Agenda of the ski resort of Tignes - Entertainment and events in the French Alps
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Diary / Events


Diary / Events

As a couple, family or with friends, Tignes offers a whole host of events throughout the season so that you can explore the mountains, try out new activities and enjoy inspiring musical and artistic offerings from our dynamic guest artists. Don’t hold back!

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All Tignes' events

Week From 01/06 to 07/06
Week From 08/06 to 14/06
Week From 15/06 to 21/06
Week From 22/06 to 28/06
Week From 29/06 to 05/07

Week From 06/07 to 12/07
Week From 13/07 to 19/07
Week From 20/07 to 26/07
Week From 27/07 to 02/08

Week From 03/08 to 09/08
Week From 10/08 to 16/08
Week From 17/08 to 23/08

Cimalp Tignes Trail

Tignes le Lac - Devant la Maison de Tignes

17/08 +
See also :
  • 18/08 : Cimalp Tignes Trail
Week From 24/08 to 30/08
Week From 31/08 to 06/09

Week From 07/09 to 13/09
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Tignes' partners

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