The Meaning Behind The Song: Bewitched (TV Series Theme Song) by Houston Person - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Bewitched (TV Series Theme Song) by Houston Person

The Meaning Behind The Song: Bewitched (TV Series Theme Song) by Houston Person

Bewitched is a beloved American sitcom that aired from 1964 to 1972, captivating audiences with its charming mix of comedy and fantasy. The iconic theme song, performed by renowned jazz saxophonist Houston Person, perfectly encapsulates the whimsical and enchanting essence of the show. Let’s delve into the meaning behind the song that has become synonymous with the magical world of Bewitched.

The Melodic Magic: Houston Person’s Interpretation

Houston Person’s rendition of the Bewitched TV series theme song is a testament to his exceptional talents as a musician. Drawing on his rich, velvety saxophone sound, he weaves a captivating melody that transports listeners to a world brimming with magic. The song’s gentle pace and graceful notes evoke a sense of elegance and charm, mirroring the show’s protagonist, Samantha Stephens, as she navigates her life as a witch.

Person adds his unique touch to the tune by infusing it with jazz influences, bringing a sophisticated flair to the composition. His improvisational skills shine through, creating a beautiful balance between the original melody and his artistic interpretation. This melodious rendition leaves an indelible mark, capturing the hearts of both fans of the show and music enthusiasts alike.

Unveiling the Lyrics: A Journey into Bewitched

While Houston Person’s instrumental version of the Bewitched theme song does not include lyrics, the original song penned by Howard Greenfield and Jack Keller encapsulates the essence of the show’s premise. The lyrics beautifully depict the struggles of Samantha Stephens as she yearns to lead a normal, mortal life despite her magical heritage.

The song follows Samantha’s perspective, with lines like “Yes, I’m bewitched, bothered, and bewildered” and “I’ve lost my heart, but what of it?” expressing her internal conflict. The lyrics cleverly convey the predicament she faces as a witch trying to fit into a mortal world, providing a glimpse into the deeper narrative within the TV series.

Faithfully Capturing the Show’s Spirit

By carefully choosing Houston Person to perform the theme song, the creators of Bewitched ensured that the melody would reflect the show’s essence. Person’s rendition exudes a magical aura that aligns seamlessly with the series’ fantastical atmosphere. Each note and phrase captures the lightheartedness, wit, and whimsy that made Bewitched an enduring classic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who composed the Bewitched TV series theme song?

Howard Greenfield and Jack Keller composed the Bewitched TV series theme song.

2. When was the Bewitched TV series aired?

The Bewitched TV series aired from 1964 to 1972.

3. Did Houston Person write the Bewitched theme song?

No, Houston Person performed an instrumental rendition of the Bewitched theme song, adding his unique musical interpretation.

4. Are there any lyrics to the Bewitched theme song?

Yes, the original song written by Howard Greenfield and Jack Keller has lyrics. However, Houston Person’s version is an instrumental arrangement.

5. What genre is Houston Person’s rendition of the Bewitched theme song?

Houston Person’s rendition of the Bewitched theme song is infused with jazz influences, incorporating elements of the jazz genre.

6. What is the meaning behind “Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered” in the song?

“Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered” is a phrase used in the lyrics to express Samantha Stephens’ inner turmoil as she attempts to reconcile her magical abilities with her desire for a normal life.

7. Is the Bewitched theme song iconic?

Yes, the Bewitched theme song has become an iconic piece of television history, instantly recognizable to fans of the show.

8. What instrument does Houston Person play in his rendition of the Bewitched theme song?

Houston Person is renowned for his exceptional skills as a jazz saxophonist. He performs the Bewitched theme song on the saxophone.

9. How does Houston Person’s version capture the spirit of Bewitched?

Houston Person’s rendition of the Bewitched theme song perfectly captures the show’s whimsical and enchanting atmosphere, immersing listeners in the magical world of the sitcom.

10. Did Houston Person collaborate with the cast or crew of Bewitched for the theme song?

No, Houston Person recorded his version of the Bewitched theme song independently, bringing his own artistic interpretation to the composition.

11. Does Houston Person’s rendition of the Bewitched theme song have a specific album or release associated with it?

While Houston Person has released numerous albums throughout his career, his rendition of the Bewitched theme song is often featured on compilations or jazz-themed collections.

12. Is Houston Person’s rendition of the Bewitched theme song still popular today?

Yes, Houston Person’s rendition of the Bewitched theme song continues to captivate audiences, and its popularity endures as a nostalgic and enchanting piece of musical history.

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About Warren Barrett

Warren has spent nearly half a century (now that's a long time!) as an ink-stained wretch writing for music magazines and websites and has no plans on giving up soon.

He is curious about all types of music and instruments apart from any genre with 'Urban' in the title. He's also not so keen on Plastic Potted Plants, Reality TV, and any movies with Kevin Costner in them.

He lives in Delaware with his wife Wendy and lots of great memories...

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