Golden Lion Tamarin - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on

Golden Lion Tamarin

Golden marmoset

Leontopithecus rosalia
Population size
Life Span
15-25 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
g oz 
cm inch 

The Golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) is a small, endangered primate, endemic to the Atlantic coast of Brazil. It is a member of the family Callitrichidae. In spite of its name, this monkey isn't related to lions. Instead, this species is so called due to exhibiting a magnificent ring of hair that shines in the sun, resembling an elegant lion mane. Otherwise called 'Golden marmoset', this New World monkey is one of the 4 species of lion tamarin and one of the world's rarest animals. The Golden lion tamarins have been an important part of local legends and fables.


The Golden lion tamarin has a bright reddish orange pelage and extra long hairs around the face and ears which give it a distinctive mane. Its face is dark and hairless. The bright orange fur of this species does not contain carotenoids, which commonly produce bright orange colors in nature. The golden lion tamarin is the largest of the callitrichines. There is almost no size difference between males and females. As with all callitrichines, the Golden lion tamarin has claw-like nails, instead of the flat nails found in other monkeys and apes, although callitrichines do have a flat nail on the big toe. Tegulae enable tamarins to cling to the sides of tree trunks. It may also move quadrupedally along the small branches, whether through walking, running, leaping or bounding. This gives it a locomotion more similar to squirrels than primates.




Biogeographical realms

Golden lion tamarins are endemic to south-eastern Brazil. The current range of this species is limited to 3 small areas of this region: Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, Fazenda União Biological Reserve as well as private land through the Reintroduction Program. Within this territory, Golden lion tamarins live in coastal lowland forests and can also be found in hilltop forests and swamp forests.

Golden Lion Tamarin habitat map

Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

Golden lion tamarins form small family units of 2-8 individuals, which can be either nuclear or extended families, typically consisting of a breeding pair with their young of one or two litters as well as other related animals. Group members are highly territorial, defending the home range of the community against outsiders by scent markings and specialized calls. Aggression is displayed by staring, an open mouth, or an arched back. Golden lion tamarins spend more time grooming than any other primate in the world. Grooming is mainly performed by adult individuals, typically males, grooming females. Golden lion tamarins are very social, friendly, and playful animals. They can often be observed huddling and playing together. Wrestling and chasing are among other important activities. These primates are diurnal, sleeping from dusk until sunrise and occasionally taking naps during the midday.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

These animals are considered omnivores, maintaining insectivorous and frugivorous diets. This means that they consume food of both plant and animal origin, from spiders, snails, small lizards, eggs, and small birds to various fruits and vegetables.

Mating Habits

130-135 days
2 infants
90 days

Golden lion tamarins have a monogamous mating system with a single breeding pair in each group. They have two breeding seasons per year, occurring between September and March. The gestation period lasts for 130-135 days, yielding two infants, which are born with their complete fur and open eyes. During the first few weeks of their lives, the babies are constantly clung to their mother. At 5 weeks old, they start moving independently and exploring their surroundings. The infants are generally cared for by their father, although all members of the group participate in rearing the young. The nursing period lasts for about 90 days. Males become reproductively mature at around 2 years of age, whereas females are ready to mate when they are 1.5 years old.


Population threats

These animals were formerly threatened by the loss and fragmentation of their forest habitat. Individuals were captured for trade or as pets. Currently, the biggest concern to the overall population of the Golden lion tamarins is their highly limited and heavily fragmented natural range, compounded by the small overall population, which doesn't allow successful breeding. From time to time, these animals still appear in local markets, although this small-scale pet trade is no longer a serious threat.

Population number

According to the IUCN Red List, the total population size of the Golden lion tamarin is 1,400 mature individuals. Currently, this species is classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List, and its numbers today are decreasing.

Ecological niche

The Golden lion tamarin has a mutualistic interaction with 96 species of plants found in the Atlantic Forest. This interaction is based on seed dispersal and food sources for the tamarins. The tamarins show repeat visits to those plants with abundant resources. They tend to move around their territories, and therefore, seeds are dispersed to areas far from the parent shadow, which is ideal for germination. Their seed distribution is important to forest regeneration, genetic variability, and survival of endangered plant species.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • When feeding upon insects, Golden lion tamarins use a technique known as micromanipulation: they penetrate narrow crevices in the tree bark with their long and slender fingers to get to their meal.
  • Golden lion tamarins will share food only with members of their family. Hence, young individuals are known to playfully steal food from their parents or siblings.
  • The Golden lion tamarin is currently one of the national symbols of Brazil. Moreover, the new 20 Reais note, printed by the Central Bank, features this animal.
  • Golden lion tamarins have thumbs on their front feet, which aren't fully opposable. Additionally, the halluces of these monkeys exhibit flat nails and are located back from all other digits, like those of birds.
  • Infant tamarins feed upon maternal milk, which contains more protein and ash, than that of any other primate.


1. Golden Lion Tamarin Wikipedia article -
2. Golden Lion Tamarin on The IUCN Red List site -