Mcahoy - Profile - Album of The Year

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Vince Staples - Dark Times
I haven't been very big on Vince's post-Big Fish era. FM! was cool but felt underbaked, self-titled the same with even less standouts and RPBMH just unfortunately bored me to death. And while I'm still not quite head over heels for this thing, it's pretty clearly his best work in years. In its best moments he's finally found a way to make his shift towards a far more low key style remain actually engaging and enjoyable over the course of an entire song. But, while it's a pretty short record ... read more
D'Angelo - Brown Sugar
Possibly (probably) the most fully formed and exquisite r&b/neo-soul debut record ever. Everything that's made D'Angelo the goat of post-70s non-hip-hop black music was in full force already here. This shit came from a 21 year old for fuck's sakes

Fav tracks: ALL

Least fav: NONE

Billie Eilish - HIT ME HARD AND SOFT
Cool and pretty but lacking in a certain oomph and/or bite that would really help it in the long run

Fav tracks: Chihiro, Wildflower, The Greatest, L'Amour de ma Vie

Least fav: The Diner

Maruja - Connla's Well
Even though this is pretty blatantly borrowing heavily from (doing my best to avoid saying ripping off) for the first time era BCNR, I'm still interested to hear a full length effort from these guys. Excited to see if they can find their own musical identity, which the instrumental closer thankfully does point toward, though it does also end up sounding a little too close to something along the lines of an Explosions in the Sky or Tortoise

Fav tracks: Resisting Resistance

Least fav: Zeitgeist

Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist - Voir Dire
A good chunk of this thing is unremarkable and underbaked but it picks up pretty significantly in its later stages and the overall vibe is strong enough to air further on the side of enjoyablity than dismissibility. Really though, my main take away from the album is that I need a "DEPRESSING THE HOES" Earl & Vince collab tape asap

Fav tracks: Mancala, Dead Zone, The Caliphate, Free the Ruler

Least fav: 27 Braids


mostly hip hop here

100s — best of the best, could reasonably considered within the greatest music ever made

liked — favourites, stuff I love and would personally consider to be great music

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Member since November 20, 2023