Ann Wilson - A Moment In Heaven lyrics
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  • Ann Wilson

    A Moment In Heaven • Fierce Bliss

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A Moment In Heaven lyrics

Verse 1
A girl, a boy, a child
A newly minted toy
A virgin dream unfolds
And team, it can't be sold
Hollywood be thy name
Hollywood be thy name
A moment in Heaven, oh-oh
A moment in heaven, oh-oh
Oh-oh, one more time
Verse 2
Wash, wash your mind, it's time
And now the truth can be told
Break a leg, take a chance
And bear your soul, bear your soul
Hollywood be thy name
Hollywood be thy name
A moment in Heaven, oh-oh
A moment in heaven, oh-oh
Oh-oh, one more time
An accidental hit
That's some transcendental shit
Reach back down into the well
Recreate the magic spell
Same toy, same, same heat
Second one's just not as sweet
Slide down the pole to the hole
Down the walk of fame
Too yesterday, too damn cold
Ah, the gravity of shame
The boulevard was the place
Now a place like any other place
Owned by a man, rents you a space
For living in a van
Hollywood be thy name
Hollywood be thy name
A moment in Heaven, oh-oh
A moment in heaven, oh, yeah
A moment in Heaven, oh-oh
One more time
One more time
Oh, one more time
One more time


Ann Wilson: Top 3
Idioms from "A Moment In Heaven"