
  • Selena Gomez has really only admitted to getting Botox, but no other plastic surgery procedures have been discussed by the singer.
  • Fans speculate Selena has had breast implants and has gotten her teeth whitened based on her appearance.
  • Despite rumors though, Selena remains body positive, focusing on confidence amid criticism.

It has been a few years now since rumors regarding Selena Gomez's plastic surgery have circulated on social media. Hundreds of questions have since been posed regarding the star having done multiple enhancement surgeries in secret. The speculation about Gomez and her surgeries has remained strong enough to impact the artist's life. However, until recently, there was no definite answer about whether the star had gotten surgery done or not.

There's no denying that Selena Gomez is a highly popular person whom people want to talk about. As proof of this, a documentary of the singer was released in late 2022. Given her popularity, it is understandable that Selena is also quite busy with her cosmetic line and brand partnerships. Selena's brand, Rare Beauty, has taken over the beauty industry. However, with such a high degree of attention comes a great deal of criticism.

So, did Selena Gomez actually get plastic surgery? Here is everything we know about the star's speculated cosmetic procedures.

Updated April 2024: After being called out by fans for having plastic surgery and not responding to the rumors, Selena Gomez admitted that the change to her face was a result of Botox. Since that admission in December 2023, fans are concerned that Botox is changing Gomez's face to the point that she is starting to look unrecognizable. Gomez has not admitted to any other procedures to date.

Did Selena Gomez Have Plastic Surgery?

Selena Gomez has never admitted to having plastic surgery

Selena Gomez

Fans on Twitter have been speculating about the actress's surgery rumors as they question why she looks so different. One user wrote, "Did Selena Gomez get plastic surgery or something? She looks so different. Not 'growing up' different, but different different."

Inquiries, criticism and speculation are precisely what Selena has been facing since photos of her collaboration with La'Mariette swimwear were released in August 2022.

Her followers are going out of their way to ask Selena if she had plastic surgery. Specifically, the question regarding her breast enhancement surgery is being posed a lot. Online celebrity media outlets have also reported that according to experts, the Lose You to Love Me singer did get breast enhancement surgery done.

The singer's photos for her swimwear collaboration with the La'Mariette capsule collection are, without a doubt, quite remarkable, and fans on Twitter almost entirely agree that Selena looks downright hot. However, as fans appreciated how marvelous she looked in the photos, thousands also gathered to speculate about the star's surgery. One user tweeted, "Looks like Selena Gomez has breast implants."

Did Selena Gomez Get Breast Implants?

Selena Gomez has never admitted to getting breast implants and some fans believe the difference may be from weight gain

Selena Gomez, screening of My Mind & Me

Selena Gomez has long been the target of speculation about her enhancements, since 2014 to be exact. Rumors ran rampant that the then 22-year-old actress had had her breasts done, and speculation of plastic surgery has continued well into 2024. This came after images of her wearing a low-cut shirt were leaked. Following this, inside sources told the magazine that they were nothing more than rumors with no basis.

After removing her most-liked post on Instagram in 2018, reports of Selena getting work done resurfaced yet again. The star was wearing a low-cut dress and holding a drink in the two photos. Most of the comments on the post and afterward on Twitter centered on the fact that Selena's breasts appeared to be much bigger than they had been before.

Two plastic surgery specialists spoke to Life & Style Magazine the same year regarding the potential of Selena getting modifications.

Selena Gomez Says Her Mental Health Improved The Moment She Stopped 'Hiding' Her Diagnosis
As hard as it is sometimes, Selena Gomez is happy to be open about her mental health struggles.

Dr. Manish Shah and Dr. Normal M. Rowe said there was a good chance that she did get a breast job. Even though none of them had ever treated Selena, they appeared to believe it was pretty clear that the actress had some treatment done. However, they did not think that she underwent extensive facial surgery, which has also been a topic of debate among her supporters.

What Did Selena Gomez Do To Her Teeth?

Selena Gomez, by all accounts, has at least minimally had her teeth whitened

Selena Gomez, 81st Annual Golden Globe Awards

Selena Gomez is very famous for her lovely smile. But a few years ago, she had pretty characteristic front teeth. The middle front part was slightly shorter than the side part, and the star had a little uneven coloring in her teeth but not that severe. Selena reshaped them a little for the first time, but it seemed like she didn't like their original color and shape. Now her teeth are more white.

To sum up, the actress had minor issues of form and color in her front teeth, so she got her shaping done first, and then she proceeded to whiten all of them. Who wouldn't?

Has Selena Gomez Had A Nose Job?

Selena Gomez has not admitted to a nose job but has admitted to getting Botox

Selena Gomez on the red carpet
via Instar

Vlogger Lorry Hill believes that Selena had buccal fat removal. The buccal area is right below a person's cheekbones. Sometimes, fat is stored right in the buccal area of people with a compact face like the singer has. Now her cheeks look more defined, and they have an upward sweep.

On the other hand, one of the most debated features is Selena's nose. Her nose looks more narrow overall. Hill speculates that she had her nose refined. The vlogger says, "she didn't need a nose job, but it really refined her nose, and it looks a lot more sculpted."

How Selena Gomez Is Adding To Her Current Net Worth
In contrast to most celebrity makeup lines, Selena Gomez is the sole owner of hers. This power move has proven to be incredibly lucrative for her.

Selena Gomez Is Body Positive

Selena Gomez loves herself and her body regardless of what size she is

Selena Gomez on the red carpet
via Instar

Throughout all the speculation, Gomez has never publicly stated if she's had plastic surgery done. Instead, Gomez focuses on creating a conversation of body positivity. She is very public about her battle with Lupus disease and how it affects her weight. The frequent weight fluctuation could be the reason behind the rumors of plastic surgery. The singer and actress continues to shut down hateful body-shaming, choosing to be confident in herself and her body.