The Meaning Behind The Song: Trouble by Lindsey Buckingham - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Trouble by Lindsey Buckingham


The Meaning Behind The Song: Trouble by Lindsey Buckingham

In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song “Trouble” by Lindsey Buckingham. We will delve into the lyrics of the song, discuss its background information, and share personal experiences with this captivating tune.

Song Information

Title Trouble
Artist Lindsey Buckingham
Writer/Composer Lindsey Buckingham
Album Law and Order (1981)
Release Date October 3, 1981
Genre Rock, Pop-Rock
Duration N/A
Producer Richard Dashut & Lindsey Buckingham

Lindsey Buckingham, renowned for his work with Fleetwood Mac, released “Trouble” as a track on his solo album “Law and Order” in 1981. The song went on to peak at #9 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1982, solidifying its place in musical history.

The Lyrics

Let’s take a closer look at the lyrics of “Trouble” by Lindsey Buckingham:

“I should be saying goodnight
I really shouldn’t stay anymore
It’s been so long since I held you
Forgotten what love is for”

“I should run on the double
(I think I’m in) I think I’m in trouble
(Oh no, I think I’m in) Trouble
(Oh no, I think I’m in) Yes, I think I’m in trouble”

“Come, come to me darling and hold me
Let your honey keep you warm
Been so long since I held you
Forgotten what love is for”

“I should run on the double
(I think I’m in) I think I’m in trouble
(Oh no, I think I’m in) Trouble
(Oh no, I think I’m in) Yes, I think I’m in trouble
(Oh no, I think I’m in) I think I’m in trouble”

“I should run on the double
(I think I’m in) I think I’m in trouble
(Oh no, I think I’m in) Trouble
(Oh no, I think I’m in) I think I’m in trouble
(Oh no, I think I’m in) I think I’m in trouble”

“Trouble” speaks of a longing for someone and the fear of being swept away by love. The protagonist struggles with the decision to stay or leave, torn between the comfort of the familiar and the unknown.

The Meaning of “Trouble”

“Trouble” expresses the fragility of love and the emotions that arise when faced with the possibility of losing it. It speaks to the internal struggle one experiences when caught in the throes of a passionate connection. The lyrics capture the desire to hold onto love and the fear of the consequences that may arise from fully surrendering to it.

Personally, I find “Trouble” to be an incredibly relatable song. It resonates with those moments in life when we find ourselves questioning our choices and hesitating to take a leap of faith. The vulnerability conveyed in the lyrics evokes a sense of nostalgia and reminds us of the risks involved in opening ourselves up to love.

I recall a time in my own life when I was at a crossroads, unsure whether to pursue a relationship that seemed destined for both joy and heartache. The lyrics of “Trouble” echoed in my mind, reflecting the inner turmoil I was experiencing. It served as a soundtrack to my own personal journey, reminding me of the complexities of love and the risks we are often willing to take.

Through its timeless melody and heartfelt lyrics, “Trouble” reminds us of the universal experiences of love and the internal battles that accompany it. Lindsey Buckingham’s emotive vocals and soul-stirring instrumentation capture the essence of human emotion, leaving a lasting impression on listeners.

If you haven’t had the chance, I highly recommend watching the music video for “Trouble” by Lindsey Buckingham. The visual accompaniment enhances the song’s narrative, providing a deeper understanding of the emotions expressed.

Final Thoughts

“Trouble” by Lindsey Buckingham is a song that transcends time and resonates with audiences through its poignant lyrics and soulful melodies. Its timeless appeal lies in its ability to capture the intricacies of love and the internal battles we face when confronted with the choice to fully surrender to it or walk away.

So next time you find yourself caught in the midst of an emotional whirlwind, perhaps “Trouble” will serve as a comforting reminder that you are not alone in your journey.

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