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Naruto Shippuden

2,380 Reviews
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Naruto Uzumaki wants to be the best ninja in the land. He's done well so far, but with the looming danger posed by the mysterious Akatsuki organization, Naruto knows he must train harder than ever and leaves his village for intense exercises that will push him to his limits.

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(14 reviews)28 October 2015
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Sorry Naruto, you deserved better.

This anime has great canon. Since it is based on the manga, the story in itself is great. HOWEVER, most of this anime is filler. When you think you're getting to a climax in a storyline... you get 15 filler episodes. EVERY. DAMN. SEASON. The manga is now over. THEY CAN BRING THE SHOW TO A CONCLUSION. They won't however. Instead, they greatly degrade the quality of a once good anime with almost completely unwatchable filler storylines. In fact, there is soo much filler, after waiting month after month after month for the actual canon (the reason for this anime), I've completely withdrawn from the story to the point where I simply don't care and have to rewatch episodes from 3 months ago to remember wtf is going on. The anime company destroyed what could have been the greatest anime in existence. Like spray painting a stickman body on the Mona Lisa to make it a larger picture. Empty, useless, boring episodes usually follow a good canon episode and after almost a decade of this pattern I must say, read the manga instead. It is way better and won't disappoint since (again) the story really is one of the best. I'm sad to see Naruto end, but happy as well, since the longer fillers continue (even at the end), the more of a "milking the cow" scenario this becomes.

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(1 review)28 July 2014
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An amazing ride for years, soon to end...

I started watching Naruto back in 2003. I'm now in 2014 and still watching! I grew up on it and it really does teach great values in it's story and the character development. Naruto single handedly brought me into all the other anime, such as Bleach, Death Note, InuYasha, etc. The story is truly original and so in depth it'll surprise you how far it goes. Naruto turns from punk to protector of his village throughout the years this show has been going on. This anime has it all: Romance, Action (OF COURSE), Great fighting scenes too, music is top notch and so are the voice overs. It's truly been an amazing ride and I will definitely miss it when it's gone, but it's gotta end sometime. To anyone new to this series: Get into it ASAP, you won't regret it!

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(3 reviews)19 June 2009
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Naruto is fun and exciting!

The only problem with reviews is that they only show the opinion of others... in this review, I will leave it to you whether or not you like the manga better than the anime or vice versa :) Overall, I think this anime is nicely put and very good and enjoyable -- however, I think you need quite a patience to watch all those episodes and I hope it doesn't keep on going for a long time (like Bleach) without getting anywhere (opinion). Storyline: The storyline is like a save the world, protect your friends and family type of thing. I found the "Naruto" series to be quite enjoyable with adventures and jokes and stuff like that (which was entertaining) -- however, Shippuden is different and has a much more serious perspective -- the action is not jumbled too much with adventure and comedy (which I really like). The manga is more enjoyable and is more "fun-ish" (I don't know how else to put it) and of course this is just my opinion. I leave it up to you to decide which one you like. Music: The music is really good and has always been excellent! I find the music in this anime to be superior to other anime. The opening themes and ending themes are very interesting -- and unlike what I do to other anime, in Naruto Shippuden + Naruto, I don't skip the theme songs or ending themes :P That's a great thing! Also, the music in this anime always comes in the right time -- for example: suspenseful music during a thrilling scene -- and that is also a good thing! Characters: The characters in this anime are interesting and you never know what they are thinking -- which shows a type of realism in life. I think some characters' potentials are not shown to the biggest extent in this show. Characters also have a lot of feeling put into them (and like I said before, it is realistic, and that is what I like). Animation: The drawing style in the manga is superior! And the way they have made it in this anime is great! I am happy with the way the animations have turned out. The use of appropriate colors and the actions of the characters are fit very well in the animation. Now I leave it up to you whether or not you want to watch it based on my review :)

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(2 reviews)27 November 2014
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There can never be one like it.

If you have never read this Manga or watched this Anime i recommend you stop reading reviews and get to watching because you are definitely missing out. Ive been watching Naruto since i was 8. As i kid i saw it as more of a humorous funny anime but as i got older and Shippuden came out i got to experience the depth of the Naruto Mange and Anime. Naruto Shippuden puts all the pieces together of every story line so well it keeps you in, as i did me....i would say until it ended (Chapter 700 came out 2 weeks ago) But Naruto:The last is said to come to theaters in Japan on 12/6/14 and im beyond excited about that. Even after Naruto:The last comes out i will always come back to re-read and re-watch Naruto and Naruto shippuden, I am a mother now and introduced my daughter to the series as soon as she started paying attention to the content in TV shows. We watch it everynight together. And when shes old enough to read ill be handing down my Naruto and Naruto Shippuden Manga to her to enjoy as i did. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden has been a huge part of most of my life and i just cant see myself walking away probably ever.

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(1 review)02 June 2009
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Naruto Shippuuden: Review

Too much fillers, needs to get to the point so we can catch up to the manga :ph34r: And thus all, the action is awesome :D , but just when it reaches the climax, or sometimes the best parts, turn into boring fillers... <_< ok ok, i'm not speaking for every naruto fan, but hey, i just want to see the manga version turned into anime for the better understanding