Dedicated Family Time on Sundays - Nurturing Family & Self

Dedicated Family Time on Sundays

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Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  It has been since I was a little girl.  My mom, brother and I would spend Saturdays running errands and cleaning the house.  Then, come Sunday, we would enjoy a brunch of bacon, pancakes/French toast, and sometimes grapefruit.  CBS Sunday Morning was always on in the background and my parents would be sitting in the living room reading the newspaper.  We would spend the day relaxing at home.

Fast forward to now and I still try to recreate this type of Sunday with my husband, especially now that we have a daughter.

Sunday is dedicated family time for my husband and I.  It is a break from the hustle and bustle of Monday through Saturday. 

My husband works full time as a computer programmer and then coaches swimming for the local swimming club.  He also coaches for the local high school swim team from mid-November to mid-March.  Needless to say, he is very busy!  This means long days for him and less time together as a family.

Sunday is the only day during the week when there are no swimming practices so we are able to spend the entire day together as a family.

We go to church, have breakfast together and relax at home.  Sometimes we work on random tasks around the house like go through the mail, pay some bills, and/or put some things away, but for the most part it is a relaxing day.  It is also a great day to spend eating a meal with family!  We go to my husband’s parents’ house for dinner.  Dinner is usually Chicken Parmesan and homemade pasta.  Yum!  I look forward to this meal every week.

My husband and I love watching football (or all sports for that matter!) on Sundays. 

From September to January, Sundays mean football!   He’s pretty lucky he married someone who loves watching sports as much as he does!  We usually hang out in the living room or in the basement and watch football.  Sometimes we even have snacks while we watch the games.  Sometimes I work on my photobook while we watch the games.  When it is not football season, we watch hockey, the Nascar races and/or baseball.  It’s very relaxing and gives us something to look forward to during the week.

Sports Watching Sundays

Sunday is dedicated family time for us.  It is a natural day off from work and swimming.  It is necessary to have this dedicated family time every week to spend time reconnecting with each other.

Ideas for Family Fun on Sundays

Here are some other ways you can spend time together as a family on Sundays (or whatever day works for your schedule):

  • Go for a walk in your neighborhood or at a local park
  • Have a picnic in your backyard or at a local park
  • Visit different local playgrounds

Family Fun at the Playground

  • Watch a movie and make some popcorn – Movies are always more fun with popcorn! We love to make popcorn in our hot air popper.  You get to control the salt and butter or even add your favorite mix-ins.  I love M&M’s with my popcorn!
  • Play a board game
  • Put together a jigsaw puzzle
  • Watch a TV show
Watching TV with Cat
Our cat loves being a part of our Sunday family time!
  • Bake and decorate a cake or cupcakes
  • Bake cookies – Cut-out cookies are fun to bake and decorate with the kids! My Wilton Cookie Cutter Set is AWESOME!!  I love the variety of shapes.
  • Walk around the mall or outdoor shopping area – No need to buy anything because browsing and window shopping is just as fun!
  • Visit the local Farmer’s Market – Check hours though because I know some of them are not open on Sundays.
  • Go on a hike or nature walk at a local trail
  • Visit a local Flea Market
  • Visit a local bookstore
Character Meet and Greet
There was a free event at a local bookstore in my community. Daniel Tiger and a character from Paw Patrol were there for kids to meet.
  • Play an outdoor game (baseball, badminton, basketball, etc.)

How do you like to spend time together as a family?  I would love to hear about some of your favorite ways to spend time together as a family by sharing a comment below!


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12 thoughts on “Dedicated Family Time on Sundays”


      Thank you for the comment! Family time means more to me than anything, especially after having my daughter! I look forward to it every week 🙂

  1. My parents raised me to set the Sunday aside as the Sabbath Day. We used it to go to church as a family and then the rest of the day was family time. Sometimes we’d go visit older people who didn’t have family around. Now that I’m raising my own littles, I’m doing the same with my family. It’s even more fun (I think) because we live near a lot of extended family and have Sunday dinners with them. I love your list. I’ve done that before because sometimes we get in a rut. Thanks for the ideas!


      I love this!! Spending time with older people who don’t have family around is such a special thing to do! What a nice way to give back to those in your community 🙂 That’s great that you live so close to your extended family! I would love having Sunday dinners with more of my family if they were closer. I’m glad I gave you some new ideas!

  2. I love dedicated family days! We’re so busy during the week, and then Saturdays is filled up with sports so Sunday is our day as well. Our kids are older (4-8), so family day usually involves surfing or going to the bike track, but we love staying in with movies and popcorn on rainy days too.


      Thank you for your comment! I’m sure sports makes your schedule very busy! Surfing and going to the bike track sounds fun!! What a great way to stay active as a family!


      Thank you!! I love taking pictures 🙂 Family fun days always make me happy!!

  3. With the hustle and bustle of the week I often find myself wanting to pack Sunday with getting the to-do list done and getting ready for the next week. Thank you for the great post and good reminder for how important Sunday family time is. Sure, things need to get done, but I can’t get that precious time back while my babies are small.


      Thank you for your comment! I definitely understand wanting to catch up and tackle the to-do list. I try to just block out a little bit of time for that and then leave the rest of the day for time with my husband and daughter. This time with your babies is definitely precious!

  4. You have some great suggestions on how to make the most of family time! Sunday’s are currently the day that we spend preparing for the upcoming week (meal prep, cleaning, shopping, etc.) we could take a page from your book! It’s important to slow down and spend time with the ones that are most important.


      Thank you for your comment! I also use Sunday’s to prepare for the upcoming week. My goal is to get all of that done in the morning and then leave the afternoon/evenings for family time.

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