Tarhos Kovács — The Knight - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki
Dead by Daylight Wiki

The Knight
K30 TheKnight Portrait
Name Tarhos Kovács
Gender Man
Origin Hungarian
Realm The Decimated Borgo
Power Guardia Compagnia
Power Attack Type Special Attack

(Guard Attacks)

Weapon Imposing Claymore
Movement SpeedIconHelp movementSpeedIconHelp movementSpeedIconHelp movementSpeed 115 % | 4.6 m/s
Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius 32 metres
Height IconHelp heightIconHelp heightIconHelp height Average
DLC CHAPTER 26: Forged in Fog
Voice Actor Misha Standjofski (Knight)

David A.B. (Carnifex)

Simon Girard (Assassin)

Jeff Mott (Jailer) (The Monster Factory)

Cost 4,500 Iridescent ShardsIconCurrency iridescentShardsIconCurrency iridescentShardsIconCurrency iridescentShards

250 Auric CellsIconCurrency auricCellsIconCurrency auricCellsIconCurrency auricCells

Menu Music
Terror Radius Music

Tarhos Kovács or "The Knight" is one of 36 KillersIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killerIconHelpLoading killer currently featured in Dead by DaylightIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogoIconHelp DBDlogo.

He was introduced as the Killer of CHAPTER 26: Forged in Fog, a Chapter DLC released on 22 November 2022 and retired on 14 May 2024.

He is still available in the In-Game StoreIconHelp storeIconHelp storeIconHelp store and as part of the Endless Hunt Pack Chapter Pack DLC.


Store Knight

The Knight is a strategic Killer, able to send his faithful Guards to hunt for Survivors and damage objects on the battlefield.

His personal Perks, Nowhere to HideIconPerks nowhereToHideIconPerks nowhereToHideIconPerks nowhereToHide, Hex: Face the DarknessIconPerks hexFaceTheDarknessIconPerks hexFaceTheDarknessIconPerks hexFaceTheDarkness, and HubrisIconPerks hubrisIconPerks hubrisIconPerks hubris, allow him to reveal Survivors near Generators, curse Survivors to scream out in fear, and cause a Survivor who stuns you to become Exposed.

Difficulty Rating: Moderate
(These Killers require the Player to be comfortable with the basics of the role, though they share common mechanics with easier ones)


LoreKeyArt knight
Additional Lore can be found in Tome 14 - Betrayal: Nothing but Darkness

Tarhos Kovács didn’t remember much about his childhood, but what he did remember he would chase his entire life. He remembered the cries and screams in the village. He remembered his mother forcing him to swallow a thick, black fluid like medicine. He remembered collapsing to the hard floor only to awaken in a mass grave, buried under a crush of bodies, with the sound of the village burning in his ears. He remembered pushing, pulling, and climbing to the top of the bloody mass only to be seized by the death, destruction, and silence—the indifferent and impenetrable silence. A high-pitched whine suddenly sounded in his ears and his skin began to prickle as he realised he was in the presence of something he couldn’t possibly understand. And though he couldn’t articulate what he was experiencing, he knew it wasn’t pain, grief, or fear. It was something else. Something closer to—


As Tarhos tried to make sense of the moment, he didn’t notice the men who approached him from behind. He didn’t even react when they carried him off to a horse-drawn buggy and locked him up in a small, wooden cage with other slaves. He just stared at the scene, mesmerized. And even as they rode away telling him he was headed for Italy, Tarhos stared through the wooden cracks with eyes wide open and a heart wanting to understand what could not be understood.

From that day on, Tarhos belonged to the Guardia Compagnia where he trained under Kadir Hakam. There he learned to wield weapons, forge armor, and recite a code of chivalry to obediently serve those who would employ his services. As the years passed, Tarhos made few friends amongst the hostile and competitive mercenaries. But his skill, strength, and smarts attracted a small following who believed his courage brought them luck in battle and that one day he would help them earn their collective freedom. Three of his followers pledged their undying allegiance to Tarhos and came to be known as his faithful three. His pack.

Alejandro Santiago apprenticed with the Guardia Compagnia’s Armourer.

Durkos Malecek showed an aptitude for stealth and silent kills.

Sander Rault matched Tarhos in size and strength. His weapon of choice: a massive battle axe.

As the Guardia Compagnia carried out campaigns in faraway lands, Tarhos dispatched countless enemies. Years passed. Blood flowed. And yet, all that killing still didn’t bring Tarhos closer to what he had experienced in his village. Nevertheless, for his bravery in battle, Tarhos was granted knighthood and freedom. The Hungarian slave was now liberated, his brutality rewarded, though his heart still longed for something else — something he could not name or describe. Tired of taking orders from those he considered his inferiors, Tarhos left the Guardia Compagnia to strike out on his own. Their leader, however, refused to release his followers.

Determined to raise enough gold to liberate his followers, Tarhos found employment with a wealthy Italian Lord. Vittorio Toscano was the Duke of Portoscuro. He was also a scholar, a world traveller, and a collector of ancient knowledge that had been hidden by an unknown cabal of mystics. Tarhos joined Vittorio’s latest expedition to find a fragment of a pillar from an ancient school lost to time. A stone Vittorio called the Lapis Paradisus for he believed it held secrets to open a gateway into a perfect world beyond good and evil.

The expedition searched Roman ruins in France and crossed the Pyrenees Mountains into Spain where the path led to the catacombs beneath the Portuguese city of Sintra.

The citizens there considered the catacombs sacred. Tarhos would have to kill the villagers guarding the entrance to retrieve the stone. Not wanting to shed blood, Vittorio commanded Tarhos to find another way. But Tarhos — who had seen the most horrific acts committed under the guise of chivalry — refused to be dissuaded by pretences of honour. He waited for Vittorio to ride back to camp. Then, with a mighty roar, he pushed forward, cutting a path of blood and gore into the darkness until he had the stone in his grasp.

Upon returning to the town of Portoscuro, Tarhos imprisoned Vittorio in his own dungeon, demanding to know the meaning behind the symbols etched in the stone. When Vittorio refused to talk, Tarhos brutally tortured his friends and relatives and made horrific displays of their bodies in the streets. But nothing he did shook Vittorio’s resolve to keep the secrets of the stone from Tarhos. Enraged, Tarhos seized control of Vittorio’s riches and raised a small army. Within months, Tarhos fearlessly marched upon the Guardia Compagnia, decimating their barracks, freeing his followers, cutting down his enemies like twigs and collecting their ‘righteous’ heads for his growing displays of ‘valor.’

In time several lords in neighbouring provinces believed Tarhos was the very embodiment of evil. They banded together to create a ‘moral’ and ‘virtuous’ army to purge evil from Portoscuro. Tarhos ignored their threats. He viewed the lords as a cowardly lot who cloaked their greed and ambition in laws, codes, and platitudes. Laws and codes and platitudes designed to hide from the very darkness Tarhos embraced and accepted without judgment.

But, with his enemies on the march, Tarhos headed toward the dungeons to give Vittorio the death he deserved. He refused to afford him even the slightest hope of rescue. With dark intentions, he entered the small prison, wound his way into the bowels of the earth, and pushed through a torch-lit corridor. He hesitated for a moment, realising he would never learn Vittorio’s knowledge and secrets. But neither would anyone else. That was good enough for him. And so, he unlocked and kicked open the dungeon door. Two quick strides brought him to an empty, rat-infested chamber.

Tarhos stood silent for a moment, then a roar of indignation burst out of his lungs as the sounds of battle suddenly reverberated through the town. Instantly, he stumbled through the corridor, rushed up the twisting stairs, vaulted out of the moonlit doorway and charged through pools of gleaming blood and viscera, smashing and shattering his way through the enemy. The ‘moral’ and ‘virtuous’ lords rained flaming boulders and tree-trunks among the town, bursting through homes, crushing villagers like worms, pounding the ground and igniting stacks of hay and piles of lumber into massive tongues of fire.

Amidst the carnage and chaos, the pack found Tarhos, and back-to-back, they became a whirlwind of death. Some believed their courage gave them luck. Others believed something otherworldly protected them. Whatever it was, they alone felled dozens of warriors as easily as stomping and crushing beetles. And as they butchered the enemy, Tarhos didn’t notice the strange fog rising from the fallen corpses and clattering armour until he couldn’t see two inches in front of him in any direction.

Tarhos stumbled forward, groping in the thick fog like the dark fluid his mother forced down his throat all those years ago. His coordination and sense of direction was confused as he called out for his pack. How long he stumbled in the almost perfect darkness he did not know. But suddenly the fog dissipated to reveal a phantasmal wasteland of rotting bodies and burning villages and great crumbling towers leaning drunkenly on the horizon. He stared in awe. A familiar high-pitched whine sounded in his ears and his skin began to prickle. He stood transfixed, realising by some incredible chance, his heart had found exactly what it had been searching for all his life. He didn’t need Vittorio. He didn’t need the stone. He had found his paradise. He had found —

The beauty and the horror.

He had found —

The Sublime.


Unique Perks

The Knight comes with 3 PerksIconHelp perksIconHelp perksIconHelp perks that are unique to him:

IconPerks hexFaceTheDarkness
Hex: Face the Darkness You make an example of one of your victims, forcing their allies to become awed by your power.

Once you injure a SurvivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivor by any means, if there is still a Dull TotemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem remaining on the Map, Hex: Face the Darkness activates and lights it, cursing that Survivor:

  • All other Survivors will scream every 35/30/25 seconds if they are outside of the Killer's Terror RadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadiusIconHelp terrorRadius, revealing their AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras for 2 seconds each time.

Hex: Face the Darkness deactivates when the Cursed Survivor either enters the Dying StateIconHelp dyingIconHelp dyingIconHelp dying or becomes HealthyIconHelp healthyIconHelp healthyIconHelp healthy, extinguishing its Totem.

Hex: Face the Darkness is disabled for the remainder of the Trial if Survivors manage to cleanse its Hex TotemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totemIconHelpLoading totem.

"I shall make an example of one. These mewling worms will never know peace." — Tarhos Kovács

IconPerks hubris
Hubris You show no mercy, especially to those foolish enough to resist.
  • Whenever you are stunned by a Survivor, that Survivor suffers from the ExposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposed Status Effect for 10/15/20 seconds.

Hubris has a cool-down of 20 seconds.

"You have made a grave mistake, standing in opposition to me this day." — Tarhos Kovács

IconPerks nowhereToHide
Nowhere to Hide The machinations of the weak and craven draw your ire.

Your anger forces Survivors to reveal themselves.

Performing the Damage Generator Action on a GeneratorIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators triggers Nowhere to Hide:

  • The AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of all SurvivorsIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivorIconHelpLoading survivor within 24 metres of your position are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

"Out with you, cowards! Show yourselves!" — Tarhos Kovács


Prestiging The Knight will automatically add Tier I of his Unique Perks to the inventories of all other Killers and unlock the ability for their higher-tiered versions to spawn in their BloodwebIconHelp bloodwebIconHelp bloodwebIconHelp bloodweb.

Prestige The Knight twice more to automatically add Tier II and Tier III respectively into the other Killers' inventories.

Weapon: Imposing Claymore

K30 Weapon01

The Imposing Claymore is the Primary Weapon of The Knight.
A massive weapon capable of cleaving a foe in half, in the right hands.

Power: Guardia Compagnia

IconPowers guardiaCompagnia Carnifex
IconPowers guardiaCompagnia Assassin
IconPowers guardiaCompagnia Jailer

"The Knight alone is a terrifying monster on the battlefield, but with his loyal Guards, he is nearly unstoppable.
Together, the Guardia Compagnia fights for their own freedom, killing anyone who gets in their way."

The Knight can summon his three loyal companions one at a time to patrol nearby areas, hunt Survivors, or perform tasks on his behalf.

Press and hold the Power button to enter the Guard Summon Mode for a maximum of 10 seconds.
Press it again to exit the mode prematurely.

Exiting the mode will summon one of 3 Guards, in fixed order, who will do his bidding, each with his own special abilities:

  • The CarnifexIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Carnifex performs a Guard Order more quickly and has a longer Hunt duration.
  • The AssassinIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Assassin walks faster during a Hunt and inflicts hit Survivors with Deep WoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWoundIconStatusEffects deepWound Status Effect.
  • The JailerIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Jailer walks faster during a Patrol with a larger Detection range, and has a longer Patrol duration.

While in this mode, The Knight is unable to see Survivors, as well as their Scratch MarksIconHelp scratchMarksIconHelp scratchMarksIconHelp scratchMarks and Pools of BloodIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleeding, but can still see their interactions with the environment.

While in the Guard Summon Mode, The Knight can move forwards at 13.8 m/s while steering with his camera, represented to Survivors as a Ghostly Orb that quickly fades to become invisible after exceeding 10 metres in length.
Moving in this form leaves a trail up to a maximum of 32 metres in length, known as the Patrol Path.

Once The Knight exits the mode, a Guard is summoned and starts backtracking the Patrol Path.
Once he reaches the origin of the Patrol Path, he continues patrolling along the pathed route until either the Power Gauge is depleted or he detects a Survivor in his Detection range, which will initiate a Hunt.

The Knight can cancel an active Patrol by hitting the Guard with a Basic Attack.

Drawing a Patrol Path that exceeds 10 metres in length grants the following effects to The Knight:

  • Grants a +5 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect for 2 to 10 seconds, depending on the final length of the Patrol Path.
  • Reduces the duration of the Hunt Start-up phase by -10 to -25 %, depending on the final length of the Patrol Path.

While in the Guard Summon Mode, The Knight can command his Guard to perform the Break or Damage Action on Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWallIconHelp breakableWall, dropped PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown, or partially repaired GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generatorsIconHelpLoading generators, when he is within 6 metres of their location.
Damaging a Generator regresses it by -5 %.

If a Survivor is inside the Detection range of a Guard and either in his line-of-sight or triggers a Loud Noise Notification, the Guard will detect their presence and phase through the environment, including through floors and across elevation, to reach their exact detected location over 2.5 seconds, after which he starts a Hunt , chasing after the Hunted Survivor:

  • Places a Standard at the exact detected location of the Survivor, which materialises over several seconds.
  • Damages any Survivor coming into its attack range, regardless of whether they are the Hunted Survivor or not.

Hunted Survivors can escape a Hunt unharmed by doing either of the following:

  • Grabbing the materialised Standard by walking into it.
    • This also grants the Survivor a +50 % HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect and the EnduranceIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivorIconStatusEffects enduranceSurvivor Status Effect, both lasting for 3 seconds.
  • Unhooking another Survivor.
  • Outlasting the duration of the Hunt indicated on their HUD portrait.

If either the Guard or The Knight damages the Hunted Survivor, the Hunt ends immediately and the former disappears.
If the Guard downs the Hunted Survivor, they trigger Killer Instinct for 3 seconds.

Power Trivia

Movement Speeds:

Main Article
  • Walking: 4.6 m/s
  • Drawing Patrol Path: 13.8 m/s

The Carnifex: IconPowers guardiaCompagnia Carnifex

Sander charSelect portrait
  • Patrol speed: 3.4 m/s (default)
  • Break or Damage Action duration: 2 seconds (shortest)
  • Patrol duration: 12 seconds (default)
  • Hunt speed: 4.1 m/s (default)
  • Attacks cause Deep Wound: no (default)
  • Flag Materialisation time: 10 seconds (longest)
  • Hunt duration: 24 seconds (longest)
  • Spawn Vision range: 2 metres (default)
  • Patrol Vision range: 8 metres (default)

The Assassin: IconPowers guardiaCompagnia Assassin

Durkos charSelect portrait
  • Patrol speed: 3.4 m/s (default)
  • Break or Damage Action duration: 6 seconds (default)
  • Patrol duration: 12 seconds (default)
  • Hunt speed: 4.4 m/s (fastest)
  • Attacks cause Deep Wound: yes (damages)
  • Flag Materialisation time: 5 seconds (default)
  • Hunt duration: 12 seconds (default)
  • Spawn Vision range: 2 metres (default)
  • Patrol Vision range: 8 metres (default)

The Jailer: IconPowers guardiaCompagnia Jailer

Alejandro charSelect portrait
  • Patrol speed: 4.1 m/s (fastest)
  • Break or Damage Action duration: 6 seconds (default)
  • Patrol duration: 24 seconds (longest)
  • Hunt speed: 4.1 m/s (default)
  • Attacks cause Deep Wound: no (default)
  • Flag Materialisation time: 5 seconds (default)
  • Hunt duration: 12 seconds (default)
  • Spawn Vision range: 2 metres (default)
  • Patrol Vision range: 14 metres (farthest)


  • Guard Order, maximum distance: 6 metres
  • Spawn time: 1.5 seconds
  • Vision angle: 180 °
  • Vision Radius Expansion duration: 1 second
    • This refers to how long it takes for a Guard's Vision radius to reach its full range, since it grows from the centre of the Guard's model outwards after they first spawn.
  • Hunt Start-up duration: 2.5 seconds
    • This refers to the time it takes a Guard to travel to the location the Survivor was detected at before the actual Hunt starts.
    • This time is progressively reduced if the Patrol Path exceeds a length of 10 metres and ranges from a reduction of -10 % to a maximum of -25 % if the length reaches 32 metres.
  • Pulling Survivors out of Lockers: 3 seconds
  • Killer Instinct duration: 3 seconds
  • Pallet and Vault Slow-down speed: 220 (?)
  • Pallet and Vault Slow-down duration: 1 second
  • Minimum Aura visibility distance: 12 metres
    • Below this threshold, The Knight is unable to see an Aura of his Guards.
  • Progression Penalty when Damaging Generators: -5 %


  • Power Ready delay: 3 seconds
    • This refers to the time between a Guard disappearing and the Power becoming ready again.

Patrol Path:

  • Drawing Mode Charge time: 0.01 seconds
  • Drawing Mode FOV increase: +25 °
  • Drawing Mode Drawing time: up to 10 seconds
    • After this time elapses, The Knight is automatically forced out of the Guard Summon mode.
      In normal use cases, this has no effect on his ability to draw Paths, but prevents him from remaining in this mode for too long as a tactic to hide his Terror Radius.
  • Drawing Mode Drawing Time Warning threshold: at 70 %
    • Reaching the threshold while drawing the Patrol Path will sound an alarm that not much Drawing time is left.
    • Using the default values, this means the warning will sound after 7 seconds.
  • Path length: up to 32 metres
  • Path Length Warning threshold: at 70 %
    • Reaching the threshold while drawing the Patrol Path will sound an alarm that not much Path is left.
    • Using the default values, this means the warning will sound after drawing a Path of 22.4 metres.
  • Distance between Path nodes: 2 to 5 metres

Patrol Path Camera:

NOTE: while drawing a Patrol Path, the position of the camera (the Green Orb) is considered to be the location of The Knight, not where his body is physically located.
This does not, however, influence Unlockables with distance-related activation conditions as of Patch 6.4.2 anymore.
  • Maximum Yaw input: 290 °
    • Yaw is the turning motion of the camera.
  • Initial Offset distance: 1.6 metres
    • This refers to how far the camera is offset from The Knight's location when entering the Summon Guard mode.
  • Maximum Camera Walk speed: 13.8 m/s
  • Camera Acceleration multiplier: x1
    • The camera uses the same acceleration curve when moving as the Killer.
  • Camera Strafe multiplier: x0.25
    • The camera uses the same acceleration curve when strafing as the Killer.
  • The Green Orb is visible to Survivors, but continuously shrinks in size while moving forward, until it completely disappears once the Patrol Path is longer than 10 metres.


  • Haste strength on pick-up: 50 %
  • Haste duration on pick-up: 3 seconds
  • Endurance duration on pick-up: 3 seconds

Add-ons for Guardia Compagnia

Icon Name Description
IconAddon grittyLump
Gritty Lump A rock-hard, dense loaf filled their stomachs on most days, giving them the energy to commit truly heinous acts.
  • Increases the Movement Speed of Guards during the Patrol Phase by +9 %.

IconAddon mapOfTheRealm
Map of the Realm These unique leather maps were not easy to come by, but when they could not be purchased, they could be taken by force.
  • Increases the Vision range of a Guard during the Patrol Phase by +4 metres.

IconAddon pillagedMead
Pillaged Mead Drinks taken from their victims tasted sweet, but such frivolities were often short-lived.
  • Reduces the duration of the Break or Damage Action of a Guard by -15 %.

IconAddon tatteredTabard
Tattered Tabard Cloaked in heavy fabrics, neither human nor nature could stop them once they had their target.
  • Extends the duration of the Patrol Phase by +8 seconds.

IconAddon battleAxeHead
Battle Axe Head Sander Rault was a tower of a man, terrifying in form and demeanour.
  • Causes The CarnifexIconPowers guardiaCompagnia CarnifexIconPowers guardiaCompagnia CarnifexIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Carnifex to be selected twice in a row while cycling through Guardia Compagnia.

IconAddon callToArms
Call to Arms Posted across many towns, lords desperate to protect their riches posted for able-bodied mercenaries.
None survived.
  • Increases the maximum length of the Patrol Path by +10 metres.
  • Increases the Movement speed while drawing the Patrol Path by +2.2 m/s.

IconAddon coldSteelManacles
Cold Steel Manacles Alejandro Santiago apprenticed as an armourer and showed no remorse.
  • Causes The JailerIconPowers guardiaCompagnia JailerIconPowers guardiaCompagnia JailerIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Jailer to be selected twice in a row while cycling through Guardia Compagnia.

IconAddon driedHorsemeat
Dried Horsemeat Long campaigns often required restocking, and the steeds of fallen enemies were as good as any farm-fresh ration.
  • Extends the duration of a Hunt by +4 seconds.

IconAddon treatedBlade
Treated Blade Durkos Malecek stuck to the shadows, and was an efficient slaughterer.
  • Causes The AssassinIconPowers guardiaCompagnia AssassinIconPowers guardiaCompagnia AssassinIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Assassin to be selected twice in a row while cycling through Guardia Compagnia.

IconAddon brokenHilt
Broken Hilt A fresh weapon is clean, even surgical; an attack with a broken one is malicious and desperate.
  • Survivors damaged by a Guard suffer from the MangledIconStatusEffects mangledIconStatusEffects mangledIconStatusEffects mangled Status Effect for 70 seconds.

IconAddon chainMailFragment
Chain Mail Fragment Downtime was spent repairing their armour, to avoid being on the receiving end of a fatal blow.
  • Survivors damaged by a Guard suffer from the HaemorrhageIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleedingIconStatusEffects bleeding Status Effect until fully healed.

IconAddon grimIronMask
Grim Iron Mask No method of torture was too base for Guardia Compagnia.
Pain and humiliation went hand-in-hand.
  • Survivors detected by a Guard during the Patrol Phase suffer from the BlindnessIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects visionIconStatusEffects vision Status Effect for 60 seconds.

IconAddon ironworkersTongs
Ironworker's Tongs Vital for repairs between battles and a horrifying, gauging, tearing improvisational weapon.
  • Survivors suffer from the ObliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects obliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious Status Effect for 20 seconds, if a Guard fails to damage them during a Hunt.

IconAddon townWatchsTorch
Town Watch's Torch Upon breaching a village, the first thing they would extinguish was the torches, and with them, hope.
  • Grants the UndetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectableIconStatusEffects undetectable Status Effect for 25 seconds, if Guards fail to damage a Survivor during two consecutive Hunts.

IconAddon blacksmithsHammer
Blacksmith's Hammer In their hands, everything was a weapon.
  • Survivors escaping a Hunt by any means other than grabbing the Standard suffer from the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted Status Effect and a -3 % HinderedIconStatusEffects hinderedIconStatusEffects hinderedIconStatusEffects hindered Status Effect for 15 seconds.

IconAddon flintAndSteel
Flint and Steel Attacks at night were not uncommon.
Fear was often their greatest ally.
  • Summoning The CarnifexIconPowers guardiaCompagnia CarnifexIconPowers guardiaCompagnia CarnifexIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Carnifex causes the AurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp aurasIconHelp auras of all Survivors within 24 metres of dropped but unbroken PalletsIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDownIconHelp pullDown to be revealed to you for 5 seconds.

IconAddon healingPoultice
Healing Poultice Their reputation was so large, so horrible, that the mere knowledge that they were coming was enough to bring people to their knees.
  • Summoning The AssassinIconPowers guardiaCompagnia AssassinIconPowers guardiaCompagnia AssassinIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Assassin causes all Survivors within 24 metres of his Spawn location to scream and reveal their location for 5 seconds.

IconAddon lightweightGreaves
Lightweight Greaves Sometimes he wore lighter armour, letting him move faster; he knew nothing could stop him anyway.
  • Summoning The JailerIconPowers guardiaCompagnia JailerIconPowers guardiaCompagnia JailerIconPowers guardiaCompagnia Jailer increases your Movement speed by +10 % for 6 seconds.

IconAddon iridescentCompanyBanner
Iridescent Company Banner Where this banner was raised, those who called themselves 'civilised' ran and hid, because for all their codes and laws, they had nothing resembling actual strength.
  • Blocks all WindowsIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window you pass through while drawing the Patrol Path to all Survivors for 15 seconds after summoning a Guard.
  • Blocks all Windows vaulted by the Hunted Survivor to all other Survivors for the remained of the Hunt.
  • Blocks the Exit GatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGatesIconHelp exitGates to the Hunted Survivor for the duration of the Hunt.

"They huddle in their villages like parasites! They have lost the drive for power." — Tarhos Kovács

IconAddon knightsContract
Knight's Contract The original document contracting Tarhos to Vittorio's employ.
The laws of man could not stand up, though, to natural law.
  • Every fourth summon of a Guard causes all Survivors within 12 metres of his Spawn location to suffer from the ExposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposedIconStatusEffects exposed Status Effect for 8 seconds.

"I fear he has left me here to die." — Vittorio Toscano


Main article: Achievements

There are 2 Achievements related to The Knight:

Icon Name Description
Ach adeptKnight Adept Knight Playing as The Knight, achieve a Merciless Victory using only his 3 Unique Perks: Nowhere to Hide, Hex: Face the Darkness, and Hubris
Ach crueltyLovesCompany Cruelty Loves Company Playing as The KnightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knight, damage a total of 50 Survivors while they are being pursued by a Guard.

Cosmetic Options

Players can choose from a variety of Cosmetic options to customise The Knight:


Icon Name Body Rarity Description
K30 Head01 The Knight CategoryIcon head Common A dangerous and terrifying warrior obsessed with death and darkness.

K30 Body01 Polished Armor CategoryIcon body Common Shining cold iron adorned his body from head to toe, making him an unstoppable juggernaut.

K30 Weapon01 Imposing Claymore CategoryIcon weapons Common A massive weapon capable of cleaving a foe in half, in the right hands.


Icon Name Body Rarity Description Additional Notes
K30 Head01 P01 Bloody Knight CategoryIcon head Rare A deadly and blood-soaked warrior obsessed with death and darkness. Prestige Level 6 Reward

K30 Body01 P01 Streaked Armor CategoryIcon body Rare Bloody cold iron adorned his body from head to toe, making him a terrifying juggernaut. Prestige Level 5 Reward

K30 W01 P01 War-Scarred Claymore CategoryIcon weapons Rare A massive and gory weapon that cleaved many a foe in half. Prestige Level 4 Reward

Perk Charms
Prestige Level 7 Reward Prestige Level 8 Reward Prestige Level 9 Reward
K30 PCharm001 K30 PCharm002 K30 PCharm003
A keepsake gained upon mastery of a particular skill.


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Icon Name Body Rarity Description Event
K30 Head012 The Bloodwyrm CategoryIcon head Very Rare He had no reason to believe in dragons. But he knew they struck fear in the hearts of gormless serfs. Buying a Pack of Auric Cells in Blood Moon 2024


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Icon Name Body Rarity Description Event Exclusive to Event Participation
K30 Head01 WinterEvent2022 Frosty Eyes CategoryIcon head Event Heart chilling eyes of the cold blooded.

"Have an amazing Winter season 2022!" - The Dead by Daylight Team

Bone Chill 2022
Tome: Level 2
K30 Head009 Knight's Mask CategoryIcon masks Event A mask he found himself wearing at the masquerade ball. Twisted Masquerade 2023 Yes
K30 Head011 Burning Sight CategoryIcon masks Event His gaze had the power to incite chaos and fear. Haunted by Daylight 2023 Yes
K30 Body011 Open Heart CategoryIcon body Event The sight of his exposed heart unnerved his enemies. Haunted by Daylight 2023 Yes
K30 W011 Knight Pommel CategoryIcon weapons Event He carved into the pommel with one of his opponent's sharpened blade. Haunted by Daylight 2023 Yes

IconHelp archivesGeneral Rift

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Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 007
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Permanent Injunction
12 June 2018 (Tuesday)
Armor he was forced to wear by his lord.
1200IconHelp auricCells
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Head007
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon head
Infuriating Muzzle
This frustrating mask only increased his desire for chaos.
400IconHelp auricCells
K30 Body007
Rift Tier
Whatever the situation, he would always upset the balance in his favor.
400IconHelp auricCells
K30 W007
Rift Tier
This blade was used to deliver crushing blows.
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 007 01
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Permanent Injunction (Deep Rift)
12 June 2018 (Tuesday)
Armor he was forced to wear by his lord, corrupted by the Rift.
1200IconHelp auricCells
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Head007 01
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon head
Infuriating Muzzle (Deep Rift)
This mask only increased his desire for chaos.
400IconHelp auricCells
K30 Body007 01
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon body
False Beliefs (Deep Rift)
No matter the realm, he would always upset the balance in his favor.
400IconHelp auricCells
K30 W007 01
Rift Tier
CategoryIcon weapons
Beast Blade (Deep Rift)
This warped blade was used to deliver crushing blows.
400IconHelp auricCells

IconHelp store In-Game Store

Expand to view content
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 01 CV04
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Calculating Behemoth
The Knight Aberrations
22 November 2022 (Tuesday)
His armor gave no indication of his humanity and made him look like an iron statue.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Body01 CV04
CategoryIcon body
Oppressive Champion
The Knight Aberrations
His freakish physique bowed and broke any armor except for this, custom-made for him by his company.
50IconHelp auricCells
900IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 W01 CV04
CategoryIcon weapons
Massacring Broadsword
The Knight Aberrations
Few could handle the weight of this enormous sword, let alone use it so effectively.
50IconHelp auricCells
900IconHelp iridescentShards
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 01 CV02
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Sickening Behemoth
The Knight Aberrations
22 November 2022 (Tuesday)
His armor gave no indication of his humanity and made him look like an iron statue.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Body01 CV02
CategoryIcon body
Overwhelming Champion
The Knight Aberrations
His freakish physique bowed and broke any armor except for this, custom-made for him by his company.
50IconHelp auricCells
900IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 W01 CV02
CategoryIcon weapons
Bonecrushing Broadsword
The Knight Aberrations
Few could handle the weight of this enormous sword, let alone use it so effectively.
50IconHelp auricCells
900IconHelp iridescentShards
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 01 CV01
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Pale Behemoth
The Knight Aberrations
22 November 2022 (Tuesday)
His armor gave no indication of his humanity and made him look like an iron statue.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Body01 CV01
CategoryIcon body
Pale Champion
The Knight Aberrations
His freakish physique bowed and broke any armor except for this, custom-made for him by his company.
50IconHelp auricCells
900IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 W01 CV01
CategoryIcon weapons
Intimidating Broadsword
The Knight Aberrations
Few could handle the weight of this enormous sword, let alone use it so effectively.
50IconHelp auricCells
900IconHelp iridescentShards
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 01 CV03
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Furious Behemoth
The Knight Aberrations
22 November 2022 (Tuesday)
His armor gave no indication of his humanity and made him look like an iron statue.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Body01 CV03
CategoryIcon body
Tyrannical Champion
The Knight Aberrations
His freakish physique bowed and broke any armor except for this, custom-made for him by his company.
50IconHelp auricCells
900IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 W01 CV03
CategoryIcon weapons
Mutilating Broadsword
The Knight Aberrations
Few could handle the weight of this enormous sword, let alone use it so effectively.
50IconHelp auricCells
900IconHelp iridescentShards
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 01 03
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Rusted Colossus
Invulnerable Harbinger
22 November 2022 (Tuesday)
Years of battle wore at his protection, but not his resolve.
300IconHelp auricCells
5400IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Head01 03
CategoryIcon head
Corroded Cover
Invulnerable Harbinger
He marched through rain and snow. He was even tougher than his armor.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 Body01 03
CategoryIcon body
Dilapidated Panels
Invulnerable Harbinger
A horrible grinding sound followed him as rust tore into rust.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 W01 03
CategoryIcon weapons
Blade of Decay
Invulnerable Harbinger
The sword has gone dull, but it’s still effective—just crueler.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 01 01
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Hide and Copper
Invulnerable Harbinger
22 November 2022 (Tuesday)
Earlier iterations of his gear utilized whatever protective materials his company could find.
300IconHelp auricCells
5400IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Head01 01
CategoryIcon head
Destroyed Headwear
Invulnerable Harbinger
The smell of copper reminded him of the blood of his victims.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 Body01 01
CategoryIcon body
Tattered Leather
Invulnerable Harbinger
Early in his career, he worked for others. He didn’t really start to earn until he and his company worked for themselves.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 W01 01
CategoryIcon weapons
Ancient Weapon
Invulnerable Harbinger
One of the first swords he wielded.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 01 02
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Silver Despot
Invulnerable Harbinger
22 November 2022 (Tuesday)
He was rarely more intimidating than he was in this armor.
300IconHelp auricCells
5400IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Head01 02
CategoryIcon head
Glorious Helmet
Invulnerable Harbinger
During downtime, he took great care to polish his armor.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 Body01 02
CategoryIcon body
Shimmering Plate
Invulnerable Harbinger
Bold and fearless, he liked to stand out amongst the other knights.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 W01 02
CategoryIcon weapons
Brilliant Blade
Invulnerable Harbinger
A fine sword forged in the village he razed to the ground.
100IconHelp auricCells
1800IconHelp iridescentShards
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 008
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Grim Campaign
18 April 2023 (Tuesday)
An armor he forged himself, knowing the fear he wanted to inspire.
1200IconHelp auricCells
21600IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Head008
CategoryIcon head
Beak Helmet
A helmet that inspired horror in all villages.
400IconHelp auricCells
7200IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 Body008
CategoryIcon body
Impalement Spike
A refined armor with a touch of gold and forged details that daunted every opponent he met.
400IconHelp auricCells
7200IconHelp iridescentShards
K30 W008
CategoryIcon weapons
Lengthy Blade
A sharpened blade with reach.
400IconHelp auricCells
7200IconHelp iridescentShards
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 013
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Moth Warrior
23 April 2024 (Tuesday)
The boy was unique among the slaves bound for Italy. While others were gripped by fear, he was entranced by visions of blood and fire.
1200IconHelp auricCells
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K30 Head013
CategoryIcon head
Horned Helm
A moth fluttered into the slaves' cage. He reached out for the creature, and it landed in his hand.
400IconHelp auricCells
K30 Body013
CategoryIcon body
Omen of Death
He watched as the moth crawled from his fingertips to his palm. It looked so small and weak in his grasp.
400IconHelp auricCells
K30 W013
CategoryIcon weapons
Sharpened Eclipse
After a moment's rest, the moth was on its way again. He watched it slip out of the cage and fly freely into the night.
400IconHelp auricCells
Collection Name
Release Date
K30 outfit 006
IconHelp cosmetic sets
CategoryIcon head
CategoryIcon body
CategoryIcon weapons
Enchanted Plates
Spectral Mercenary
22 November 2022 (Tuesday)
Something in The Entity’s Realm brought him to the brink of death… and back again.
1485IconHelp auricCells
29700IconHelp iridescentShards
⇓ Expand ⇓
K30 Head006
CategoryIcon head
Glowing Horn
Spectral Mercenary
The ancient sigils discovered by his former employer created unexpected effects.
K30 Body006
CategoryIcon body
Impaled Flesh
Spectral Mercenary
Without his armor, he could be stabbed.
K30 W006
CategoryIcon weapons
Runic Edge
Spectral Mercenary
Covered in an ancient, unknown script with an otherworldly glow.
K30 W010
CategoryIcon weapons
Machine Blade
The blade was designed to cut through armor.
400IconHelp auricCells
7200IconHelp iridescentShards

Alternate Character Models

The Knight has 1 alternate Character model available in the in-game Store:


Main article: Downloadable Content

The Knight is part of 2 DLCs:

Change Log

Patch 6.4.2

  • Buff: Guards damaging Generators now also apply the immediate default Regression penalty of -2.5 %, instead of only activating the Generator's Regression state as they did before.

Patch 6.5.0

  • Buff: doubled the Regression penalty when using a Guard to damage a Generator to -5 %.
  • Buff: the orb that indicates the location of The Knight while drawing a Patrol Path will shrink over time and disappear completely after 10 metres.
  • Buff: When drawing a Patrol Path longer than 10 metres, The Knight will gain the HasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects hasteIconStatusEffects haste Status Effect with the duration dependent on the length of the Patrol Path.
  • Buff: Guards will move to the position where they spotted a Survivor and start a Hunt faster if a Patrol Path is longer than 10 metres.
  • Nerf: added a time limit of 10 seconds to drawing a Patrol Path.
    • This change was motivated by some Knight players using his Power to hide his Terror Radius for extended periods of time, especially when near a hooked Survivor.


  • The Knight was originally a Hungarian slave, but was eventually granted freedom and a knighthood for his bravery in battle as a soldier.
  • The Carnifex was originally called "The Executioner", according to the Power icon's file name.
    This was likely changed to use the Latin terminology to avoid confusion with the actual Killer The ExecutionerIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading wales.
  • The Knight, unlike other average height Killers, does not hoist himself through WindowIconHelp windowIconHelp windowIconHelp window vaults, but rather steps through them in the same manner as tall Killers do.

Voice Actors

  • The Knight shares his voice actor, Misha Standjofski, with one of the many pained, wailing voices that can be heard during Nightfall when facing The DredgeIconHelpLoading dredgeIconHelpLoading dredgeIconHelpLoading dredge and William Birkin.
  • The Carnifex shares his voice actor, David A.B., with the Male Zombie when facing The NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis.

Patrol Path

  • When The Knight is drawing the Patrol Path, Survivors can see the current position of The Knight's free-floating camera represented as a green orb moving about the Trial Grounds, but only if the drawn Path is shorten than 10 metres, after which it becomes invisible to Survivors.
  • The green orb will emit the same stinger sound effect Killers have when starting to move after having stood still for a while, if The Knight has been standing still long enough to be considered stationary before he enters the Guard Summon mode.
  • The green orb represents The Knight's actual location in the game world, rather than his visible, physical one.
    This behaviour is analogous to The SpiritIconHelpLoading spiritIconHelpLoading spiritIconHelpLoading spirit while Phase Walking, with the phase-walking Spirit representing the green orb, and her Husk representing the kneeling Knight.
    • For The Knight, this behaviour used to have implications on Perks such as Make Your ChoiceIconPerks makeYourChoiceIconPerks makeYourChoiceIconPerks makeYourChoice or Hex: Devour HopeIconPerks hexDevourHopeIconPerks hexDevourHopeIconPerks hexDevourHope, which have distance-related activation conditions and would activate based on the location of the green orb, rather than The Knight's "Husk".
    • For balancing purposes, this behaviour was deemed a "bug" and was remedied with Patch 6.4.2.


  • Each Guard is represented by a unique Power icon, meaning that the Power icon tells The Knight which particular Guard will be summoned next.
  • That symbol is also shown as a green hologram floating above The Knight's left arm (which controls his Power).
    • As the hologram is also visible to Survivors, attentive Survivor can see it and know which Guard he will summon next as well.


  • The Knight's Weapon is a Claymore, a Scottish variant of the late medieval two-handed sword and one of the most recognisable types of swords in popular culture.
    • The Knight accurately uses both hands to wield this Weapon.
  • While carrying a Survivor on his shoulder, The Knight is physically unable to wield the sword with both hands.
    • To adjust for this, the Developers created a unique animation for attacking while carrying, having The Knight carry the sword at the hilt and hitting Survivors with its pommel (the tip of the hilt) by thrusting it forwards.


  • A Standard is a special form of a flag, whose use dates back to ancient times to mark locations for troops on a battlefield.

The Faithful Three

  • The Knight had three loyal followers that formed his pack known as "The Faithful Three":
    • Alejandro Santiago (The Jailer), who apprenticed with the Guardia Compagnia's Armourer.
    • Durkos Malecek (The Assassin), who showed an aptitude for stealth and silent kills.
    • Sander Rault (The Carnifex), who matched Tarhos in size and strength, and wielded a massive Battle Axe.


  • "Tarhos" is a Hungarian given name.
  • "Kovács" (anglicised as "Kovach") is the Hungarian word for "Forger" or "Smith" and is the Hungarian equivalent to the common English last name "Smith", which denotes the profession.
  • "Carnifex" is the Latin word for "Butcher", but was also used in Ancient Rome to refer to an executioner.
    • The connection to the Roman terminology is also evidenced by the fact that The Carnifex is referred to as The Executioner in the game files.


In-game assets

Old assets

Concept arts

THE KILLERS IconHelpLoading killer
1 - 2
K01 charSelect portrait Evan MacMillan - The TrapperIconHelpLoading trapperIconHelpLoading trapperIconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait Philip Ojomo - The WraithIconHelpLoading wraithIconHelpLoading wraithIconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait Max Thompson Jr. - The HillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbillyIconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait Sally Smithson - The NurseIconHelpLoading nurseIconHelpLoading nurseIconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait Michael Myers - The ShapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shapeIconHelpLoading shape
3 - 6
K06 charSelect portrait Lisa Sherwood - The HagIconHelpLoading hagIconHelpLoading hagIconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait Herman Carter - The DoctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctorIconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait Anna - The HuntressIconHelpLoading huntressIconHelpLoading huntressIconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait Bubba Sawyer - The CannibalIconHelpLoading cannibalIconHelpLoading cannibalIconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait Freddy Krueger - The NightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmareIconHelpLoading nightmare
7 - 11
K11 charSelect portrait Amanda Young - The PigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pigIconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait Jeffrey Hawk - The ClownIconHelpLoading clownIconHelpLoading clownIconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait Rin Yamaoka - The SpiritIconHelpLoading spiritIconHelpLoading spiritIconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey - The LegionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legionIconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait Adiris - The PlagueIconHelpLoading plagueIconHelpLoading plagueIconHelpLoading plague
12 - 16
K16 charSelect portrait Danny Johnson - The Ghost FaceIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghostIconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait The DemogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgonIconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait Kazan Yamaoka - The OniIconHelpLoading oniIconHelpLoading oniIconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait Caleb Quinn - The DeathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslingerIconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait Pyramid Head - The ExecutionerIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading walesIconHelpLoading wales
17 - 21
K21 charSelect portrait Talbot Grimes - The BlightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blightIconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait Charlotte & Victor Deshayes - The TwinsIconHelpLoading twinsIconHelpLoading twinsIconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait Ji-Woon Hak - The TricksterIconHelpLoading tricksterIconHelpLoading tricksterIconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis T-Type - The NemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesisIconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait Elliot Spencer - The CenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobiteIconHelpLoading cenobite
22 - 26
K26 charSelect portrait Carmina Mora - The ArtistIconHelpLoading artistIconHelpLoading artistIconHelpLoading artist K27 charSelect portrait Sadako Yamamura - The OnryōIconHelpLoading onryoIconHelpLoading onryoIconHelpLoading onryo K28 charSelect portrait The DredgeIconHelpLoading dredgeIconHelpLoading dredgeIconHelpLoading dredge K29 charSelect portrait Albert Wesker - The MastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermindIconHelpLoading mastermind K30 charSelect portrait Tarhos Kovács - The KnightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knightIconHelpLoading knight
27 - 31
K31 charSelect portrait Adriana Imai - The Skull MerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchantIconHelpLoading skullMerchant K32 charSelect portrait HUX-A7-13 - The SingularityIconHelpLoading singularityIconHelpLoading singularityIconHelpLoading singularity K33 charSelect portrait The XenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorphIconHelpLoading xenomorph K34 charSelect portrait Charles Lee Ray - The Good GuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuyIconHelpLoading goodGuy K35 charSelect portrait The UnknownIconHelpLoading unknownIconHelpLoading unknownIconHelpLoading unknown
K36 charSelect portrait Vecna - The LichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lichIconHelpLoading lich
THE SURVIVORS IconHelpLoading survivor
S01 charSelect portrait Dwight FairfieldSurvivorDwightSurvivorDwightSurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait Meg ThomasSurvivorMegSurvivorMegSurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait Claudette MorelSurvivorClaudetteSurvivorClaudetteSurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait Jake ParkSurvivorJakeSurvivorJakeSurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait Nea KarlssonSurvivorNeaSurvivorNeaSurvivorNea
2 - 5
S06 charSelect portrait Laurie StrodeSurvivorLaurieSurvivorLaurieSurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait Ace ViscontiSurvivorAceSurvivorAceSurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait Bill OverbeckSurvivorBillSurvivorBillSurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait Feng MinSurvivorFengSurvivorFengSurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait David KingSurvivorDavidSurvivorDavidSurvivorDavid
6 - 10
S11 charSelect portrait Quentin SmithSurvivorQuentinSurvivorQuentinSurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait David TappSurvivorTappSurvivorTappSurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait Kate DensonSurvivorKateSurvivorKateSurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait Adam FrancisSurvivorAdamSurvivorAdamSurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait Jeff JohansenSurvivorJeffSurvivorJeffSurvivorJeff
11 - 14
S16 charSelect portrait Jane RomeroSurvivorJaneSurvivorJaneSurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait Ash WilliamsSurvivorAshSurvivorAshSurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait Nancy WheelerSurvivorNancySurvivorNancySurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait Steve HarringtonSurvivorSteveSurvivorSteveSurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait Yui KimuraSurvivorYuiSurvivorYuiSurvivorYui
15 - 19
S21 charSelect portrait Zarina KassirSurvivorZarinaSurvivorZarinaSurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait Cheryl MasonSurvivorCherylSurvivorCherylSurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait Felix RichterSurvivorFelixSurvivorFelixSurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait Élodie RakotoSurvivorElodieSurvivorElodieSurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait Yun-Jin LeeSurvivorYun-JinSurvivorYun-JinSurvivorYun-Jin
20 - 23
S26 charSelect portrait Jill ValentineSurvivorJillSurvivorJillSurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait Leon Scott KennedySurvivorLeonSurvivorLeonSurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait Mikaela ReidSurvivorMikaelaSurvivorMikaelaSurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait Jonah VasquezSurvivorJonahSurvivorJonahSurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait Yoichi AsakawaSurvivorYoichiSurvivorYoichiSurvivorYoichi
24 - 27
S31 charSelect portrait Haddie KaurSurvivorHaddieSurvivorHaddieSurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait Ada WongSurvivorAdaSurvivorAdaSurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait Rebecca ChambersSurvivorRebeccaSurvivorRebeccaSurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait Vittorio ToscanoSurvivorVittorioSurvivorVittorioSurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait Thalita LyraSurvivorThalitaSurvivorThalitaSurvivorThalita
27 - 30.5
S36 charSelect portrait Renato LyraSurvivorRenatoSurvivorRenatoSurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait Gabriel SomaSurvivorGabrielSurvivorGabrielSurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait Nicolas CageSurvivorNicolasSurvivorNicolasSurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait Ellen RipleySurvivorEllenSurvivorEllenSurvivorEllen S40 charSelect portrait Alan WakeSurvivorAlanSurvivorAlanSurvivorAlan
31 - 32
S41 charSelect portrait Sable WardSurvivorSableSurvivorSableSurvivorSable S42 charSelect portrait Aestri Yazar & Baermar Uraz - The TroupeUnknown QuestionMarkUnknown QuestionMarkUnknown QuestionMark
CC050 charSelect portrait Carlos Oliveira CC007 charSelect portrait The Chatterer CC015 charSelect portrait Chris Redfield CC014 charSelect portrait Claire Redfield CC010 charSelect portrait Cybil Bennett CC032 charSelect portrait Eddie's Tribute
CC020 charSelect portrait HUNK CC011 charSelect portrait James Sunderland CC013 charSelect portrait Jonathan Byers CC009 charSelect portrait Lisa Garland CC001 charSelect portrait The Look-See CC023 charSelect portrait Maria
CC003 charSelect portrait The Mordeo CC028 charSelect portrait Naughty Bear CC030 charSelect portrait Pharaoh Eddie CC048 charSelect portrait Rose Marigold CC047 charSelect portrait Saga Anderson CC033 charSelect portrait Samurai Eddie
CC051 charSelect portrait Sheva Alomar CC031 charSelect portrait Stranger Eddie CC029 charSelect portrait Tiffany Valentine CC035 charSelect portrait Tubarão CC021 charSelect portrait William Birkin CC025 charSelect portrait The Xenomorph Queen
CC018 charSelect portrait The Armoured Titan CC008 charSelect portrait The Baba Yaga CC024 charSelect portrait The Draugr CC006 charSelect portrait The Ferryman CC022 charSelect portrait The Jabberwock CC004 charSelect portrait The Krampus
CC005 charSelect portrait The Minotaur CC019 charSelect portrait The War Hammer Titan CC034 charSelect portrait The Were-Elk
CC012 charSelect portrait Alessa Gillespie CC038 charSelect portrait Annie Leonhart CC039 charSelect portrait Armin Arlert CC002 charSelect portrait The Birch CC036 charSelect portrait Blitz CC040 charSelect portrait Eren Yeager
CC016 charSelect portrait The God of Desire CC027 charSelect portrait The Grid Xenomorph CC041 charSelect portrait Hange Zoë CC042 charSelect portrait Historia Reiss CC043 charSelect portrait Kenny Ackerman CC044 charSelect portrait Levi Ackerman
CC045 charSelect portrait Mikasa Ackerman CC046 charSelect portrait Ripley 8 CC017 charSelect portrait The Rotten Remains CC049 charSelect portrait Mr Scratch CC037 charSelect portrait Wamai CC026 charSelect portrait The Xenomorph Clone
Alex Benedict Baker The EntityIconHelp entityIconHelp entityIconHelp entity The ObserverIconHelp archivesGeneralIconHelp archivesGeneralIconHelp archivesGeneral Vigo and many more...
The Smasher The Teacher