Western (Ivey) - Best Business Schools & MBA Programs 2022–23

Western (Ivey)

London, Canada

Class size

Tuition CA$87,850

International CA$125,820

Note: School has locations in London, Toronto and Wanchai.  International tuition: CA$125,820. Tuition amount is the figure advertised by the school and includes mandatory fees and other costs. GMAT score is median or average, as provided by the school. Find more details on the school's website : https://www.ivey.uwo.ca/mba/ .

Percent of Hires in Each Industry (Top 3)

135 graduates hired in total

Consulting 29.6%
Financial 28.9%
Technology 14.8%

Nationalities (top 5)

Total Number of Nationalities: 24

Canada 43%
India 22%
Nigeria 9%
China 6%
Pakistan 5%

Campus Atmosphere

  • Completely Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Completely Agree

Women are well represented among my school’s faculty and administration

Said themselves
All respondents

Female protagonists are well represented in case studies

Said themselves
All respondents

LGBTQ students are given equal/adequate opportunity to participate in class discussions and on teams

Said themselves
All respondents

Social activities are generally inclusive towards LGBTQ students

Said themselves
All respondents

Minorities are well represented among the faculty and administration

Said themselves
All respondents

Minority protagonists are well represented in case studies

Said themselves
All respondents

Representative comments from students and alumni on what's best about this MBA program

Case-led courses allow for all students to share and challenge each other’s and the material’s perspectives, leading to diversity in discussion and enhanced learning for all.

Ivey does a great job in recruiting. The people in the program were amazing and very diverse in many categories. I learned a lot from the students in the cohort and built some life long friendships.

As an immigrant to Canada, my MBA provided both the necessary education to successfully transition into the Canadian economy and inherit an esteemed network of friends, colleagues and alumni

The case method of teaching - it helped understand a single problem statement from so many different perspectives, helping broaden my thought horizons

Expanding my core capabilities of being a business leader and directly prepared me for real world experiences in running and optimizing businesses