Belvedere College Access Programme | Belvedere College S.J.

Belvedere College Access Programme

What is Belvedere College Access Programme (BCAP)?

A six-year secondary Jesuit education to students who would not otherwise attend the College due to socio-economic barriers

Belvedere College Access Programme (BCAP) was set up in 1988 to benefit the whole College population by making it a more socially diverse community that better reflects the world we live in.
The basis of the program is to offer a six-year secondary Jesuit education to students who would not otherwise attend the College due to socio-economic barriers. Approximately 10% of the student body attends the school with the support of the BCAP.

Applicants are not selected on academic, sporting or musical ability. They are chosen instead on the basis of socio-economic barriers, general suitability, family ambition and their potential to thrive in the College.

Information in relation to applying and the application form for a bursary for those seeking admission into 1st Year 2025 can be found HERE.

Recipients are fully integrated into the life of the College. Where necessary, students are also funded on international exchanges and educational visits so that limited financial means do not prevent their ability to avail of all that the College offers.

Our desire and hope for the future is to maintain and expand the impact of the Programme. The programme is not subsidised by school fees or State grants but solely from the Jesuit province, corporate and individual donations.

Why we need your support

The cost per boy for each academic year is €7,500 (€45,000 over six years) and the cost of maintaining the entire programme each year is €720,000. The funding of the programme is an ongoing challenge. We rely upon the generosity of a wide range of donors, including current parents, past parents, past pupils, local businesses, and friends of the College. Without their support, we simply could not sustain the programme.

Donate here today

To enquire about donations please email

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Partnership

We would like you to consider partnering with Belvedere within your company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme, by sponsoring one full bursary, which will provide a Belvedere College education (First Year to Sixth Year) to one of our recipient pupils.
The Belvedere College Development Office, that administers BCAP, has charitable status in Ireland. Consequently, the net cost of a full bursary to a corporate donor is €39,378 (€6,563 per annum over a six-year period).
BCAP has a dedicated oversight team managing all aspects of the initiative and we are confident that your company’s CSR objectives will be met by the activities and outputs of Belvedere College’s Access programme.
Some of our current and past supporters include:

  • – EBS
  • – KPMG
  • – Ulster Bank
  • – HBSC
  • – Savills
  • – State Street
  • – Grant Thornton
  • – Dualway

How your support makes a difference

Corporate and individual support is fundamental to our success. We wish to thank all of our socially minded supporters. Corporate partnership or sponsorship:
– Plays an important role in sustaining and growing the programme
– Enables the programme to benefit the whole College population by making it a more socially diverse community, one that better reflects the world that we live in.
– Strengthens our case for approaching other individuals and companies for support.


Contact Us

To find out more about the bursary please do contact us, we would be delighted to hear from you with any questions that you may have.

Contact Stuart Colohan, our BCAP Coordinator, at if you would like information on how to apply to the programme.


Student voices: Past and Present

“When I applied for and received the scholarship to Belvedere College S.J., I was the first Irish Traveller to receive a private education in Ireland. This was life-changing for me, my parents, my family and for Irish Travellers. Right now, my two brothers have also got scholarships to Belvedere College S.J., following in their big brother’s footsteps.”

Steven Collins, Past Access Programme Student & recipient of a Scholarship Programme in the Central Bank of Ireland


“My parents originally come from Romania. My parents never actually did their Leaving Cert. BCAP is why my younger brother and I will be the first in our family to go to College. – When I think about my time at Belvedere, the big word that comes to me is family. When I started in first year, I was very shy, but the teachers instill confidence in you. I’d like to think that I’m much more extroverted now and that is a big part of the reason that I am where I am today.”

Franco Mario Pruteanu, Past Access Programme Student , Studying Pharmacy at RCSI


“Attending Jesuit institutions has instilled in me the mission of “cura personalis” – caring for the person beyond the surface level and helping students to succeed as individuals.
BCAP changed my life in many ways. It gave me the means to succeed in the classroom, but equally to grow into a well-rounded individual with a social conscience. Having benefited from others, I am pursuing a career in philanthropy, hoping others will benefit similarly.”

Carl Cervi, Past Access Programme Student, Professional Fundraising Consultant, Recipient of Scully Award for Excellence in Political Science


“I started in Belvedere with no previous experience of Rugby. I had a feeling I would enjoy it since I played GAA, and I did! Mr Wood put me on the A team for my first game, and I have never looked back.
Playing Rugby in school meant a lot more to me than just sport. Making friends with people from areas I never thought I could and feeling the sense of community are the highlights. Representing the school in Donnybrook was one of my goals since my first year and doing it in 3rd year filled me with pride.
I also took great interest in Ms Kelly’s Home Economics classes, where I learned a lot about the nutrition I needed for sports and how to cook. From then on, I started making most of the dinners at home for my mam and dad and developing my own recipes. Now I’m doing nutrition videos for the Belvedere Wellbeing Channel. Now, in my last year of school, I couldn’t be more grateful for Rugby, which has helped me manage my study schedule and go to night study. Belvedere has helped me mature into the man I am today, and I will take away an awful lot of learnings from the school.“

Current Programme student (Anonymous)

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