Explore Canva Features to Unlock Your Creativity

Discover features that unlock your creativity

Design and edit like a pro on Canva. Enhance images, convert PDFs, add text to video, and more. Our slew of clever features lets you take your content to the next level — in just a few clicks.


Video Trimmer Banner


Catch the perfect timing on your clips with Canva’s Video Trimmer

Feature the best moments of your recordings and create a better story timeline for your video project. Trim, split, splice, or cut your videos online with Canva’s video cutter and trimmer for free.


Image Enhancer Feature Banner


AI Photo Enhancer: Upscale your photo quality for free

Fix dark, blurry, and oversaturated photos with our free online image enhancer. Instantly improve image quality using AI for easy download or sharing on social media apps.

Office and Business

Office and Business

Free PDF Converter

Convert files to PDFs without changing the content or compromising quality. With Canva’s online PDF converter, you can freely convert your DOCX, PPTX, and JPG files to PDF and more for easy sharing and download. Or convert your PDFs into editable Canva designs.

Incredible features. Effortless designs.

Make your design process a breeze. With impressive features all in one place, creating content that stands out has never been this easy. Sign up today and make the most of what Canva has to offer.
Start designing now(opens in a new tab or window)