Why Attend MWC Barcelona? | MWC Barcelona

Why attend MWC Barcelona 2025?

Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.

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Reasons to be at MWC Barcelona 2025

Where else can you do all this, and much more?

  • Network with tens of thousands of industry decision makers
  • Experience the future and do business at the exhibition halls
  • Discover the next big startup at 4YFN

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Network without the legwork

MWC Barcelona makes it easier than ever to meet and do business with global tech leaders – all under one roof.

Knowledge your business needs to know

Packed with insight and predictions from global changemakers, MWC Barcelona is four days of non-stop inspiration.

Exhibitions that innovate

Less a trade fair, more an exhilarating journey into the future – that you can see, touch and question.

Inspirational team building

Let your team know how much you value them. There’s never been a more appropriate time to get together in person and away from the (virtual) office.