UWE Bristol Professor appointed to the RMA Reducing Serious Harm Board | Research, Business and Innovation blog

UWE Bristol Professor appointed to the RMA Reducing Serious Harm Board

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Professor of Criminology at UWE Bristol, Kieran McCartan has recently been appointed to the RMA Scotland Reducing Serious Harm Board.

The RMAS works across Scotland to reduce the risk of serious harm posed by violent and sexual offending. To protect the public, they make sure that effective risk assessment and risk management practices are in place. They advocate for a shared approach to risk that is evidence-based, defensible, and proportionate. Effective risk assessment and management can reduce the risk of serious harm to the public and give individuals the best chance of returning to the community and leading crime-free lives.

Alongside the other new appointment Dr Alain Zysset, Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, Kieran will be now responsible for the helping to set the strategic direction of the RMA. With the recent publication of their 2024-2029 Corporate Plan, the Board will ensure that the work of the RMA continues to contribute towards making Scotland safer.

Kieran’s specific role on the board will be to advise and consult on research and evidence. Kieran researches a range of areas including the prevention of a response to sexual abuse, as well as trauma-informed practice.

Kieran commented “I am pleased and honoured to have been appointed to the board of the Risk Management Authority, Scotland (RMA). I look forward to joining the board and supporting them in their important work in promoting recovery and resistance from crime and protecting communities from further offending.”

Congratulations to Kieran on this appointment.

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