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Your best adventuring party names


Hello all my group has been deliberating on a party name for a while now and I want to get some inspiration from you lot. Also I thought it’d be fun

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We called ourselves Moolish Fortals, after the DM slipped up and called us that during a villain's monologue.

Haha my players called themselves the Thieves of Glovery after one of them kept saying that instead of Gloves of Thievery. When they got themselves a castle I jokingly called it the Hold of Bagging.

u/TheAnagram_ avatar

take my upvote, that shit was hilarious.

This is fantastic and I might steal it. Our group called our selves the F.O.O.L.S, in our Icewind Dale game. It stood for something, I'm sure, but I can't quite remember what.

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Early on, our group acquired a sentient sword that turned out to be a baby mimic. We named it Tower after the tarot card, and it became the group's mascot. Eventually, we became known as the Tower Rangers.

u/Mikelace1 avatar

We go by Adventurers anonymous, my weekly AA meeting


Guardians of the Dragon Vault (From the Dungeon of the Mad Mage, and after Dragon Heist)

War Dogs of Karameikos (tasked by the War Goddess Vanya with the recovery of the Nithian Sacrements of Evil, which the Cult of Chaos needed to rewrite Vecna's Book of Vile Darkness)

Keepers of the Silver Coin (owners of a tavern and shrine to the Moon Goddess Selune)

Knights of Bloodstone nee Knights of Damara aka The Platinum Knights (Our group that fought and won the legendary Bloodstone Wars against the Witch King Zhenghi of the Vaasan Wastelands).

Black Blades of Darkhold (an all Zhentarim Group for the Adventurer's League organized play)

u/bumpercarbustier avatar

We're playing CoS, started with Death House. Our artificer owns the deed and jokes that she's going to fix it up to turn a profit, a haunted B&B. We'll all work there or something, this was many sessions ago.

We haven't made it our canon yet but we really enjoy being called The Dread and Breakfast Club.

My groups name is Dirty Business - it has nothing to do with laundry.

Dungeon Reclamation And Gold Obtainment Network.

Need a job done? Call a D.R.A.G.O.N.

'The Unusual Solutions'

Our name really captured the parties' antics and tactics.


The favorite party I was ever in was called "Collateral Damage." And oh man did we live up to that name. NPCs did not hire us for subtle.

After a few levels of stumbling ass backwards through our adventure, a player wanted to swap characters. They wanted someone more "Joan of Arc"-ish, and portrayed her as someone 'auditioning' for our group, because she heard about our exploits in quests the local powers that be weren't willing to tackle.

My eternally smiling Cleric was the face of the group, and while 'interviewing' her, I sensed her plucky, good-girl energy, and said:

"Now I must warn you, we are less arbiters of Law and Justice than we are... the Natural Disasters the world uses to 'balance itself out'."

I can still perfectly hear our DM smirking and saying "YEAH you are", while the rest of my squad was screaming "Trademark! Trademark!"

Thus, 'The Natural Disasters (It's a Double Entendre)' were born.

u/Semako avatar

Night's Light. Well, we are the ones who will bring back the daylight to Icewind Dale... :D

u/Treemonkey75 avatar

The Face Punchers

Trebbin’s Troublebusters

The Goodly Trio (a party of five, non-founders wore +1 tabards)

The Pao Turbo Experience (Starfinder)

Sentient Ooze Survival Squad (or the S.O.S Squad) for our repeated encounters with various ooze and plasma based enemies.

u/xthrowawayxy avatar

In my experience, at least half the time the NPCs of the world name your group. Often that name sticks.

u/azraelswift avatar

We call ourselved “Tosco” or “Tosco and Co” becuase our babrbarian named Tosco got mixed up and though that in the paper of registry of the adventurers guild where it said “name” he was supposed to sign instead of writing the party’s name down.

u/likesleague avatar

When making room reservations we often list our group as ridiculous stuff like "dry paint appreciation" or "quantum mechanical bible study"

For actual group names, I think the best ones relate to the campaign. One group wanted to pay homage to an ancient group of guardians called the Windriders, so they named themselves the Stormridden.

But I've also had such highlights as The Chucklefuck Scumbags for Good, so take your pick.

The best group name I’ve been in was “The Rainbow [Redacted],” for a party of all-queer players and their all-queer characters. ([Redacted] was in the name.)

The best group I’ve been in is “the Crew of The Enduring Hope,” named after our lovely airship.

My group of monks entered Dick's Halfway Inn, which had a hidden area that led to an underground fight club. They went by the name "the Flying Fists." Once they realized that the Flying Fists had entered Dick's Halfway Inn, the table burst out laughing.

Currently in a group of adventures that calls themselves "corpse wagon" it started since a few of us were unconscious at level one and not being able to heal the player characters awake we were carrying them around on a Tensors Floating Disc, since there's no healing within the party. The wizard who cast it is ink themed so we where carting around 2 "corpses" on a black disc through Waterdeep and now it's just custom to "let em sleep it off" whenever a player goes down Lol.


The Alternative Solution Squad, or A.S.S. for short.

Our group has overall been fairly benevolent, kind people but we're consistently the back-up plan to fix someone's screw up so it seemed fitting.

LaVerre Investigations was a good one - named after the party Rogue, Ace LaVerre.

Eyes of the Storm was another one. We were a Half-Orc Gruumsh Paladin, a Tempest Cleric, a homebrew Martial Sorc who focused on thunder damage, and a gambling rogue/div wizard.

After a solid 4 encounters with different cults we started calling ourselves the cult clappers, and now my goblin fighter just accepts that all organized religion is just a cult and not really trustworthy.

Our party was named by a very quirky (read: irritating) faerie dragon who called us “Captain trauma and the murder squad”, and when the Cyre noble who lost his whole family in the Mourning objected changed it to “Lil’ green and the funky bunch” which the Dhakaani goblin assassin LOVED so it stuck.

"The justice train", they usually yell "tchoo tchoo" on first rounds of combat and have developed a saying:" the justice train has no breaks"...

That's because: 1- no combat ever ends on sureender 2- you're getting "justice" regardless of desiring or even accepting it

J.E.V.A & Bilberry Stood for the characters first names: Jill, Elendril, Vova, Afwan (& Bilberry), my characters name was Jeva. 😁 The only ones voting for it were me and Bilberry, so we ended up not taking it, but I was still really proud of it. 😂

Chaos Cowboys Crab Team 6. Which includes 5 members and a suffocated troll bound up in a portable hole. They call him Iggy.

Felix Culpa


Without knowing what happened to them it´s hard to come up with something clever.

From all you gave us I would say "The Indecicive"

u/Dracon_Pyrothayan avatar

I have only been a player in one Named group, and that was TGWDTDTFUTOT Those Guys What Did That Thing For Us That One Time.

The name was obviously a joke by our Wild-Magic Sorcerer, but no one else had another idea so it stuck.

u/Dracon_Pyrothayan avatar

Pronounced "Tig wo-Dit-id-fu-Dot, incidentally

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u/Snowcatsnek avatar

SKAG - Shovel Knights Adventurers Guild. Both a reference to Borderlands and, well, Shovel Knight.

How we got that name is kinda trivial though...

We also have a subdivision called SKAM - Shovel Knights Adventurer Munchkins - which are Adventurers in Training.

Bag of tricks

I tend to refer to my Icewind Dale party as 'The Consequence Avoiders"

Lost Mines of Phandelver group : The Rat Pack(they got together killing giant rats in an attic for Gundren)

Dragon of Icespire Peak group: The Beefy Boiz(it's a Firbolg, Goliath, and Centaur. Funnily enough, only one male in the group.)

u/gfzgfx avatar

Calamity's Children (we were trying to avert the apocalypse)

u/Skippius avatar

Brass Brassieres!!!

It is always said very enthusiastically/intensely so the exclamation points are practically part of the group name.

It all started because we needed a brass brazier to reanimate a skeletal owl familiar (Curse of Strahd so the owl familiar when summoned initially was undead) but the group kept saying it wrong until it stuck and now it's our group name and rallying/battle cry.

u/Longjumping_Tip_1542 avatar

I currently run for several groups... Two of those are named - The Noctua my Wildemount chaotic good group and The Nobodies, a heist group set in the capital of my homebrew world, Ordalan.

I'm currently in 2 campaigns.

The A-Team (my characters name is Acostigan)

The UnderWHERE Crew (Out of the Abyss campaign)

One group is Half-Orphs, because half of us have parents and the other half are orphans. It gives us a chuckle.

So because of one pc being a Duergar and the other being a former drow slave, in a party of 7 we’re known as the broken chains. It sucks but oh well, I wasn’t there that session.

My party was a bunch of followers of Torm so we called ourselves "The Righteous Hands"

u/drtisk avatar

Scimitar Salesmen.

I tried prompting the players for a party name but they couldn't come up with anything. So after they cleared a goblin fort and brought back more than 20 scimitars which they sold to the blacksmith and became rich, the NPCs started calling them the Scimirar Salesmen


On our second session of a homebrew campaign I'm DMing the chief of a town the party had just saved asked what they were collectively known as. The bugbear barbarian shouted "Threesome!", the dwarf cleric immediately shut this down, the Viking styled human fighter rubbed some of his blue war paint from his face, smudged it into his tooth and shouted "Blue-tooth!"

OOC he had looked around the room and saw the Bluetooth speaker I was using for background music, and henceforth The Misadventures of Bluetooth were born.

They now call themselves the Fate Reavers, because they have been eating the pieces of a near omniscient worm called the Fate Eater which essentially gives them Divination.

u/Allak_Illustyn avatar

I had a party in a game I was running led by an Avorial elf and they called themselves The Righteous Wingers. I hated that party. Needless to say, TPK. 😁

One of the group's I DM for called their all Bard party band "The Dirty 20's" Based off their first rolls of the game and their characters all being traveling roadies straight out of college

u/ReasonableRole9239 avatar

Twice baked potatoes


Our first session, the rogue shot and downed the wizard, then when he got back up our Druid hit the wizard, downing him again. We go by friendly fire.


I’m pretty sure I would be banned from Reddit if I actually said it…

IRL humour isn’t exactly the same as Internet humour, after all.

That’s the answer and I’m not elaborating any further.

My adventuring party is named sludgy balls 😎

PIE People Investing EVIL

u/Hamsterchief avatar

Running a pirate campaign and the PC captain from a previous campaign is named Inge. After some roughhousing and making a name for themselves the party chose to become Inge’s Angels

Brakjek Brigade

u/Independent-Level-42 avatar

The group I dm for calls themselves the freak show

u/ChungusMcGoodboy avatar

The Aristocrats!

u/LunaSoleste avatar

My party got named Bloody Stream after the bard started a random show and the DM had an NPC ask us what our circus was called. So we became the Bloody Stream and performed once a month.

The Blue Man Group. My players usually find names about halfway through their campaigns, but they did Curse of Strahd, and no one communicated except to me what they were gonna be or what class, and not only did we get double rogues, wizards, bards, tieflings, but everyone either had blue skin or wore blue. (I had a DMnpc that was a secret Annis hagspawn so he also contributed to the blue theme but this wasn't discovered by the players until quite a bit of in-game time had passed since meeting him) And so they had a name almost immediately.

I came up with the name Quiscalus Noctus for our group. Quiscalus comes from the scientific name for a grackle, and noctus being the Latin word for night.

I haven't played D&D tabletop for more than a few sessions at a time yet, but I came up with The Free Souls for the Baldur's Gate 3 Party.

Basically, they all are shackled to some kind of oppressive power. The idea is that they, will free themselves of the shackles that have been thrown onto them or they have unwittingly allowed themselves to be put in. And that's not even referring to the Tadpoles in their heads. Though since that aspect of their existence is the reason why the Cult of The Absolute calls them True Souls is where I got the idea for last word in the name.

It's not a fantastic name, but I think it's one of those simple things that can make you feel good or inspired. My head canon for a good ending (haven't beaten the game yet) is they go on to help others become free, whether from external oppression from a third party, or internal oppression.

The Finders Keepers: An Icewind Dale group of kleptomaniacs and oddballs.

A group of (currently) a human fighter, a half-orc warlock, a human wizard, a drow rogue, and an elven druid (I never caught their subrace).