The Rise of the Rest | New Book by Steve Case
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THE LATEST BOOK The Rise of the Rest

How Entrepreneurs in Surprising Places are Building the New American Dream

About the Rise of the Rest

In the Rise of the Rest: How Entrepreneurs in Surprising Places are Building the New American Dream, Case takes readers on an exhilarating journey into the startup communities that are transforming cities nationwide. Along the way, Case introduces readers to dozens of entrepreneurs whose inspirational stories of struggle and achievement match the most iconic examples of American invention. Rise of the Rest’s signature road trips, on a big red tour bus, have created significant local and national buzz and spotlighted communities large and small that have committed to a new tech-enabled future.

  • “I’ve spent my life telling stories about America, and the role of pioneers cannot be overestimated.  A new chapter in America’s story is now being written in cities all across the nation, as a new generation of innovators build new companies and help rebuild communities.  Steve’s book tells those riveting stories, and gives us hope for America’s future.”

    Ken Burns Award-winning documentary filmmaker and CEO of Florentine Films
  • “Rise of the Rest is a vivid and eye-opening look at the surprising acts of innovation and reinvention that are often left out of the media’s spotlight. Steve Case captures the incredible stories of entrepreneurs from all walks of life who are redefining the American dream.”

    Tory Burch Executive Chairman and Chief Creative Officer, Tory Burch LLC; Founder, Tory Burch Foundation
  • “In Rise of the Rest, Steve Case takes us behind the scenes in cities across the country, where a new generation of innovative companies are being born and thriving. Through his up-close stories of startup founders, investors, policymakers, and business leaders, Case unveils a vision of a more inclusive America, where Silicon Valley no longer has a monopoly on innovation.”

    Ray Dalio Founder of Bridgewater Associates
  • “Steve Case played a pivotal role in getting America online, but his efforts over the last decade to create opportunity for more people in more places will be his most important legacy.  I’ve seen firsthand the power of Rise of the Rest to empower entrepreneurs, revitalize communities and bring people together. This captivating book will give you hope for the future of America."

    José Andrés Chef and Founder of World Central Kitchen
  • “Steve Case, one of America’s most successful entrepreneurs, has spent much of the past decade supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs, in dozens of cities all across the country.  Rise of the Rest is a must read, as it provides a hopeful and optimistic view of America’s future.”

    David Rubenstein Co-Founder of the Carlyle Group
  • “Although I represent Silicon Valley in the U.S. Congress, I’ve long believed that we need to democratize innovation so we are creating tech jobs in dozens of cities, not just a few.   Nobody in America has been a more visible and tireless advocate for this than Steve Case, and Rise of the Rest illustrates an exciting and optimistic path forward for a more inclusive and united America.”

    Ro Khanna Member of Congress from Silicon Valley
About The Author Steve Case

About the Author

One of America’s most successful entrepreneurs and executives, best known as co-founder of America Online and CEO of Revolution LLC, Steve Case has a passion for building startups that can change the world.


Steve’s Books

About The Third Wave

In The Third Wave, Steve Case takes us behind the scenes to some of the most consequential and riveting business decisions of our time, and predicts that we’re at the dawn of the next technological revolution unlike anything we’ve seen before—the Third Wave of the internet— that will transform the economy and the way we live our lives.

  • “In the Third Wave, Steve Case has drafted a compelling roadmap for the future – one that can help us make sense of the technological changes reshaping our economy and the world. A fascinating read.”

    Sheryl Sandberg Facebook COO and founder of LeanIn.Org
  • “The Third Wave is essential reading for leaders in business and government, as well as for anybody trying to make sense of our rapidly changing world. I’ve worked with Steve for two decades, and I've always been impressed with his intellect and captivated by his insights. If you read this book, you will be, too.”

    General Colin Powell Former Secretary of State (and former AOL board member)
  • “Steve Case made history when he created America Online and introduced the Internet to the world. Steve's startup story is captivating, and chock full of important insights and lessons. But this is not a book about the past, its a bold and compelling vision for what’s coming next. The Third Wave is required reading for every entrepreneur.”

    Brad Feld Co-founder, TechStars and Foundry Group, author of Startup Life
  • "We are at the beginning of the next industrial revolution where the combination of software and industrial machines is building the foundation for a new wave of innovation. With clarity and passion, Steve provides a manifesto for the future of innovation and entrepreneurship. It's a must read from a visionary leader for entrepreneurs, corporate executives and anyone trying to succeed during the Third Wave."

    Jeff Immelt Chairman and CEO, GE
  • “A true visionary, Steve Case understood years ago the tectonic shifts that were to occur in society, fueled by technology and acted with purpose and passion. Case’s book, The Third Wave, clarifies for leaders the decisions necessary to thrive in a future increasingly disrupted by accelerating knowledge-creation and sharing.”

    Alvin and Heidi Toffler Authors of the original ‘The Third Wave’
  • "The Third Wave is an indispensable book for understanding the history of the Internet and preparing for what's next. Entrepreneurs looking to build truly transformational businesses should listen closely to Steve Case's insightful advice."

    Brian Chesky Co-founder and CEO, Airbnb
  • “An extraordinarily frank and incisive book from an extraordinary business leader. All budding entrepreneurs, and all who care about the future, should read The Third Wave and heed the lessons as well as the insights.”

    David Rubenstein Co-Founder of the Carlyle Group
  • “I've been waiting to read Steve's story and I wasn't disappointed. His business career is straight out of Horatio Alger and carries important lessons for all entrepreneurs.”

    Warren Buffett CEO, Berkshire Hathaway


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