Who is Lewis Hamilton’s mother, Carmen Larbalestier?

Source: Lewis Hamilton’s Instagram

The Formula 1 audience is used to seeing Lewis Hamilton‘s father Anthony at the races, but not so much his mother. So who is Lewis’ mom Carmen Larbalestier?

Carmen Larbalestier, now Lockhart, was born in England in 1955. She married Anthony Hamilton and later gave birth to their son Lewis in January 1985, in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England. The marriage didn’t last long, as Carmen and Anthony separated when Lewis was two. After his parents’ divorce, Lewis stayed with his mother.

Carmen later married Raymond Lockhart and gave birth to Lewis’ two half-sisters, Samantha and Nicola. When Lewis was twelve, his mom and his stepfather decided to move to London, which ultimately caused Lewis to move in with his dad, who was still living in Stevenage at the time.

Since his divorce, Lewis’ dad has remarried to his second wife Linda and they had a son named Nicolas. What happened after Lewis moved in with them is now the stuff of legend, as Anthony and Lewis embarked on a journey that ultimately led to Formula 1.

Despite not living together since he was twelve, Lewis and his mother maintained a close relationship. Although she is a private person and chooses to stay away from the limelight, she did appear at several races to cheer Lewis on.

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She attended the 2008 Chinese Grand Prix, where she was seen embracing her son and his stepmother Linda, after his spectacular win. Following the race Lewis emphasized how much the presence of his family meant to him.

“Just having my dad, my mum, my brother and Linda there for me is far greater than the support of 100,000 people in a stadium,” the Briton said.

“Without my family, I wouldn’t be able to do anything. I owe everything to them. My dad for pushing me, and helping me with decisions.

“My mum, my two mums, for being so supportive, for raising me and for giving me direction. And my brother who’s never ever doubted me.’

Of his biological mother, he also added: “She’s incredibly considerate, very caring and fun”.

Carmen could again be seen hugging Lewis after he won his fourth world title at the 2017 Mexican Grand Prix.

Lewis has also publicly mentioned his mother on several occasions. In 2015 Lewis organized a surprise 60th birthday party for his mother in London, and even got famous singer Jessie J to sing for her. He later wrote about it on Instagram

“So much planning and hard work, all to surprise the most amazing woman in the world, and it was so worth it!! Love you Mum. Happy birthday,” Lewis wrote.

Five years later, in 2020, Lewis again posted a heartfelt message for his mum in honour of her 65th birthday.

“I want to take a moment to celebrate my mum today,” Lewis wrote.

“Since the day you brought me into this world you showered me with love, showed me the importance of empathy, compassion and caring for others.

“The unconditional love you’ve shown me is unmatched and I feel so lucky to have a mother as wonderful as you. You are the best part of me.

“Happy Birthday mum, I hope you have the best day,” concluded the seven-time champion.

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