Terrell Owens on Destroying the Status Quo | Impact Theory | Dexa
Published January 2017 on YouTube

Terrell Owens on Destroying the Status Quo | Impact Theory

1. Impact Theory: The Life

Discover the inspiring journey of an NFL superstar who defied the odds and achieved greatness, proving that with determination and dedication, anyone can reach their full potential.

2. Terrell Owens

Overcoming Self-Doubt:Terrell Owens shares his journey of overcoming self-esteem issues and finding motivation to succeed in sports, despite feeling lanky and not initially being heavily recruited.
Overcoming Obstacles:Terrell Owens shares his journey of using motivation and dedication to overcome obstacles and achieve success in football. He emphasizes the importance of matching desire with dedication and discipline.

3. Building Greatness

Building Dedication:Terrell Owens shares his journey from being an average player to becoming a football legend. He discusses the importance of dedication and hard work, highlighting how he pushed himself to the next level by focusing on fitness and putting in the effort to surpass his peers. Owens' story serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to achieve greatness.
Building Discipline:Terrell Owens shares his journey of discipline and mental preparation in the world of fitness, emphasizing the importance of dedication and effort. He also discusses the power of his message in inspiring others to achieve greatness, and the significance of being mentally and physically ready when opportunities arise.

4. Overcoming Mental Roadblocks

Terrell Owens discusses the mental roadblocks that hinder people from achieving their goals. He emphasizes the importance of self-motivation, having faith in oneself, and not being discouraged by setbacks. Owens shares his own experiences and offers valuable insights on overcoming obstacles and staying focused on the bigger picture.

5. Fueling Success

Leveraging Adversity:Tom and Terrell discuss the power of leveraging adversity and using it as fuel for success. They explore the role of desire, confidence, and self-motivation in overcoming challenges and achieving greatness.
Leveraging Anger:Terrell Owens shares how he used anger as motivation to prove his critics wrong and excel on the football field. Despite facing negativity and doubts, he used his anger to push himself to work harder and overcome obstacles. Owens' story highlights the power of leveraging anger to achieve success.
Faith in Action:Terrell Owens shares how his grandmother's scripture has guided him in his work, including his clothing line Prototype 81. He discusses the importance of faith in tangible practice and the attention to detail required in the fashion industry.

6. Immersion for Success

Learning Through Immersion:Terrell Owens shares his experience of diving headfirst into the fashion industry and finding his identity through trial and error. He emphasizes the importance of immersing oneself in the field and finding unique ways to stand out.
Finding Success, Shaping Perception:Terrell Owens shares his insights on motivation and personal growth, emphasizing the importance of reacting and responding to life's challenges. He discusses how he has matured and learned to be patient, as well as the strategic approach he takes in shaping his brand and how he wants to be perceived in the fashion industry. Owens also reflects on the difference between listening to respond and listening to understand.

7. Self Awareness and Growth

Self Awareness and the Process:Terrell Owens discusses the importance of self awareness and recognizing opportunities in the process of personal growth and success.
Overcoming Challenges:Terrell Owens shares his journey of overcoming challenges, from facing self-esteem issues and bullying to becoming a successful athlete. He emphasizes the importance of dedication, discipline, and having fun with the process. Owens inspires listeners to believe that anyone can achieve greatness with the right mindset and hard work.

8. Unleashing Potential

Discover the inspiring story of Terrell Owens, who achieved greatness through relentless hard work and self-improvement. Learn how to recognize your weaknesses, set goals, and put in the necessary effort to reach your full potential.