The Meaning Behind The Song: Mon amie la rose by Françoise Hardy - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Mon amie la rose by Françoise Hardy


The Meaning Behind The Song: Mon amie la rose by Françoise Hardy


As a digital nomad who loves to explore different cultures and immerse myself in the local music scene, I have come across many songs that have resonated with me. One such song is “Mon amie la rose” by Françoise Hardy. I first heard this song on a lazy afternoon, while sipping coffee at a charming café in Paris. Its haunting melody and poetic lyrics instantly captivated my soul, prompting me to delve deeper into its meaning and significance.

The Lyrics

On est bien peu de chose
Et mon amie la rose
Me l´a dit ce matin..
A l´aurore je suis née
Baptisée de rosée
Je me suis épanouie
Heureuse et amoureuse
Aux rayons du soleil
Me suis fermée la nuit
Me suis réveillée vieille

Pourtant j´étais très belle
Oui j´étais la plus belle
Des fleurs de ton jardin

On est bien peu de chose
Et mon amie la rose
Me l´a dit ce matin
Vois le Dieu qui m´a faite
Me fait courber la tête
Et je sens que je tombe
Et je sens que je tombe
Mon cœur est presque nu
J´ai le pied dans la tombe
Déjà, je ne suis plus

Tu m´admirais hier
Et je serai poussière
Pour toujours demain

On est bien peu de chose
Et mon amie la rose
Est morte ce matin
La lune cette nuit
A veillé mon amie
Moi en rêve, j´ai vu
Éblouissante et nue
Son âme qui dansait
Bien au-delà des nues
Et qui me souriait

Crois celui qui peut croire
Moi j´ai besoin d´espoir
Sinon je ne suis rien..

Ou bien si peu de chose
C´est mon amie la rose
Qui l´a dit hier matin

Album title: Mon amie la rose (1964)

Additional Information

“Mon amie la rose” is a song performed by Françoise Hardy on her self-titled album released in 1964. The lyrics were written by Cécile Caulier, with music composed by Cécile Caulier and Jacques Lacombe. This song has since become one of the most well-known and popular in Françoise Hardy’s repertoire.

It is worth noting that there are several versions of this song, including a rendition by Natacha Atlas on her 1999 album “Gedida.” The timeless appeal of “Mon amie la rose” has allowed it to transcend generations and be appreciated by different artists across various genres.

Personal Connection

I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house, where a vinyl record collection adorned the walls. As I perused the albums, my eyes fell upon “Mon amie la rose.” Intrigued, I decided to give it a listen. Little did I know that this serendipitous encounter would leave an indelible mark on my musical journey.

From the very first chords, the ethereal beauty of Françoise Hardy’s voice transported me to a world of introspection. The lyrics, with their profound simplicity, spoke to my soul. “On est bien peu de chose” translates to “We are but small things” and encapsulates the transient nature of life and human existence.

The metaphor of the rose in the song struck a chord with me. The rose, often associated with beauty and fragility, serves as a poignant symbol for the transience of life. Just like the rose, we are born, we bloom, and we wither. Despite our individual significance, we are reminded of our insignificance in the grand scheme of the universe.

In the second verse, the lyrics explore the realization of mortality and the fear of losing oneself. The line “Vois le Dieu qui m´a faite” (“See the God who made me”) alludes to a higher power or destiny that influences our journey and ultimately leads us to our inevitable end.

However, amidst the contemplation of mortality, there is a glimmer of hope. The line “Mois j´ai besoin d´espoir” (“I need hope”) speaks to the human desire to find meaning and purpose in our limited time on Earth. This sentiment resonates deeply with me as a digital nomad, constantly seeking new experiences and connections to fulfill this innate need for hope.


“Mon amie la rose” by Françoise Hardy is a timeless masterpiece that encapsulates the bittersweet beauty of life, mortality, and the human quest for hope. Its poetic lyrics and haunting melody continue to resonate with listeners across generations and cultures. As I continue my journey as a digital nomad, this song will forever hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of the transient nature of life and the constant search for hope amidst the vastness of our existence.


Written By: Jacques Lacome & Cécile Caulier

Release Date: October 1964

Cover By: Mon amie la rose by Natacha Atlas & Mon ami la rose by Jarvis Cocker

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