Home | Jeremy Leung
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Jeremy Leung

Media Composer / Sound Designer

Square Stage

'19 Los Angeles College of Music B.A.
'19 National Music Festival Recording Apprenticeship
'19 Nest Recorders - Assistant Engineer
'20-21 HKU - Composer / Sound Designer
'21 Fire Pillar - Audio Director
'21 SI Interactive - Sound Designer

Jeremy is currently working on Media Composition and Game Audio projects .



How Much do you charge ?

A: It depends on the project scale ,

turn around time and our availability .

Feel free to drop us a mail of your estimate  budget 

A: Dog

Cat / Dog Person?

How do you see the relationship between Music and Sound Design?

A: That's a tough one , it really goes down to what the director calls for . 

Shaping a cohesive sonic illusion is our sole duty , sometimes is using Epic Orchestra , sometimes is ambience with a tad of seagull calls



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