Remote desktop software | LogMeIn Rescue

Remote Desktop Software

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Make customer support easy with remote desktop software.

Remote desktop software brings speed and simplicity to the task of providing support to customers and end-users.

Traditionally, providing technical support to customers or employees has as involved phone calls or chat sessions with a help desk agent who must diagnose and resolve issues based on customer’s description of a problem. That conversation can be fraught with inaccuracy, especially when customers have little technical ability. It can also be incredibly frustrating, as customers try to execute instructions given to them by help desk employees over the phone.

With remote desktop software, on the other hand, help desk employees can establish a remote connection to a user’s laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone and provide remote assistance by actually taking control of the device. They can run diagnostics, determine how the device is configured, and see for themselves what kind of issues the customer is having. Typically, remote desktop software helps technicians remedy problems much more quickly, making customers happier and letting them get back to their work and on with their lives much sooner.

LogMeIn Rescue delivers a powerful remote desktop software solution.

LogMeIn Rescue is a remote desktop software technology that is purpose-built for call centers, help desks and support organizations of every size. As a cloud-based solution, Rescue can be deployed quickly, easily and without capital investment. An intuitive interface makes Rescue easy to use and provides all the tools that agents need to quickly connect to and service devices anywhere in the world.

With LogMeIn’s remote login software, security is provided through sessions that employ TLS 1.1 transport security and AES 256-bit encryption. This remote desktop software solution is hosted in multiple LogMeIn data centers, enabling failover where needed and delivering 99.99+% uptime. And Rescue provides multi-platform support, enabling technicians to establish an iPad remote desktop, to connect to remote Mac and PC laptops and desktops as well as iOS, Android and Blackberry devices for comprehensive mobile customer service.

How LogMeIn’s remote desktop software will transform customer support.

With remote desktop software from LogMeIn, you can:

  • Lower costs by decreasing the average time spent on support calls, improving first-call resolution rates and by resolving issues remotely rather than sending agents into the field.
  • Delight customers with technical support that is faster and less frustrating.
  • Simplify training by providing remote instruction to employees anywhere in the world.
  • Increase productivity of help desk employees by enabling them to process more support requests in any given day.
  • Provide support for virtually any product – not just computers or devices – with a tool that lets users send real-time video so help desk employees can see exactly what the customer sees.

Learn more about remote desktop software from LogMeIn with our free trial.