The Big Picture

  • Daisy Ridley is grateful for the love and support she receives from Star Wars fans, and she feels lucky to be part of something that resonates with so many people.
  • Star Wars Celebration events are filled with joy and positivity, contrary to some negative perceptions of fandom. Ridley describes the experience as overwhelming and emotionally moving.
  • Ridley's return as Rey in the upcoming Star Wars film left her feeling deeply touched and excited about the new adventures her character will embark on.

Last year, it was announced that Daisy Ridley would be returning to a galaxy far, far away when she emerged on stage at Star Wars Celebration, as part of a new film that will be set more than a decade after the events of The Rise of Skywalker. But while Ridley is excited to be reprising her role as Rey, she's also been taking the time to reflect on the legacy of the character and what she means to a generation of young girls and boys.

Collider's Maggie Lovitt recently sat down with the Brit to discuss Ridley's upcoming roles in the upcoming films Sometimes I Think About Dying and Magpie, but took the chance to quiz the star on Star Wars, telling her about the experience she had witnessed at 2022's Star Wars Celebration. Lovitt had taken part in a panel in Anaheim — alongside Arezou Amin, Laura Kelly, Lacey Gilleran, and Mollie Damon — anchored around how Rey defined an entire generation of Star Wars for female fans. Lovitt asked Ridley how it felt to bring to life a character that resonates so much with so many people.

"I think it's really interesting because I always felt just part of something. I never thought too much about my place in the thing. I just felt about the thing. It still surprises me when people are kind about her particularly, because of course people love Star Wars, but I'm always like, "Oh, thanks." It's still so thrilling. I think I love her as a character and I loved the characters around her and I love the people in it. It feels quite wonderful. I think if I thought about it too much my head would explode because it's so not overwhelming in a bad way, but like, wow overwhelming."

Daisy Ridley Loves How the 'Star Wars' Fandom Makes Her Feel


Image via Star Wars

Ridley recalls the overwhelming emotions felt during Star Wars Celebration events, particularly when her return was announced, a testament to the bond shared within the Star Wars community. "It's a room full of love and joy," she explained, noting the stark contrast between public perceptions and the actual fan experiences. "It's like if you are actually in a room with other Star Wars fans, there's so much joy between everyone. It's just not what it's sometimes made out to be."

Ridley continued, explaining that her management had accompanied her to Celebration for the reveal of Rey's next adventure and admitted the feeling had left her feeling bowled over after the reception she had received, adding that while sometimes fandom could get a bad rap, it was a wonderful reminder of the joy Star Wars could bring to people's lives — including her own.

"When we did the announcement last year, it was really, my agent flew over and honestly, I came off and we were all really emotional. Of course, I always feel lucky to be part of it, but it was like a reminder I suppose of, sorry I'm just gabbling, but I suppose a reminder of how people do feel about Rey. I was like, "It's wonderful." It's wonderful to be part of something that people love and to play a character that people... It's so weird. It's really making me emotional thinking about it. I get to have more adventures. I'm like, "Where is she now? What is this new adventure and how are things going to go?" That's a long way of saying it's great. It's really great."

Daisy Ridley Is Glad Her 'Star Wars' Return Happened Fast

One other key element of Ridley's return to the franchise is how swiftly it happened. The stars of the original trilogy, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford sat out for over 30 years before returning for The Force Awakens. Even the likes of Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen waited for nearly two decades, with their returns in Obi-Wan Kenobi coming 17 years after their last appearance in Revenge of the Sith. Ridley, by comparison, last appeared in Star Wars just over four years ago, and while she expected that one day she may be asked to return, the swiftness of that did bowl her over—in a truly gratifying sense.

"It's strange because I didn't think it would be so soon, and then I feel like it was 11 years ago that I was cast, and I'm like, "But aren’t I 60?” Time is going too fast! But it's wonderful," she beamed. "I feel like all of the roles I've been able to do feel so different and so wonderful, but they all feel great. Each thing I've done is like, “That was just wonderful.”

Ridley added that the time that has passed since her tenure on Star Wars has given her a greater perspective and will add to the pleasure she takes when returning to the fold. Fellow Star Wars alum Mads Mikkelsen once stated the importance of each job as and when it comes along, and it's that mentality Ridley will carry forward with her until she's Rey again. A newer, older and wiser Ridley will share that expanded worldview with her New Jedi Order.

"Actually, one of the things, and this is beside the point of that, but it's one of my favorite things that I think about, Mads Mikkelsen did this interview, and I literally have a screenshot in my phone, he said, "Each one of my jobs is the most important. It might not be the best, but it's the most important." Each job I'm like, "I want this to feel like the most important thing I've ever done." Meeting everything with that openness and willingness to try, as you say, to try a new thing. It's strange because I'm playing a character I've played before, but it's going to be trying something new. A lot has changed for me in the past few years from that time."

Daisy Ridley's Star Wars film, directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, is currently in development. Stay tuned to Collider for more updates.

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