ANTHEM - Traducción al español - lcp

¿Cuál es la traducción de "anthem" en Español?

en anthem = es

"anthem" en español


anthem {sustantivo}


anthem {sustantivo} [modismo]


school anthem {sustantivo}

Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

anthem noun

volume_up US /ˈænθəm/volume_up UK /ˈanθəm/
1. (song) himno (masculine)Monolingual examplesThe Last Night of the Proms tomorrow has dropped some of the rousing anthems associated with it, including Rule, Britannia!BritishAnd where his songs were once communal anthems for misfits everywhere, his writing is now so coldly inward-gazing that it excludes the interests of everyone but Morrissey.CanadianThe song has become an anthem for the school so I am delighted that it has made it to the final of this competition.IrishThe song is an off-kilter anthem for wage slaves everywhere, but McCaughey insists it wasn't written from first-hand experience.CanadianWell, your song was really an anthem of your generation.North AmericanThis song is almost an anthem in Japan and comes up often in Karaoke though only a few skilled singer seem to be able to make it past the chorus.New Zealand2. (Religion) himno (masculine), cántico (masculine)Monolingual examplesLike his father, Alfonso the younger was well known as a composer of church music, writing English anthems for the Anglican Church as well as motets to Latin words.BritishKendal Choral opens proceedings by singing five anthems in the Anglican church tradition starting with the 16th century and concluding in the present.BritishOther works include The Nativity for soprano and orchestra, sacred choral anthems, hymn preludes for organ and works for trumpet and organ.North AmericanThe second puzzle concerns the incomplete state of the four manuscript anthems in the Christ Church books.North AmericanOut of towering brown churches came the blithe music of anthems from the choirs.BritishHe has a huge catalogue of saleable stuff - including a ton of Christmas-carol arrangements, easy church anthems, and so on.North American

anthem {sustantivo}

We forced on them a version of our 12-star flag and a version of our national anthem.
Les obligamos a tener una versión de nuestra bandera de 12 estrellas y una versión de nuestro himno nacional.
por favor pónganse de pie para escuchar el himno nacional
a spirited rendition of the national anthem
el himno nacional interpretado con brío

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "anthem" en Español

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I gather that you want no more flags, no anthem, and no foreign minister.
Entiendo que no quiere ni banderas, ni himno ni Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores.
We must ensure that the European project does not suffer the same fate as our anthem.
Debemos velar por que el proyecto de Europa no corra la misma suerte.
This site introduces other symbols such as the European anthem and motto.
Aquí se presentan otros símbolos, como el himno y el lema europeos.
That is the status the flag and anthem were given - recognition by the institutions.
Éste es el estatus que se le dio a la bandera y al himno: el reconocimiento de las instituciones.
This is what our flag, our anthem, our motto and Europe Day represent.
Eso es lo que significan nuestra bandera, nuestro himno, nuestra divisa y el Día de Europa.
The technical quality of the European anthem this morning was appalling.
La calidad técnica del himno europeo ha sido espantosa esta mañana.
I am told, though, that I should not worry, because the flag and the anthem have been dropped.
Sin embargo, me dicen que no debería preocuparme porque la bandera y el himno se han abandonado.
The anthem would have culminated in a call for the collective sharing of memories and desires.
El himno podría haber culminado en una llamada a compartir los recuerdos y los deseos colectivos.
My constituents do not want an EU flag and an EU anthem.
Mis constituyentes no quieren una bandera de la UE ni un himno de la UE.
We forced on them a version of our 12-star flag and a version of our national anthem.
Les obligamos a tener una versión de nuestra bandera de 12 estrellas y una versión de nuestro himno nacional.
I am sorry that the symbols of the European Union (the flag, anthem and motto) have been abandoned.
Lamento que se hayan rechazado los símbolos de la Unión Europea (la bandera, el himno y el lema).
Within hours, this song became an anthem in my country.
A las pocas horas, esta canción se convirtió en un himno en mi país.
Its proposals concerning the flag and the anthem would be removed.
Se retirarían sus propuestas sobre la bandera y el himno.
You told us that the flag and the anthem would be dropped, but I have not seen much evidence of that.
Usted nos manifestó que la bandera y el himno se abandonarían y no he visto mucha prueba de ello.
I now invite you to listen to the anthem of the European Union.
Y ahora les invito a escuchar el himno de la Unión Europea.
The national symbols - the flag and anthem - were not changed and are still those of the MPLA party.
No se modificaron los símbolos nacionales (bandera e himno), que siguen siendo los del Partido MPLA.
A state has an anthem and a flag, cooperation does not.
Un estado tiene un himno y una bandera, pero la cooperación no.
We recall the anthem being played at the Brandenburg Gate.
Recordamos el himno que sonó en la Puerta de Brandemburgo.
We had an orchestra, we had the anthem, we had a choir; we started today, did we not, with the anthem.
Había una orquesta, se escuchó el himno y había un coro; y hoy hemos comenzado con el himno ¿no es verdad?
I would ask you to rise for the European anthem.
Les ruego que se pongan en pie para escuchar el himno europeo.
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English Cómo usar "anthem" en una frase

It does not replace national anthems, but is intended to celebrate their shared values.
He wrote a number of orchestral works, including a symphony and two concertos; he also composed for choir, and wrote oratorios and anthems.
Such anthems are usually performed at public appearances by the monarch or during other events of royal importance.
The old anthem too was played for a last time, almost as a token of respect.
It received mixed reviews from music critics, some thought it was a weak and forced song, others felt it was a party anthem.

English Cómo usar "national anthem" en una frase

The national anthem was played and stations ident.
At this time, other recruits were commanded to line up, turn their backs and sing the national anthem.
A major recording artist typically sings the national anthem prior to tipoff.
After that fails, they start searching local plays and baseball games (for singers of the national anthem).
The event took a negative turn when one of the students exposed himself during the national anthem and began shouting the word assgock repeatedly.

English Cómo usar "school anthem" en una frase

As the school anthem was played out, past pupils gathered to relive their time spent at the 100-year-old institution.
These reforms led to a 20-minute protest during which some girls walked onto the playing field and sang the school anthem.
They march contingent sang the school anthem and other religious hymns in the procession that lasted for 45 minutes.
At the end of the day -- the school anthem, the motto and the battle cry -- it all gave us so much.
This fan was given to me by my high school junior and it has our school anthem on it.

English Cómo usar "himno nacional" en una frase

Ellos, los que - - a diferencia de los malos - se saben la letra del himno nacional al derecho y al revés.
Lo que es con el himno nacional no podemos salir perdiendo, desde luego.
Por lo visto si un vasco canta su himno nacional ya se pone a matar de inmediato.
Cree que si fuera cierto que, dado el cambio de los tiempos, habría que refrescar el himno nacional.
A las 10 sonó el himno nacional y nos fuimos.

English Cómo usar "canción nacional" en una frase

Me gustó mucho el reportaje de los himnos patrios, siempre ha existido ese mito del concurso de canciones nacionales y ahora como se que se hizo en parte realidad.
Los concursos de la canción nacional, se constituían en la oportunidad que tenían los artistas aficionados, para exponer su voz en el escenario.
Nunca como ahora, sentí el calor humano; y nunca como ahora la canción nacional tuvo para ustedes como para mí tanto y tan profundo significado.
Difícilmente otra canción nacional habría conseguido ese éxito.
No obstante el tema es mejor que el 90 % de las canciones nacionales que podemos escuchar en radiofórmulas.

"anthem played" en español

anthem played
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"anthem playing" en español

anthem playing
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"become an anthem" en español

become an anthem
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "anthem":
