Arab TV channel MBC Action features Japanese anime with Arabic subtitles|Arab News Japan Arab TV channel MBC Action features Japanese anime with Arabic subtitles – Arab News Japan
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Arab TV channel MBC Action features Japanese anime with Arabic subtitles

 “One Piece” & “Bleach” anime series broadcast at prime time on MBC Action.
“One Piece” & “Bleach” anime series broadcast at prime time on MBC Action.
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25 Mar 2021 03:03:29 GMT9
25 Mar 2021 03:03:29 GMT9

Amin Abbas

DUBAI: Popular Arab free-to-air TV channel MBC Action has started featuring Japanese anime series such as: One Piece and Bleach with Arabic subtitles.

Speaking exclusively to Arab News Japan, Director of MBC Action Ashraf Younis said the channel had been wanting to launch anime for some time.

“Establishing a new or additional genre on the channel requires strategic assessment as any content we choose has to first, fit within the channel’s DNA,” he explained. “Second, be relevant to our audience; and finally, feature a mix of big-names, long-running titles as well as shorter ones to keep the offering fresh and varied.”

Younis said it was “essential” that the content appeals to a wider audience, hence the decision to attract new anime viewers as well as the original fan base.

The director said the channel chose One Piece and Bleach among other anime series as they were “big titles.”

“It’s critical to bring in for our viewers high-quality titles that have established themselves for many years, gaining and appealing to anime fans and followers globally,” Younis told Arab News Japan.

MBC Action’s content strategy is focused on acquiring content in its original language, while adding in Arabic subtitles, he added. “We believe that showcasing anime in its original language provides a real representation of the fans’ genre. It allows the content to feel authentic, offering a whole experience.”

However, Arabic dubbing is still an option that is available on MBC’s subscription-based streaming platform Shahid VIP.

The two new additions to MBC Action’s anime line up are streamed at prime time where higher viewership resides.

He added that the response so far has been positive and has helped with an organic growth model thanks to social media.

MBC Action’s director explained what distinguishes the channel from others in the region is its reach.

“MBC GROUP is the largest and leading media company in the MENA region, while is the region’s leading and the world’s leading Arabic streaming platform. This means our content reaches more households and individuals than any other offering in the area,” he said.

One Piece and Bleach are broadcast five days a week at 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. (KSA time).

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