
Speak to anyone,
In any language


Chat across language barriers

Automatic translation

No more copy-pasting between translators and messaging apps. Go back-and-forth in different languages, instantly.

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone

Your voice, their language

Voice memos get dubbed in your voice and emotions, in seconds. They even get transcribed too.

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone

Dub and share videos 📺

Record a happy birthday message to that Swedish friend you met on exchange - and dub it into their language.

Or instantly translate breaking news from another corner of the world.

Coming soon

Live ☎️ Phone call translation

Call any phone number - even landlines - in a different language

Call a hotel in a foreign country, or your grandparents who don't speak your language.

The best part? The other person doesn't need to have EzDubs installed - they don't even need a smartphone.

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone

Download EzDubs messenger now!


Hire, manage, and sell globally

  • Video call translation on Zoom, Teams, Google Meets etc.
  • Recruit and communicate with global teams
  • Reach out to foreign-language customers without needing a human interpreter

Live broadcasts in every language

  • Low latency livestream dubbing, with voice preservation
  • Frictionless integration - livestream in, livestream out
  • API access and dashboards

Find out more about our enterprise solutions

or reach us at founders@ezdubs.ai