The Meaning Behind The Song: Arrivederci Roma by Dean Martin - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Arrivederci Roma by Dean Martin

The Meaning Behind The Song: Arrivederci Roma by Dean Martin

When it comes to classic Italian love songs, few can match the beauty and emotion of “Arrivederci Roma” as performed by Dean Martin. Released in 1957, this timeless hit has become a staple of Italian entertainment and continues to be beloved by music fans around the world. But what is the meaning behind the song, and what makes it so special to listeners? Let’s dive deeper into the lyrics and history of “Arrivederci Roma.”

The Lyrics of “Arrivederci Roma”

“Arrivederci Roma” translates to “Goodbye, Rome” in English, and the lyrics of the song reflect a soulful farewell to the iconic Italian capital. Here are the original lyrics of “Arrivederci Roma” in Italian, with an English translation provided for reference:


Arrivederci, Roma
Goodbye, goodbye to Rome
City of a million moonlit places
City of a million warm embraces


Arrivederci, Roma
Goodbye, goodbye to Rome
City of a million moonlit faces
City of a million warm embraces

As you can see, the lyrics of “Arrivederci Roma” are both poetic and deeply heartfelt, painting a vivid picture of a city filled with wonder, romance, and emotion. The song is also notable for its melodic refrain, which repeats the phrase “arrivederci Roma” in a haunting and memorable way.

The History of “Arrivederci Roma”

“Arrivederci Roma” was written by Renato Rascel, an Italian singer-songwriter who was born in Turin in 1912. Rascel was a prolific composer of popular music, and he wrote “Arrivederci Roma” in 1955 for the film “The Seven Hills of Rome.” The song was performed by a number of different artists, but it was Dean Martin’s 1957 version that truly cemented its place in the annals of musical history.

As one of the most beloved crooners of the mid-20th century, Martin was renowned for his smooth, velvety voice and his ability to evoke a sense of longing and romance with his performances. His interpretation of “Arrivederci Roma” captured the melancholy beauty of the song perfectly, and it remains one of his most enduring hits to this day.

The Emotional Power of “Arrivederci Roma”

So what is it about “Arrivederci Roma” that makes it such a powerful and enduring song? Of course, part of its appeal lies in the exquisite craftsmanship of Renato Rascel’s composition, which blends memorable melody with evocative lyrics to create a truly transcendent musical experience. But beyond the technical aspects of the song, “Arrivederci Roma” has a deep emotional resonance that speaks to listeners on a profound level.

Perhaps it is the sense of nostalgia and wistful longing that permeates the song, evoking memories of times and places long gone by. Or perhaps it is the universal themes of love and loss that it touches upon, reminding us of the beauty and fragility of our most cherished relationships. Whatever the reason, “Arrivederci Roma” remains one of the most moving and evocative songs in the Italian musical tradition.


1) What is the origin of the song “Arrivederci Roma”?

“Arrivederci Roma” was written by Renato Rascel for the film “The Seven Hills of Rome” in 1955. It was first performed by actor and singer Mario Lanza and went on to be recorded by a number of artists, including Dean Martin in 1957.

2) What is the literal translation of the title “Arrivederci Roma”?

“Arrivederci Roma” translates to “Goodbye, Rome” in English.

3) What is the emotional tone of the song “Arrivederci Roma”?

The song has a bittersweet and melancholy tone that reflects a deep sense of nostalgia and longing for a time and place that has been left behind.

4) Who is Renato Rascel, and what other songs did he write?

Renato Rascel was an Italian singer-songwriter who wrote a number of popular songs throughout his career, including “Gigi” and “Venticello de Roma.”

5) Who is Dean Martin, and why is he famous?

Dean Martin was an American singer, actor, and comedian who rose to fame in the 1950s and 60s. He was known for his smooth, velvety voice and his appearances in films such as “Ocean’s Eleven” and “Rio Bravo.”

6) What is the significance of the city of Rome in the song “Arrivederci Roma”?

The city of Rome serves as a symbol of love, beauty, and romance in the song “Arrivederci Roma,” reminding listeners of the magic and wonder that can be found in life’s fleeting moments.

7) What other artists have covered “Arrivederci Roma”?

“Arrivederci Roma” has been covered by a number of artists over the years, including Mario Lanza, Connie Francis, and Jerry Vale.

8) What are some other classic Italian love songs?

Other classic Italian love songs include “Volare” by Domenico Modugno, “O Sole Mio” by Enrico Caruso, and “Con Te Partirò” by Andrea Bocelli.

9) What is the appeal of Italian music?

Italian music is known for its romantic and emotional quality, as well as its rich history and cultural significance. It often features lush melodies, expressive singing, and a sense of drama and passion that speaks to listeners on a deep emotional level.

10) What is the cultural significance of “Arrivederci Roma”?

“Arrivederci Roma” has become a beloved classic of Italian entertainment, as well as a symbol of the beauty, romance, and nostalgia of the Italian lifestyle. It continues to be played and enjoyed by music fans around the world.

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