
Jeff Bryant

Real Name:Jeffrey Bryant

British freelance classical French horn player & soloist, and Professor of Horn. Born in 1946 in Bristol, England, UK.
While in his teens, he joined the National Youth Orchestra Of Great Britain. He went on to study at the Royal Academy of Music. His first professional position, at the age of 20, was as Principal Horn with the BBC Midland Light Orchestra. This was followed by principal positions in the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, and the London Symphony Orchestra (1972-1973). He joined the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in 1975 and was Principal Horn for 22 years. Professor of Horn at The Guildhall School Of Music & Drama since 1973, horn tutor for the European Union Youth Orchestra and Senior Brass tutor at the Trinity College Of Music, London. , ,
In Groups:Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Bristol Easton Band, London Philharmonic Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, London Wind Orchestra, National Youth Orchestra Of Great Britain, Robert Farnon And His Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The London Horn Sound, The Midland Radio Orchestra, The Virtuosi Of England
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