University of the Arts London Ranking UK 2024 / 2025 - Complete University Guide
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University of the Arts London

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University League Table 2025: 29th

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University of the Arts London is a creative industries specialist offering degrees in art, design, fashion, media and so much more. Students benefit from a close-knit community with opportunities for creative collaboration, access to superb facilities, and input from expert practitioners. All students get plenty of support from dedicated and experienced tutors to help them reach their potential. Find University of the Arts London on our league tables to see where they rank across different measures.

A degree is a fantastic way to explore subjects you are interested in more in-depth and to work in a field that interests you after graduation. If you do something you enjoy, you'll never work a day in your life! If you are keen to stay in education, an undergraduate degree means you can go on to a master's degree or a PhD to become an expert in your field of interest.

University of the Arts London offers accommodation in UAL-managed or partner halls of residence. Free Wi-Fi is available in halls, as well as shared kitchen and dining facilities, and 24-hour assistance. Larger halls may have extra facilities or communal areas. A range of mobility adapted rooms are available for disabled students at several halls.

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