What Life Is Like For Princess Anne's Former Daughter-In-Law Autumn Phillips Today

Out of all of the late Queen Elizabeth's grandchildren, King Charles III's children have received the most publicity throughout their lives. From the tragic loss of their mother, Princess Diana, to the highly inflammatory drama of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the king's kids have spent decades captivating the public eye. 


In contrast, King Charles' sister, Princess Anne, had children who remained out of the spotlight. Not only was their mother further in line from the crown than King Charles, but Princess Anne also withheld royal titles from her children in hopes that they would lead more normal lives.

While not as famous as their cousins, royal watchers are still invested in the lives of Princess Anne's kids, Zara Tindall and Peter Phillips. Peter made headlines after his public breakup with his wife, Autumn Kelly. Peter met Autumn in 2003 at the Grand Prix in her home country, Canada. In May 2008, the two were married, and separated officially in 2019 with their divorce being finalized in 2021. After receiving publicity over their split, many royal fans are curious about how Autumn Phillips is doing.


Autumn Phillips is happily in love

We can imagine that in the direct aftermath of Princess Anne's son, Peter Phillips, and Autumn Phillips' separation and divorce, there were a lot of difficult emotions to bare. However, in the couple's joint public statement on the matter, they described their split as "an amicable one" (per Tatler). Autumn Phillips has moved on healthily, investing in her own dating life. Shortly after the divorce was finalized, news broke that Autumn Phillips had begun seeing a new man, who is now confirmed to be her romantic partner, Donal Mulryan.


Mulryan, an Irish mogul in the property industry, made his first public appearance with Autumn Phillips and her two daughters at the 2022 Cirencester horse trials. Considering the highly public nature of such an event, we can assume that this was Autumn Phillips' way of announcing that the couple has a serious relationship. According to the Daily Mail, an inside source revealed that the couple is "'very much in love."

Autumn Phillips decided to remain in the UK

While married to Peter Phillips, Autumn Phillips had left her home in Montreal, Canada, to reside with him in the U.K. As husband and wife, the two lived in Gloucestershire at Princess Anne's Gatcombe Park estate. There, the couple raised their two daughters, Savannah and Isla. Once divorced, questions arose about whether Autumn would stay in the U.K. or return to her country of origin. Ultimately, Autumn chose to remain with her daughters in England. 


According to The Sun, Zara Tindall, Peter Phillips' sister, played a significant role in this decision. An inside source shared with the newspaper that Autumn had "insisted that she wanted to go home to Canada to be near her family, but Zara reassured her that everyone loved her here and she was very much a part of the family." 

Zara's reassurance seems to hold up as accurate. Autumn has remained an integrated part of the royal family despite the divorce from her husband. 

Autumn's priority has been keeping her daughters happy

While divorce is never an easy experience for young children, Autumn and Peter Phillips have kept their daughters' well-being and happiness top of mind across the board. Shortly after the couple announced their separation, a statement was released saying "the couple's first priority will remain the continued well-being and upbringing of their wonderful daughters" (via Tatler).


On a number of occasions, Autumn Phillips has made appearances with her daughters. In addition, she has continued to keep a genuinely friendly relationship with Peter Phillips' family, making it a comfortable environment for her daughters to remain close to their paternal extended family. Judi James, a body language expert, confirmed this while analyzing interactions between the Phillips daughters' aunt, Zara Tindall, and Autumn Phillips for Express. James explained that it was evident that the two were on good terms. 

Between choosing to reside with the girls on Peter Phillips' family estate and remaining friendly with the Phillips family, Autumn Phillips has carried on from divorce with ultimate grace, much to the benefit of her children.


