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As peace prevails throughout the ninja clans, so does the question of becoming one. Now a generation of prodigy like Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki, are challenged living under their parents’ shadow. The shinobi life has changed and so must the path to it. The legacy of ninja continues and a new chapter of ninja begins!

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(1 review)06 April 2020
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Boruto is not naruto

I love this show - does it have its flaws? Obviously. Every show does. What I’ve come to realize is that people who hate this anime hate it because they compare the level of action / seriousness of the Fourth Great Ninja war with the beginning of boruto. They’re not even comparable. Boruto will get to that point of action and sacrifice and darkness but it’s just not there yet and that’s fine. Even if you compare the first 100 episodes of Naruto with the 4th Great Ninja War they seem boring and actionless. Obviously. It’s the beginning of the show. The focus of those episodes is to introduce characters and story lines. I just think if you based your review of Boruto on the first 50 episodes and your only real complaint is that it’s not as action filled and serious as Naruto was, you’re not giving Boruto a fair chance. Not even Naruto was that serious pre-shippuden. At least give the show a chance to grow and get to that point before writing it off as “shi*tty and childish” after 5 episodes. May I remind you all that Naruto was even dumber than Boruto at his age.

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(1 review)05 November 2019
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Brings me immense joy.

Watching both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden this show is a refresher and a new story at the same time. Baruto is what Naruto could've been if he grew up in a stable environment. Though the plots intertwin, it has its own essence and tone. It gives me nostalgia and anticipation.

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(22 reviews)24 May 2022
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A mere shadow of its predecessor

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I can't respect a show that rides solely on the greatness of its predecessor. After watching Naruto & Shippuden recently, then watching Boruto, the quality difference is glaring. I can't help but roll my eyes at the typical "the son surpasses the father" storyline... Naruto was so great as a character because he was the GOAT (in spite of being an outcast, an orphan, and housing a demon) - he EARNED his greatness and had a lovable personality and triumphant character arc. Boruto is just awful. And seeing Naruto get nerfed in favor of his bratty son, who is one of the most petulant, annoying, and unlikeable characters in anime, is physically painful. Literally, the ONLY good thing about this show are the scenes with Naruto and the original characters - Boruto himself is insufferable, and, as I mentioned, them trying to make him stronger than Naruto just feels forced. It's not an organic story, it feels like bad fanfiction most of the time. People can try to say that this is a stand-alone show, but it isn't, without Naruto, this show would be a flop. I had high hopes for this show, as I came into it with an open mind and wanted to love it, but at this point, I'm done.

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(12 reviews)01 September 2017
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Relatively happy with how this show is turning out!

I've watched quite a bit of Naruto over the years, as many of us have, and of course, fell in love with the original characters. I pretty positive about seeing how their kids are turning out, and the characterization does not seem too redundant to me. I'm also very interested to see how this new twist in Sasuke's family is going to turn out! Therefore, I'd continue to recommend this show to anyone who is a fan of the Naruto!

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(2 reviews)26 July 2018
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It starts slow however

After awhile you learn to love the younger ninja just like you did in Naruto. Getting to see some of your favorite characters be parents now and see what they are doing for the village now is exciting as well. Has a lot of potential and I'm digging the story so far. Give it a shot if you loved Naruto.