Made of Honor (Movie): Patrick Dempsey
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Made of Honor (Movie): Patrick Dempsey

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Made of Honor movie Patrick DempseyMade of Honor movie (2008) with Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan, and Kevin McKidd: This commercial disappointment also features Oscar nominee Kathleen Quinlan (Apollo 13, 1995) and Best Director winner and sometime actor Sydney Pollack (Out of Africa, 1985) in his final movie role.
  • Made of Honor movie (2008) review summary: Patrick Dempsey and Michelle Monaghan star in Paul Weiland’s inconsequential cross between My Best Friend’s Wedding and Will & Grace, with bits from When Harry Met Sally… and The Graduate thrown in.

Made of Honor (movie 2008): Patrick Dempsey and Michelle Monaghan star in Paul Weiland’s derivative yet amusing romantic comedy

Ramon Novarro Beyond Paradise

Patrick Dempsey is riding the McDreamy wave as far as he can take it. Fresh out of his role as a modern-day Prince Charming in Disney’s box office hit Enchanted, Dempsey continues his romantic endeavors in Made of Honor.

In the film, he plays Tom, a wealthy womanizer with a strict set of dating rules that keep him emotionally detached from all women except his best friend Hannah (Michelle Monaghan), whom he adores. When Hannah, the only source of stability in his life, goes to Scotland on a work assignment, Tom finally realizes that his feelings for her are stronger than he ever imagined.

Tom’s plan to reveal his feelings is silenced when Hannah returns with a handsome Scottish fiancé, Colin (Kevin McKidd), and asks him to be her maid of honor. Reluctantly, Tom agrees to take on the role while secretly plotting to steal her heart.

While the Made of Honor storyline is an obvious take on My Best Friend’s Wedding, Tom and Hannah’s relationship is reminiscent to that of a straight Will and Grace. From the opening, it is unmistakable that they have a chemistry that is nearly impossible to find and even more difficult to extinguish.

So much so that during Hannah’s wedding scene, an absent Tom becomes so desperate to steal the bride that he channels Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate.

Lightheartedly amusing despite absurdities

Directed by Paul Weiland, from a screenplay by Adam Sztykiel, Deborah Kaplan, and Harry Elfont, Made of Honor offers lighthearted entertainment in spite of its unrealistic and predictable plot.

For instance, Patrick Dempsey, 42, and his band of basketball buddies are meant to be about ten years out of college and pushing 30; yet not one of them looks a day under 38. Furthermore, Tom happens to be an inventor living in an enormous Manhattan home with a spectacular view and a price tag likely to break the bank.

And although Michelle Monaghan is believable as a beautiful young woman ready to settle down, her character’s success in planning an elaborate Scottish wedding in just two weeks is unheard of.

In the film’s favor are the breathtaking scenes of Scottish greenery and the romantic summer home of Colin’s family, in addition to the fact that Weiland manages to keep the viewer’s interest in Tom and Hannah’s long process of awakening to their (blatantly obvious) love.

Overall, despite its faults Made of Honor is a romantic comedy worth checking out.

Made of Honor (movie 2008) cast & crew

Director: Paul Weiland.

Screenplay: Adam Sztykiel, Deborah Kaplan, and Harry Elfont.
From a screen story by Sztykiel.

Cast: Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan, Kevin McKidd, Kadeem Hardison, Chris Messina, Busy Phillips, Richmond Arquette, Kathleen Quinlan, Sydney Pollack.

Cinematography: Tony Pierce-Roberts.

Film Editing: Richard Marks.

Music: Rupert Gregson-Williams.

Production Design: Kalina Ivanov.

Producer: Neal H. Moritz.

Production Company: Columbia Pictures.

Distributor: Sony Pictures Releasing.

Running Time: 101 min.

Country: United States.

Made of Honor (Movie): Patrick Dempsey” review text © Lauren Creamer; excerpt, image captions, bullet point introduction, and notes © Alt Film Guide.


Made of Honor movie (2008) credits via the American Film Institute (AFI) Catalog website.

Michelle Monaghan, Kevin McKidd, and Patrick Dempsey Made of Honor movie (2008) image: Columbia Pictures | Sony Pictures.

Made of Honor (Movie): Patrick Dempsey” last updated in May 2024.

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1 comment

Bill -

searching “maid of honor” and returned this one, look like I should watch this movie anyway


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