Charles Brackett | American screenwriter and producer | Britannica

Charles Brackett

American screenwriter and producer

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association with

    • Hawks
      • filming of Rio Bravo
        In Howard Hawks: Films of the 1940s

        …of Fire (1941), written by Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder, was a well-conceived romantic comedy centred on Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. The patriotic Air Force (1943) transposed Hawks’s Air Corps experience and men-at-work ethos to World War II, with John Garfield, Gig Young, and Arthur Kennedy as part of the…

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    • Lubitsch
    • Wilder
      • Billy Wilder
        In Billy Wilder: Early life and work

        …former New Yorker theatre critic Charles Brackett. After first collaborating on Ernst Lubitsch’s Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife (1938), they wrote such romantic-comedy gems as Mitchell Leisen’s Midnight (1939), Lubitsch’s Ninotchka (1939), and Howard Hawks’s Ball of Fire (1941). Arguably Wilder’s most personal work during this period was Leisen’s

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