis sueños” (Don’t meddle in my dreams) and “No me digas que no puedo” (Don’t tell me I can’t) are particularly meaningful to me. They remind me to be resilient in the face of adversity and to never give up on my ambitions, regardless of what others may say.

Alvaro Soler’s energetic performance and the powerful message behind “Para Vivirla” make it a song that I often turn to for motivation and inspiration. It serves as a reminder that life is too short to live it according to other people’s expectations. Instead, I should embrace my individuality and pursue my dreams fearlessly.

In Conclusion

“Para Vivirla” by Alvaro Soler is a powerful anthem that encourages listeners to live life authentically, disregarding the opinions of others. Its uplifting lyrics and energetic beat make it a go-to song for motivation and inspiration. Remember, we only have one life to live, so why not live it on our own terms?

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