atonement - Spanish translation – Linguee

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How would they be found now,
[...] on this solemn day of atonement?
�C�mo se encontrar�an ellos ahora,
[...] en este solemne d�a de expiaci�n?
12 Yom Kippur
[...] (Jewish): Day of Atonement, begins at sundown ?
12 Yom Kipur
[...] (Jud�o): d�a del perd�n, empieza a la puesta [...]
del sol.
This savings account is a very minute representation of the gift of atonement.
Esta cuenta de ahorros es una m�nima representaci�n del don de la redenci�n.
One thing I am sure of, and that is that if we teach the children
[...] the Doctrine of the Atonement in the most unmistakable [...]
terms, we shall be doing ourselves good.
De una cosa estoy seguro, y es que, si ense�amos a los
[...] ni�os la doctrina de la expiaci�n en los t�rminos m�s [...]
inconfundibles, nos estaremos haciendo un bien a nosotros mismos.
This sacrifice was for the
[...] nation and provided a temporary atonement for Israel.
Este sacrificio era por la naci�n
[...] y proporcionaba una expiaci�n temporal por Israel.
Proverbs 16:6 In
[...] mercy and truth atonement is provided for [...]
iniquity, and by the fear of the Lord one departs from evil.
Proverbios 16:6 Con
[...] misericordia y verdad se corrige el pecado, [...]
y con el temor del Se�or los hombres se apartan del mal.
And, because children are now also the instruments of brutality, sometimes committing the very worst atrocities,
reintegration is often a complex process of
[...] community healing and atonement, and negotiation with [...]
families to accept their children back.
Y, puesto que actualmente los ni�os son tambi�n quienes cometen las brutalidades (a veces las peores atrocidades
imaginables), su reintegraci�n es a menudo un
[...] proceso complejo de expiaci�n, cicatrizaci�n de las [...]
heridas de la comunidad y negociaci�n
con las familias para que los acepten de vuelta.
The large circle
[...] represents Christ and His atonement.
El c�rculo mayor representa
[...] a Cristo y a su sacrificio.
Through the atonement of Christ all mankind may [...]
be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel.
Por medio de la expiaci�n de Cristo toda la humanidad [...]
puede ser salva, por obediencia a las leyes y ordenanzas del evangelio.
Even though with all this he greatly improved the doctrinal body of Christianity, in
a way he was unable to surpass Philo:
[...] the doctrines of atonement and original sin, [...]
which were Paul's creation (1339:1, were
clearly inferior to Philo's philosophy.
Aunque con ello mejor� mucho el cuerpo doctrinal del cristianismo, en algo no
fue capaz de superar a Fil�n, y fue en
[...] su doctrina de la expiaci�n y del pecado original, [...]
que fue una creaci�n suya (1339:1).
Atonement is not a mystery to be [...]
scarcely spoken of, or if spoken of at all, to be whispered.
La expiaci�n no es un misterio del [...]
que se deba hablar escasamente, o del que si se llegara a hablar, habr�a que hacerlo susurrando.
Collective (public acts of atonement, commemorative days, establishment of museums, changing [...]
of street names and other public places, etc.)
colectivas (desagravio
[...] p�blico, d�as de conmemoraci�n, establecimiento de museos, cambio de nombre de calles y otros lugares [...]
p�blicos, etc.)
We are justified by faith alone in the
[...] substitutionary atonement of Christ on the cross.
Somos justificados solo por fe
[...] por medio de la expiaci�n sustitutiva de Cristo [...]
en la cruz.
In Christ's life of perfect obedience to God's will, his suffering,
death and resurrection, God
[...] provided the only means of atonement for human sin, so that [...]
those who by faith accept the gift
of salvation may have eternal life.
A trav�s de la vida de Cristo de perfecta obediencia a la voluntad divina, su sufrimiento,
muerte y resurrecci�n, Dios
[...] proporcion� el �nico medio de expiaci�n del pecado humano, [...]
para que quienes por su fe aceptan el
don de la salvaci�n puedan gozar de la vida eterna.
Atotonilco has a beautiful and
[...] ancient cathedral, the site of weekly pilgrimages by thousands of the faithful seeking atonement.
Atotonilco posee una hermosa y antigua catedral, sitio de peregrinaje semanal de miles de fieles.
This course introduces the student to the biblical teaching about man, the person and natures of Christ, the
[...] work of Christ, and the atonement.
Este curso introduce al alumno en la ense�anza b�blica acerca del hombre, la persona y las naturalezas de Cristo, la
[...] obra de Cristo, y la expiaci�n.
Doctrinally, the new evangelicals confessed the infallibility of
the Bible, the Trinity, the deity of
[...] Christ, vicarious atonement, the personality and [...]
work of the Holy Spirit, and the second coming of Christ.
Doctrinalmente, los nuevos evang�licos profesaban la
infalibilidad de la Biblia, la Trinidad, la
[...] deidad de Cristo, la expiaci�n indirecta, la personalidad [...]
y labor del Esp�ritu Santo y la segunda venida de Cristo.
The European Union's fifty-year history has been a history of
reconciliation among its peoples
[...] and ethnic groups, of atonement and self-examination [...]
by its peoples following the Second World War.
Los cincuenta a�os de historia de la Uni�n Europea constituyen una
historia de reconciliaci�n entre pueblos y
[...] grupos �tnicos, de expiaci�n y autoevaluaci�n de [...]
sus pueblos despu�s de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
8 Yom Kippur (Jewish): Day of Atonement, begins at sundown
8 Yom Kippur (celebraci�n
[...] jud�a): D�a de la Expiaci�n, comienza al caer el sol
The other
[...] stresses the need for moral and historical atonement-they argue that money cannot paper over a [...]
tragedy that lasted for four centuries.
Para los defensores de esta �ltima tesis, el dinero no puede borrar cuatro siglos de tragedia.
American Gangster and Atonement had very good results [...]
versus easier comparisons last year and for the parks, we saw good
attendance and spending in January and Feb, but slightly lower than expected in March, another thing we are watching.
American Gangster y Atonement han tenido muy Buenos [...]
resultados contra las m�s sencillas comparaciones del a�o pasado y para
los parques, hemos visto muy buenas asistencias y gasto en enero y febrero, pero un poco menores de lo esperado en marzo, otra cosa que estamos vigilando.
While the children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness God told them to have one special day each
[...] year called the Day of Atonement.
Mientras que los hijos de Israel estaban vagando en el yermo Dios les dijo que tengan un d�a especial cada
[...] a�o llamado el D�a de expiaci�n.
With a view to the Oscars won by "Slumdog Millionaire" the liberal daily The Independent calls on the British government to support the country's film industry in times of crisis:
"There has been a magnificent rejuvenation in recent years with successful
[...] releases such as 'Atonement' and 'Mamma Mia!
En vistas del �xito de "Slumdog millionaire", el peri�dico liberal The Independent reclama que el Gobierno patrocine a la industria cinematogr�fica en tiempos de crisis: "En los �ltimos a�os se ha
vivido un verdadero rejuvenecimiento [de la industria cinematogr�fica] con pel�culas
[...] exitosas como 'Atonement' o 'Mamma Mia!
In looking upon the cross of Christ we come to
[...] realize what the atonement means for us.
Al considerar la cruz de Cristo logramos entender lo que
[...] significa para nosotros la expiaci�n.
From this we confess and avow that there remains no other sacrifice for sin; if any affirm so, we do not
hesitate to say that they are blasphemers against Christ's death
[...] and the everlasting atonement thereby purchased for us.
Por esto confesamos y declaramos que no hay otro sacrificio por el pecado; si alguien afirma que si lo hay,
no vacilamos en decir que blasfema contra la muerte de
[...] Cristo y la expiaci�n eterna que de ese modo compr� [...]
para nosotros.
But in fact, he himself was a member of the body of Christ, one who, daily, ate the body of Christ and felt
called to be a saint, and who-this comes out in his writings-regarded
[...] his death as an atonement for the sins [...]
of the world.
Pero de hecho, �l mismo un era miembro del cuerpo de Cristo, uno que, diariamente, ingiri� el cuerpo de Cristo y se sinti�
llamado a ser santo, y que - esto sale de sus escritos - consideraba su
[...] muerte como una reparaci�n por los pecados [...]
del mundo.
The Lord [did] everything sacramentally: a Baptism with a Chrism with a
[...] Eucharist with an Atonement with a [Holy] Bridal-Chamber.
El Amo [hizo] todo como sacramento: Bautismo con Crisma
[...] con Eucarist�a con Expiaci�n con [Santa] C�mara [...]
That the atonement through Jesus Christ [...]
is for the whole human race; and that whosoever repents and believes on the Lord
Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.
Que la expiaci�n por medio de Jesucristo [...]
es para toda la raza humana, y que quien se arrepiente y cree en el Se�or Jesucristo
es justificado, regenerado y salvo del dominio del pecado.
20 And he that saith that little children
need baptism denieth the mercies of Christ, and
[...] setteth at naught the atonement of him and the power [...]
of his redemption.
20 Y el que diga que los ni�os peque�os necesitan el bautismo niega las misericordias de
[...] Cristo y desprecia su expiaci�n y el poder de su redenci�n.
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