Launcher <> writes:

I am able to access the source operands of an instruction using either
getOperand() or op_iterator, However, I can't find any method available for
destination operand. Someone suggests that instruction itself can represent
the destination operand.

That's correct: the llvm::Instruction itself represents the result of
the operation. Note that class llvm::Instruction derives from
llvm::Value through llvm::User.

The getOperand() returns an unsigned value like 0x9063498,

Uh? User::getOperand returns a Value*.

while I can't
find any instruction's method that returns unsigned value. I have tried

You mean Value::getValueID, don't you?

but it actually returns the opcode of the instruction instead of
a unique value of of an instruction instance.

Anyone gives any suggestions about this?

Read again the message you linked at the beginning.