The Engagement Clause (TV Movie 2016) - The Engagement Clause (TV Movie 2016) - User Reviews - IMDb
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(2016 TV Movie)

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This is not a feel good Christmas flick
ms-fit21 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So the movie starts with a strong female lead who has been working hard for several years building the family business. Low and behold her sister rocks up to announce that she's getting married Christmas eve. All hell breaks loss because apparently there is some family contract which states which ever girl marries first her new husband gets the business...WHAT, l know crazy talk right, but on no that's the premise.

If you want to watch a Christmas flick with a selfish sister, parents who let their daughter work hard to get passed over, then this is the movie for you. I on the other hand, enjoy my Christmas movies to make me feel good at the end and although often predictable, happy at Christmas.

All this movie will do is make you angry and ask why a channel like UP would even think this story line was worthwhile. Sorry people but I'll be sticking to my Hallmark movies from now on at Christmas.
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A cute mess
Sweetigal859 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is definitely worth a watch but fair warning, it is one of those movies pretending to be a christmas film which really isn't. You definitely forget at some point during the movie that you picked this because you wanted to watch a Christmas movie.

You pretty much have to suspend disbelief with the plot right off the bat. I thought the leading actress was fantastic and she is the main reason this movie gets such a high rating despite the shaky plot and claim of christmas. She is very funny and expressive, I wish that she were in more movies. The conflict is ridiculous but not as ridiculous as everyone else's unjustified anger toward the main character.

First of all, I would have liked more details about the sister. She was apparently older but acted much less mature than the younger main character. I do not blame Carrie at all for being furious with her sister for suddenly wanting to take over the family business because her new husband wanted to. She just met this freaking guy it seems!

I also do not blame Carrie at all for being furious with Paul who dates her for weeks and allows her and everyone else to believe that he is her boyfriend and he is GAY. WTH? I assume they did not get intimate or even kiss or anything. Regardless, he had no right to be mad at her, he is the one who wasted her time. Even though she was technically using him, she did still seem to care about him. And I would have liked clarification if they had ever actually dated in high school or not.

The villain being her new brother in law's bf was a good twist and he had very good chemistry with Carrie. The best scene in the movie is the drunk scene and throughout the whole film, her assistant Zelda is adorable.

Again, definitely worth a watch but if you are looking for a christmas classic, this is definitely not it. It will likely bore and confuse you with some nice laughs mixed in.
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A feel good movie. NOT
AngelCullen13 February 2017
This movie started out so well .. I had high hopes but it just didn't make sense by the end!! I'm giving this 5 stars because it had great acting, I loved the main characters .. I just feel like the script needs a bit of tweaking... Because this just didn't feel like the feel-good-movies I'm used to .. and just when I thought I discovered another TV network to look forward to its movies 🎥

I really liked the hero and heroine, they had great chemistry. Loved the sisters relationship, because it came off so real.

I liked the film, I just wish it was better. But maybe that's just me. Take a chance on this movie, you might like it.
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So disappointing
kiwijws28 November 2017
I was looking forward to watching this movie. The premise sounded interesting and I love a good Christmas TV movie. Alas the reality of this terrible story line just mad me mad and frustrated. Who writes this tripe???? It's 2017 (when I watched it) and released in 2016 NOT the turn of the century. I'm sorry but I do NOT recommend this movie at all.

I gave it 2 stars because I do like the actors in it and have seen them in MUCH better productions.
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Terribly convoluted plot. Ridiculous.
dal4923 December 2018
This story is so bad it is actually offensive, not interesting or engaging at all. Not a Christmas movie, not an uplifting story, just bad. How this type of story gets made into a movie is mind boggling.
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Nice Change
Christmas-Reviewer2 June 2019
Review Date 6/2/2019

I Have Reviewed OVER 500 "Christmas Films and Specials". Please BEWARE Of films and specials with just one review! For instance When "It's a POSITIVE" chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. "If its Negative" then they may have a grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare about these films.

In this film Due to an antiquated clause in her grandmother's will, an ambitious young executive may lose her place at the family company unless she can get married by Christmas.

The acting is very good in this. The story moves at a very nice pace. Motives are very understandable and most of all believable. What I like was the fact that the story took a chances with the ending and so you don't get the predictable ending that these type of films usually give.

Worth watching
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Horrible premise. Jes Macallan was great, but the story was annoying
MichaelByTheSea26 December 2021
Nobody involved in the making of this movie EVER talked to a lawyer about how to deal with the insane clause in Granny's ridiculous and mean spirited will (Phyllis Schlafly would have loved Granny). I'm a lawyer. The will supposedly states that the business is to be given to the then unidentifiable future husband of the first of her unmarried granddaughters to get married (which would leave her own daughter and both granddaughters completely disinherited). This could have and should have been challenged in court after Granny died (which apparently occurred long before the events in the movie) as setting forth a condition precedent that might never occur (given that it was possible when the will was submitted to probate that neither granddaughter would ever marry) and given the absence of an identifiable beneficiary at the time of Granny's death.

And even if such a legal challenge failed (unlikely if the relatives all agreed to challenge the will), a lawyer could easily have drafted a contract and a prenup when the first engagement came along that transferred half of the business to each sister (and perhaps giving the first husband half of his wife's share). An inadequate post marriage version of this approach was briefly and vaguely alluded to early on but the new fiancé said everyone should "sleep on it", at which point Katie (well played by April Bowlby) should have reconsidered the character of the person she was marrying. Instead, she and her fiancé started making plans to change the company.

It's very frustrating to watch a movie driven by an infuriating premise and even more so when the conflict is an antiquated vestige of a time when women were regarded as subservient second class citizens (although there's still a lot of that in the world).

Jes Macallan was really great as Carrie and, if you can ignore the premise (which I couldn't), there's some decent dialogue and well played relationship scenes. But Carrie's "plan" to get married before her sister was desperate and annoying, as was the failure to work out a fair win-win deal BEFORE the wedding. I hate watched the rest of the movie to see how they resolved the conflict (ugh) but I felt like there was a big black cloud hanging over everything. That's not the feeling I want when I'm watching a Christmas movie.
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Not Worth Your Time.
calebwesleysmith11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A typical rom com plot is set up, but it is resolved horribly. The sister and her fiance, who are intolerable characters, have no arc and get their way. The main character, however, has an arc that comes from nowhere. Sure, she's represented as being too invested in her work, but this wasn't focused on nearly enough to lead into the central arc of the movie, carrying the central perspective! Considering the main character is represented positively regarding her belief that she should own the company, and vice versa with her sister and the fiance, it is completely unjustifiable that Carrie learns something from the situation, and the selfishness and unreasonableness of her sister and the fiance are not addressed. The cinematography is mediocre, and there are moments of pure cringe sprinkled throughout. There were some funny bits but nothing memorable. Most of the characters had nothing creative or distinguishing about them and added nothing to the film's messages. The charm of the main love interest and the occasional comedic relief of side-characters were the only redeeming inclusions. The safe-bet rom-com conventions this film held to kept it together and prevented it from being a painful watch. But yeah, it's bad, and there's nothing in it that makes it worth watching.
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Quirky, Bewildering... and in the end, Funny and Sweet
wayfind1 January 2018
Okay, I admit that the first time I watched this movie, somewhere in the middle of the female lead's "crazy" phase, I ranted, "This movie is about an insane woman! Why would they make a Christmas romance about a crazy woman?!" - BUT did I turn it off? No. I needed to see what happened. :)

This movie is definitely not the typical "Hallmark-type" movie, and it challenges the viewer a little. (The heroine gets sloppy drunk at one point. The Dad of the family gets a little more suggestive with the Mom than we usually would see - but it's very funny and not offensive, at all.) The actors are unusually talented and I advise sticking with it to the end. Our heroine eventually... well, you know. It ends nicely.

Btw, one reviewer referred to a weird "family contract". No. The trouble starts with grandma's WILL - and as I understand it, a properly executed will is legally binding. Just sayin' - the story line doesn't have some nonsensical base to set the action in motion.... I'm watching it a 2nd time.
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Not the usual Christmas fluff...
paulk-2116 December 2017
...but I like quirky. And the cast performs amazingly in this film, with the added benefit of some zippy dialog. But a special shout-out to Jes Macallan. Don't know if I've ever seen her before, but she does a deft turn as a conflicted sister and her acting is superb.
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Hallmark movie NOT, it's not even a ROM/COM
dsweeting-838-64293625 September 2020
Carrie an ambitious young executive, after working for years in the family company will lose her place unless she can get married by Christmas. Why you ask; because her younger sister is getting married first. A clause in her grandmother's will states a woman can not run the company her husband HAS to. Even thou neither the sister or her husband-to-be have ever worked for the company their marriage license makes them qualified; what century is this? Carrie on the other hand has worked for years beside her father knowing & believing 1 day she would run company. Shameful!!! The only emotion this movie made me feel was anger. If the actors are smart they'll leave this off their resumes.
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Convoluted plots and Mary Sue characters a holiday special do not make
Machiavelli8421 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My wife wanted to watch a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie, and we decided to give this one a shot. We weren't expecting much, but twenty minutes in, we found ourselves riffing on the film in the vain of MST3K, and we wouldn't stop until the end credits.

The premise of this film is that Carrie Tate, a successful career woman who hasn't had time for a personal life (because every Hallmark movie needs one of those), has discovered her late maternal grandmother, who inherited the family business from her husband despite strong views on marriage roles, wrote a will which said that whichever one of her granddaughters marries first, the business will be inherited by their new husband. As it so happens, Carrie's sister, Katie, is engaged to be married before Christmas, hence threatening Carrie's dream of taking over the business.

I have to note that at this point, my wife and I had to actually pause the movie to discuss this plot, because it was just so incredibly convoluted. If the grandmother wanted a man to inherit so badly, and was fine with settling with an in-law, why didn't she just let her daughter's husband inherit? Why one of the granddaughters? Why bypass the daughter? Also, how was this able to be kept a secret from the daughters so easily? Wills involve lawyers, some notification of the people involved, and if a company is part of the will, someone high up at the company would have to be made aware of this, or would have to prepare for this as part of the long-term business planning - so again, why was this part of the will such a tightly kept secret? There's something in script writing called "suspension of disbelief" where you take an implausible situation and make it plausible through the story's events (eg., Number Five becoming a sentient being after being hit by lightning in "Short Circuit") - and at the very start of this film, its very premise is simply unbelievable. It sounds like a convoluted plot to a Hallmark movie because... oh wait... that's precisely what it is. It's basically just there to get the ball rolling on Carrie finding a husband before Christmas and hoping nobody stops to think about it too long.

Getting back to the story, Carrie begins looking for a husband. She decides to hook up with an old high school friend, Paul, and basically try to woo him into marrying her. A love triangle develops (because what's a Hallmark romance without a love triangle?) when Carrie gets to know Ethan, the friend of Katie's fiance, who also happens to work at another company, one which Carrie's business had tried to obtain.

Here I need to discuss one of the biggest things that fails about this movie: Carrie, as our main character, is COMPLETELY UNLIKABLE. She's a jerk to everyone she knows: her sister, her secretary, Ethan, even Paul. She's petty, insulting, and manipulative. It got to the point where I would keep pausing the film to see the running time, so that I could say something like, "Okay, she's got thirty minutes left to be likeable." I wasn't even sympathetic to her desire to own the company, because the film portrays her as completely inept there. I happen to work for a distributor, like the company in the movie, and if I showed my boss the scene where she first met Ethan to talk about the business deal, where she talks to him in a snarky tone and then refuses to shake hands, he would laugh his head off at how bad a "business deal" scene it was. On top of this, the film keeps acting as if her attitude is no big deal. Ethan keeps acting like he's in love with her, and keeps warming up to her, even though she treats him like crap in every scene, and any sane guy would have cut off all contact with her days ago. By the end of the movie, everybody still loves her, if not more... and why? Because she said she was sorry to her sister? There's no major character turn like in "A Christmas Carol" or other holiday movies. She doesn't even apologize to other characters she wronged. For example, there's a gay character she makes an anti-gay crack at, but at the end of the film he's being friendly to her as if that jab at his orientation never happened. And Ethan, of course, is all heads over heels for her even right at the end, though it's for no other reason than the script says he has to be. (Keep in mind that when they first meet, it was hinted at that Carrie wanted to lay off people at Ethan's company, which he was obviously opposed to.) Even my wife, who is usually forgiving towards romantic films, and can get into the stories and characters, found absolutely ZERO connection with Carrie, and had no idea why any male character would be into her.

I was tempted to give this film 1/10 stars, but there were one or two scenes where I legitimately laughed, and some of the other actors do a decent job in their roles, so I want to give it some leeway. Either way, I would really avoid this movie. It's just bad. Or, if you want to see a bad Hallmark to riff on, have at it with this. With both guns blazing.
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"Sister Act of Betrayal"
Kamurai257 February 2021
Good watch, could watch again, and can recommend.

It's great to see April Browlby on the screen ("Crazy Meg" from "How I Met Your Mother") and Jes Macallan is excellent, carrying the movie.

There is plenty of humor and romantic tension leading to contentious drama, but it is a little bland.

I think the production intended on the hook of "she's gotta get married by Christmas" to land, but it's not exactly reflected in the movie as the main plot point nor an actual character goal.

The movie has some fun in it though so it might be a "decent curl up with someone and give it a go" night.
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Misogynistic but Humorous
jaimewender20 May 2019
The concept of the movie is super messed up. A family company passes on to the new HUSBAND of the first daughter to get married...not the first married daughter...her HUSBAND. what century is it again?

the only saving grace was Jes Macallan because she's awesome and a few good jokes sprinkled in.
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This was different...
rebekahrox14 November 2020
I enjoyed this even though it did have some problematic parts. I particularly enjoyed the acting of Giselle Bundchen, Leslie Ann Warren, Cindy Williams and Stanley Tucci.
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a disppointing chick flick
sandcrab2777 July 2020
As with all these chick flicks, they cast young guys that appear not to know how to shave yet have that slovenly lazy appearance that gives the impression that they are bad guys up to no good ... it would be refreshing to see a clean shaven man like james eckhouse as possible beaus for the leading women... not that april bowlby is a catch
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Stunted at birth
olympicator12 July 2020
So, a woman is trying to win over her stolen birthright by getting married. Confusion of business in the place of love. What we get is essentially a variation on "A Christmas Carol," a person who realizes that heart is more important than profit, except it takes her an exceptionally long time to learn her lesson.

As her sister puts it, Carrie is smart and yet so stupid. She fails to understand anyone on a personal level. In my opinion she does not really redeem herself in this movie. In fact I felt that no one learned much of anything.

Surprisingly, this movie was very well executed. The performances, script, and photography were quite convincing. Sadly it was lacked structure and originality.
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johanohammar19 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To me it's incomprehensible that her family shows so little understanding towards Carrie when she gets her life shattered. The "why do you take this so hard" attitude is an insult upon insults.

The ending where her sister wins and Carrie appear to be satisfied with the less than adequate result just leaves you frustrated. The solution (even if it is supposed to be "happy") is an injustice and a slap in the face if you ask me.
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marygrace-3761012 December 2020
I can't get over how ugly the sisters wedding dress is why did they put her in that and try to make it seem like she looked good
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Daddy I want a golden goose, Christmas edition
rxrox-1648816 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honey, when I tell you I throughly enjoyed most of this movie, only to be flabbergasted by the reviews, like did anyone critiquing this movie watch it?

Firstly, the plot is not convoluted at all, after the passing of their grandfather, who happened to be the founder of the family business (a whole sale grocer) their grandmother had a contract written up for her will that stated the husband of her first grand daughter to get married would inherit the business because she believed women should not be involved in business decisions. All of this is legit, all of it makes sense, and yet feminists want you to scream patriarchy. The only thing I didn't catch is why it didn't go to the grandmother's son in law, maybe it was mentioned but I didn't catch it, however he owns the company at this point so it's mute.

Well by now we have met the sister who is amazing, bubbly, kind, warm hearted and her sweet fiancé who is an earthy granola type who forages food for her successful restaurant in Napa or something (by the way this family is clearly super wealthy which does matter because like chill with the whole we could lose everything from granny's decision Blake Lively). So here we are championing the only villain of the story, the YOUNGER sister (who is literally played by Blair Waldorf herself) who isn't happy for this windfall opportunity for her older sister and beau but instead ignites into a rage because she sits just below her father as owner of the business and seems to see it necessary to scheme her way toward a solution to snatch the company away from her soon to be brother in law who absolutely planned on owning the company and keeping her as ceo, like she is fine relax.

Now I'm just sitting here like, this job would be perfect for Mr adorable fiancé because it's right up his alley, it isn't outside his field of interest, and it would greatly benefit the older sisters restaurant. Instead we jump into panic mode because the only rude member of this family is not receiving her dues because Nana was Christian. Mrs Reynolds, the villain than chats with her hilarious assistant who just nails this role, her mannerisms and quick quips are perfection, and we get a plot to seek a husband for a corporate take over marriage that must happen within weeks so she can inherit the business than have her husband sign it over to her and divorce him...all because she doesn't want to sit down with her siblings and be honest, even after her sister was like "let's just let crazy have the company" which led to some ferociously well written tension within the family because Ethan the fiancé was like "actually I kinda want this by the way."

So that's the meat of the story, you than get to know the cute lawyer for a small winery that may merge with the family business in question, who than proceeds to be treated like garbagio the whole movie while cruela swoons after the gay dude and the rest is silliness and fluffy fun.

I think the hate in the review section comes from feminists who hate the idea of women not getting everything they want. It's a fun watch, it's well written, well acted, and the dad is 90210 Walsh patriarch and the mom is the woman who stole Jill Taylor's boyfriend in high school in the show Home Improvement (the reunion episode) and she played Darlene's only friend in the Christmas episode of season 5 of Roseanne.

At this point I can't imagine anyone read this review this far, if you stuck this out with me you deserve one of the home made slices of cheese pizza with the most perfect thick crust dough and homemade chocolate chip cookies my uncle and I made before watching this movie, leave your address I'll ship you some.

God bless and Toodles.
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Good movie , very entertaining
ginbeane7 November 2023
I thought this movie was very cute! I laughed and found it very entertaining! Good movie with a holiday flair!

Don't know what else to say!

The main actor was very good! I like the part where she was drunk very cute! And it wasn't predictable!! I would definitely watch again!

It was a believable movie! And the women who played the main actress assistant was good and funny!

It kepted my attention and there weren't ant curse words I feel it's a good movie for the family could watch!

It was not a sappy Christmas movie!

Well produced and written!

I wish there were more movies like this!

Well done!
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