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Wiggly mouse-drawn comics where balls represent different countries. They poke fun at national stereotypes and the "international drama" of their diplomatic relations, combining history, geography, Engrish, and an inferiority complex.

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r/polandball - Sneak Attack
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u/TokugawaTabby avatar

I’m laughing so hard at the idea of the leaders after World War 2 sighing and saying “well that sucked a bag of dicks”

I think the Americanball is the one that says that, cause American idiom

Why hasn't this been 'botted'...? When mentioning countries in Polandball, you use the name of the country only, not the '-ball' suffix.

u/PS_FOTNMC avatar

It could be because they said "Americanball" rather than "Americaball"

u/AutoModerator avatar

Hallo. When refering to countries featured in Polandball Comics, please refrain from using the 'ball' suffix. Instead of saying 'Americanball', just say the country's name. auf wiedersehen.

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I read that as Bottled and thought to myself that it's weird how we so easily accept dicks in bags but I'd be the weird one if I told you to go chug a bottle of dick.

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the Big Three are meeting after WWII

“…Well that just happened.”

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u/AaronC14 avatar

I know the premise of this is stupid as all Hell, but I needed SOME way of framing the hilarity of Iran and Israel giving eachother day's warnings before attacks. It's like tag.

And ye, I know satellites gave away the Russians. And tiktok vids of tanks on trains.

We live in a civilised age. You can’t just go around, blowing up your neighbours, stealing their stuff and taking their property. You to give them a notice, Then blow up your neighbour, steal their stuff and take their property

Honestly surprised there is not permits involved.

Hello thank you for contacting UN, press 5 for war permit request. All operators are busy at this time

u/Komnos avatar

"Oh, sorry, you filled out a 728-B. That's for a civil conflict. You need form 108-D for an external attack. Those are blue."

"Hello, it seems you haven't filled in 492-NR to conquer those natural resources rich territory, please fill and submit the form before following through with the invasion." "No no, I'm simply reconquering my historical lands to bring glory to my nation!" "I understand that you filled the 375-NG form for the national glory justification but the area you want to conquer is still rich in natural resources so you will have to fill in the 429-NR as well anyway."

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Achieving world peace by making war a bureaucratic hellscape to navigate would be incredibly funny

It’s like those articles that popped up in early 2021 of the Taliban complaining that they had to do desk jobs after overthrowing the government of Afghanistan.

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That's a nice comic idea right here

"I achieved world peace." "How?" "Bureaucracy."

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u/Ok_Government3021 avatar

The only thing stronger that war is the bureaucratic process

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Kafka% World peace speedrun challenge

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u/An0r avatar

During the Korean War and the invasion of Kuwait, the UN did pass resolutions to allow the use of military force against North Korea and Iraq, so you could say that permits are involved. Of course, it's more of a question of etiquette than a hard rule.

Isn't the only time, I know that the UN authorized the US to invade a carribian island in the 70s or 80s. It didn't happen because Colin Powell went down and showed the dictator live footage of the 82nd Airborne preparing to invade and asked "you sure about this?" They weren't.

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The brits could distribute those permits, we could call them a loicense, even

u/Stargazer-Elite avatar

What would be the UN’s hold music? I imagine Russia must be on hold for a civil conflict for a while now they almost did it without the permit multiple times.

spectre - alan walker

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u/AgentTasmania avatar

... Close enough to that is why no one has *declared* war in decades.

Robert Jordan does this in Wheel of Time for dueling between people.

One of the conquering nations doesn't like the dueling nature of the country they captured, but they knew outlawing it would be bad. So they just said you can still duel, but you need to get a permit.

u/Scaevus avatar

It’s a simple process. Are you America’s friend Y/N?

"I'm gonna have to put you on hold"

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And kidnap their children, don't forget that.

u/Narco_Marcion1075 avatar

and rape everyone else

u/InterWorldLibr avatar

and eat them. All in random order.

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u/EmuStalkingAnAussie avatar

That's why you don't attack your neighbours you attack people thousands of miles away.

u/ZhangRenWing avatar

stares at Ireland

u/CoconutCyclone avatar

Bro they did not start it.

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u/Emilia963 avatar

Meanwhile on the other side of the world:

“me eating popcorn while watching them live on TV firing bullets at each other”

u/MOltho avatar

Although, back in the day, countries would give one another formal declarations of war, and we kinda stopped doing that

Unless we are talking about Oct 7th

You can if you're Israeli

The army will watch you do it and protect you if the neighbors try to defend themselves.

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u/Pillowfluff_2610 avatar

That wasn't that stupid, and it did do its job of setting the theme!

Same reason the Indians and Chinese kill each other with maces, staffs, and big rocks instead of guns up in northern Indea

They are based. No pussy ass modern tech BS. Just good old medieval weapons and pure unfettered melee combat skills like a real fking man.

If India or China want to earn some good money, they should film those gladiatorial death match skirmishes in the black market. MMA got nth on this shit.

u/Aceofacez10 avatar

This is my first time hearing about this, do you have a link where I could learn more?

It was 4 years ago now, but I think it’s happened a few times already…

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u/Zkang123 avatar

Yet however for Ukraine, not everyone 100% believed Russia would be that stupid to make such a risky move. I think the US did warn about it but Ukraine wasn't sure

u/AaronC14 avatar

Agreed, plus their initial force was like 150,000-190,000 men or something. Big force, but you'd need probably 10X that to capture and hold such a big country. I guess they truly believed they'd just collapse and roll over.

u/mscomies avatar

That's exactly what they thought. There were videos from Ukrainian fighters who attacked unprotected Russian supply columns and found they were transporting riot gear and dress uniforms. Russians were preparing for civil unrest and a victory parade, not armed conflict with a near peer power.

u/Zkang123 avatar

Yeah but Zelensky wasnt taking shit and decided to muster whatever he can to stall the Russians

It bought Ukraine time, but ultimately Russia seems more prepared to drag on the war

That is if outside help stops, since Russia is already in the red in the equipment department.

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I think the CIA warned about the invasion 4 months before in .. late November iirc ? I remember seeing a post about it here on Reddit. That was of course after years of military build up and training exercises right on the border and warnings about those as well. Ukraine wasn't sure but after the annexation of Crimea they put their military defensive buildup on superdrive

not everyone 100% believed Russia would be that stupid to make such a risky move.

Yeah dude, not many ppl at all believed it. Most ppl, probly in every country, thought the CIA and MI6 were exaggerating the risk (or just completely lying) when they announced it.

I distinctly remember polls saying most Ukranians (~75% IIRC) didn't think RU would actually invade. They'd bluffed like that before anyway (albeit at a lower scale)

Pretty sure France was saying it wasnt going to happen and was expecting it to just be a show of force.

British and American intelligence were warning about the invasion. Macron was trying to get assurances from Putin that he wouldn't invade.

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u/Williamzas avatar

I know the premise of this is stupid as all Hell

It's funny. It's good.

An actual case of "humour over accuracy", not "My comic has no joke and I'll get snarky if you point out it's historically inaccurate, too"

All hail Aaronc14 for amazing humor

I mean, Russia had been leaning over the border of Ukraine to pound their chest for years, which is why to some politically leaders it was a genuine surprise they actually went over since things calmed down after 2014.

It was a usual happening that most people looked, shrugged, figured it was more posturing until it actually happened and someone choked on their drink.

u/Dagojango avatar

I imagine Israel and Iran as two drunk guys who want nothing more than to throw fists until one of them is knocked out, but each side has a group of friends trying to pull back their friends just enough to appear to not have to get involved in the fight themselves, but not so much they get involved in the fight themselves.

So you have them slipping away from their friends to go get a very telegraphed sucker punch on each other. Sometimes it lands, sometimes it whiffs.

u/PerrierViolette avatar

You have Paint... you know what to do!

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The boring answer is that Iran and Israel both want to avoid escalation, but have domestic pressure to take swipes at each other. Each is already bogged down in other stuff and don’t REALLY want a direct war.

Telegraphing their responses allows the other side to prepare and even neutralize. Iran gets to say “we shot 300 things at Israel!” without having to face the consequences of actually hitting Israel. Netanyahu’s right wing base is also demanding more, and he doesn’t want it to spiral.

Both sides want to conduct big attacks that fail. It’s just not a good time for the real thing.

Uhh pretty sure when Israel bombed Iran's embassy, they didn't put out a warning

u/gahlo avatar

Consulate, not embassy. Technicality, but it stops it from being an outright act of war.

u/aVarangian avatar

Building next to the consulate, not the consulate afaik

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Annex building of a consulate, not an embassy. Also, if it makes you feel any better, Iran ordered the deadly attack on Israel's embassy in Buenos Aires back in 1992, an actual embassy. Let's say it's payback.

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u/lordpresidentSkippy avatar

Also that the Russian had already tried to prepare for the invasion right before covid but had to pull back because they had outbreaks.

And ye, I know satellites gave away the Russians.

Not to be that guy.. but there was ample aerial reconnaissance warning of Poland and Barbarossa too. Germany (unlike RU in 2022) had fully mobilized along the border, which was impossible to hide and almost everyone expected the attack; it was merely a question of whether it would be limited to the Danzig Corridor.

Also most the NKVD and the Soviet brass 100% expected the 1941 invasion cuz the buildup was so visible. Only Stalin was surprised, as he felt convinced Hitler was bluffing.

Pearl Harbor however was a complete surprise to almost everyone. Many Americans thought war with Japan was inevitable, but very few expected such a ballsy raid 3,800 miles from Tokyo - especially not one that they'd fail to detect before it arrived.

u/Velenterius avatar

Yep. Also the Japanese delivered their declaration of war a few hours late, it was supposed to be right before the attack, but timezones and bad math fucked it up.

u/Coolscee-Brooski avatar

It was also a ping pong party the night before that wasn't planned. They were meant to translate it Al the night before.

Theu baaucally ran late trying to translate the message

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It has to do with game theory and ‘tit for tat’. Google it if you want to know more. Pretty interesting !

u/WetTrumpet avatar

Moot point tho, since Israel attacked the Iranian embassy building without warning of any sort

Exactly. This meme is just inadvertent Israeli propaganda. Israel striked an Iranian consulate attached to the embassy in Syria with no warning. The only reason Iran is forced to pre-announce their attacks is to avoid escalation from Israel and the West. This rules based order doesn't apply to Israel. Iran apparently doesn't have a right to retaliate or respond.

u/aVarangian avatar

They didn't attack the embassy

u/WetTrumpet avatar

You are correct, they attacked a consulate. It has similar political importance, although less important under international law.

u/aVarangian avatar

Afaik they bombed a building next to the consulate, not even the consulate

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…I mean not to say mean things of modern affairs but uh, everyone plays to the schedule.

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u/JaVolimHrvatsku avatar

they are such gentlemen

u/Schellwalabyen avatar

They honor the medieval tradition of actually declaring a war.

u/fred1281 avatar

Now is to see if they would honour the medieval tradition of pausing the war so that the soldiers can spend a few months with their families.

u/MrsColdArrow avatar

Wasn’t that more getting the boys back home so they can harvest the crops?

u/Hodor_The_Great avatar

They're too busy honouring the mediaeval tradition of killing unarmed civilians in a religious war in the Holy Land

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it's more of a 18-20th century thing despite the comic. during the medieval age, you kinda just showed up with a big ass army and figured it was obvious enough the spies told the enemy.

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This is basically the entire premise of my UNSC permanent members serial lol.

u/AaronC14 avatar

I'm a thief ;)

You're also way better at communicating ideas in only a few panels - I need an entire serial to make this point!

u/Intelligent_Slip_849 avatar

Keep making them, they're great!

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u/hhhty_336e avatar

well, yours is a bit more like a story his is a detailing of events. 

Damn i really would love going through all your work, you got a link or something ?

Here's a link to a comment with chapters 1-7, which I left on chapter 8, so you should be able to catch up that way!

And here is a link to a Wordpress that I need to update which is supposed to be a hub for my serials and one-off comics that I'm proud of. I haven't updated it since I made it like a year ago and I need to get on that lol.

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Ok, I’ll be that guy. Because someone’s got to do it.

The USA should say “honorable”, not “honourable”.

u/AaronC14 avatar

I'm Canadian, I don't spell like a yank

I have no problem whatsoever with the Fair Realm of Canadia choosing to pronounce that word as “honourable”. I must confess it frankly sounds more honorable to my ears when said that way. I doft my chapeau in your general direction, good sir.

Played that shit perfectly, nice lol. Canadia got a chuckle outta me

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Do you spell you as "yuo" like the Russian ball does?

u/AaronC14 avatar

Yah I dou

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Yeah canuck, but you spell like a wannabe Brit. Which I'm afraid, is far worse.