
  • Noah's unique adaptation of the biblical tale is praised for its visuals and performances, making it worth a watch for fans of thought-provoking dramas.
  • Rotten Tomatoes scores don't tell the whole story - Noah received mixed reviews, but its visuals and cast performances were positively recognized.
  • Noah is an off-beat addition to Darren Aronofsky's filmography, blending biblical origins with fantasy and adventure elements for an entertaining story.

Darren Aronofsky's 2014 biblical epic, Noah, has found its way to trending on Netflix, but its reviews indicate the film isn't for everyone. Orchestrated by one of the most fascinating 21st-century filmmakers, Noah is an off-beat addition to Darren Aronofsky's filmography, as it's his only massive blockbuster. Biblical stories tend to be divisive in film, with movies like The Last Temptation of Christ being some of the most controversial ever made. Therefore, the film has mixed reviews, but Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb scores don't always tell the whole story.

One of the film's evident virtues is that Noah has a fantastic cast starring Russel Crowe, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, and more. It's based on the biblical story of Noah's Ark, though it takes its creative liberties for Hollywood blockbuster purposes. Those decisions are bound to stir up controversy, as audiences have differing views on how adaptation should be handled in cinema, particularly when it involves such sensitive material. Noah mixes its biblical origins with fantasy, adventure, and more, resulting in a story that can be entertaining for the right audience.

Noah Has A 75% Score From Critics On Rotten Tomatoes

The movie has a Rotten Tomatoes audience score of 41%

Darren Aronofsky's Noah has a 75% score, which places it in the middle of the pack in his filmography. A 75% score isn't anything to write home about, especially when his film The Wrestler boasts an outstanding 98% score. However, it's only a bit less than Requiem for a Dream, which is considered one of his critically acclaimed masterpieces yet only has a 78% Tomatometer. The point being that Rotten Tomatoes scores don't always tell the whole story. A 75% score isn't bad by any means, and many critics praised it for its performances and awe-inspiring visuals.

Based on Audience Score perception, Noah is a loose adaptation at best and is better watched with the desire to view an epic fantasy adventure movie rather than a biblical tale.

While critics mostly praised the film, audiences on Rotten Tomatoes were distasteful of the biblical epic. Noah has a dreadful 41% Audience Score, with many low scores attributed to the lack of faithfulness to the biblical tale. That creates a vital question when deciding whether to watch the movie, as the original story's meaning can play a significant part in one's perception of the film. Based on Audience Score perception, Noah is a loose adaptation at best and is better watched with the desire to view an epic fantasy adventure movie rather than a biblical tale.

10 Best Biblical Epics Of All Time

The stories from the Bible have often been used as inspiration for films. Always grand in scale, biblical epics match the weight of the tales.

Noah's Reviews Praise Its Visuals & Cast Performances

The Biblical epic brilliantly showcases Darren Aronofsky's unique direction.

Russell Crowe as Noah on the poster for Noah.

Noah's positive reviews consistently praise Darren Aronofsky's visuals. No matter the budget, Aronofsky has been able to create striking visuals throughout his career, from movies like Black Swan to complex movies like The Fountain. He continues this trend in Noah, where sprawling historical/fantasy imagery keeps the audience engaged throughout. Noah relies heavily on CGI, but it works in crafting an engaging, visceral cinematic experience.

Critics also praise the performances in Noah. Even though none of its cast members are at their best, their natural talent and star power bring an enjoyable perspective to the film. The 2014 film isn't one of Russell Crowe's best performances, but he's a star who's hard to go wrong with, bringing his usual intensity and imposing screen presence to play the titular character. Sir Anthony Hopkins, Ray Winstone, and Jennifer Connelly are also exceptional in their supporting roles, bringing the story to life with sophistication.

Noah Is Worth Watching For Fans Of Darren Aronofsky, Russell Crowe & Thought-Provoking Dramas

The movie's adaptation of Noah's Ark still proved divisive among audiences.

Russell Crowe as Noah and Jennifer Connelly as Naameh in a custom image for Noah 2014.

Darren Aronofsky's Noah is undoubtedly a divisive film that isn't for everyone, but it's certainly worth trying for fans of the filmmaker, Russell Crowe movies, or generally thought-provoking dramas. For lovers of Darren Aronofsky's usual style, the inflated budget and excessive CGI aren't detrimental to the writing techniques that compose his more acclaimed movies. As previously mentioned, it also has some of the director's most engaging visual spectacles, making it worthwhile for those who enjoy painting-like cinematography.

Russel Crowe was past his prime in Noah, but he's always been an exceptional actor, and the 2014 film allows him to be charismatic and incredibly entertaining. His star power alone would make Noah worth the watch for those who resonate with his performances. Lastly, the film may be grand in scale, but it offers profoundly human storytelling, giving audiences something to ponder long after its completion.

Where to Watch

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Darren Aronofsky's Noah is an epic biblical drama starring Russell Crowe as the titular character. The film tells the story of the legendary man chosen by God and the ark he builds to save his family and the world's animals from a great flood. Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Ray Winston, Anthony Hopkins, Logan Lerman, and Douglas Booth round out the rest of the main cast.

Darren Aronofsky
Release Date
March 28, 2014
Paramount Pictures
138 Minutes