Hello everyone! I’ve always found it hard to find good music that fits game’s theme in the licensed audio library uploaded by Roblox themselves. I, along with my friend @Mcsnappy have created a small library of roblox music by theme. You can click a button to copy it’s ID or press preview to hear a preview of the audio. I hope you find this useful!



This is PERFECT, I can’t wait to use these for my games!
You did an awesome job finding these.


Needed this very much for my projects that needed music. Thank you!

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Thank you for this amazing resource :slight_smile: I will definitely be using this in my game!

yo this is great

please add a lot more rock music or a suggestion: index all Roblox sounds (created by roblox) and add your own search feature.

roblox search is trash for audios and its a pain to find anything good

This is nice, and I like the feature to copy the IDs.

But I’m very confused why “Intensity” and “Voice Recognized” aren’t there… maybe I’m overthinking them.

Ive looked through the link but I can’t find anything that matches the game that I’m working on. I need a relatively fast children’s audio like in those scammy simulator games but it’s harder to find than you might think. does anyone have any suggestions?

What do you exactly need? I didn’t quite understand

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