43 Facts about the movie Glory Road - Facts.net
Stephenie Cleary

Written by Stephenie Cleary

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Disneyplus.com

Are you a fan of sports movies? If so, then you’ve surely come across the inspiring film, Glory Road. Directed by James Gartner, this 2006 movie is based on the true story of the Texas Western College basketball team and their remarkable journey to win the NCAA national championships in 1966. Glory Road not only captivates audiences with its thrilling basketball scenes, but it also tackles important themes of racial inequality and discrimination. This groundbreaking film showcases the resilience, courage, and determination of the players and their coach, Don Haskins, who defied all odds to make history. In this article, we will delve into 43 fascinating facts about Glory Road that you may not know. From behind-the-scenes secrets to memorable moments, get ready to embark on a journey through this remarkable sports film.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Glory Road” is a movie based on the true story of the 1966 Texas Western College basketball team, highlighting their historic NCAA championship win and the challenges they faced due to racial prejudice.
  • The film captures the spirit of the 1960s civil rights movement, emphasizing the power of teamwork, resilience, and the role of sports in breaking down barriers and promoting equality.
Table of Contents

The movie Glory Road is based on a true story.

Inspired by the incredible true events, Glory Road tells the story of the 1966 Texas Western College basketball team.

It was released in 2006.

Glory Road hit theaters on January 13, 2006, captivating audiences with its powerful storyline and impressive performances.

The movie was directed by James Gartner.

James Gartner helmed the director’s chair for this inspiring sports drama, bringing the story to life on the big screen.

Josh Lucas played the lead role.

Josh Lucas delivered a memorable performance as coach Don Haskins, portraying the determined and passionate leader.

The film explores themes of racial prejudice and discrimination.

Glory Road tackles the important issue of racial prejudice, highlighting the challenges faced by the Texas Western players.

The real-life coach Don Haskins served as a consultant on the film.

Bringing authenticity to the movie, the actual coach Don Haskins offered valuable insights and guidance to the production.

The movie showcases the Texas Western team’s historic NCAA championship win.

Glory Road depicts the team’s journey to the 1966 NCAA Championship game against the powerful Kentucky Wildcats.

The film was shot in various locations, including California and Louisiana.

The production team recreated the 1960s era by filming in different locations to capture the essence of the story.

Glory Road received positive reviews from critics.

The movie was praised for its inspiring narrative, solid performances, and its ability to shed light on an important chapter in sports history.

The film’s soundtrack features iconic songs from the 1960s.

Glory Road’s soundtrack includes a collection of songs that perfectly capture the era and enhance the overall viewing experience.

It grossed over $42 million at the box office.

Despite a modest budget, Glory Road resonated with audiences and became a commercial success, surpassing expectations.

The movie delves into the personal lives of the players.

Besides showcasing their athletic journey, Glory Road also focuses on the individual struggles and triumphs of the team members.

The Texas Western team was the first with an all-African American starting lineup to win an NCAA Championship.

The movie emphasizes the historical significance of the team’s victory, breaking racial barriers in college basketball.

Authentic basketball plays and strategies were used in the film.

To capture the realism of the game, accurate basketball plays from the era were recreated and executed by the actors.

The movie celebrates the power of teamwork and unity.

Glory Road highlights the importance of coming together as a team, overcoming adversity, and standing against injustice.

It was nominated for several awards, including an ESPY and a Teen Choice Award.

The film’s impact and recognition extended beyond the silver screen, earning nominations for its portrayal of this inspiring story.

The set design and costumes accurately reflect the 1960s era.

Every detail in Glory Road, from the set design to the costumes, was meticulously crafted to transport viewers back in time.

The movie’s release coincided with Black History Month.

Glory Road’s release in January 2006 was perfectly timed to coincide with the annual celebration of Black History Month.

The film features powerful and emotional performances.

The talented cast of Glory Road delivers performances that resonate with audiences, capturing the emotional depth of their characters.

The movie has a runtime of 118 minutes.

Glory Road keeps viewers engaged for over two hours, immersing them in the captivating narrative.

It is inspired by the book “Glory Road: My Story” by Don Haskins and Dan Wetzel.

The movie draws inspiration from the book written by coach Don Haskins himself, providing a personal account of the inspiring story.

The Texas Western team’s victory changed the landscape of college basketball.

Their remarkable triumph marked a turning point in the history of college basketball, paving the way for greater inclusivity.

The movie captures the spirit of the 1960s civil rights movement.

Glory Road intertwines the story of the basketball team with the larger social and political context of the 1960s.

The film creates a sense of nostalgia for basketball fans.

With its authentic portrayal of the game and homage to basketball history, Glory Road resonates with fans of the sport.

It showcases the determination and resilience of underdogs.

Glory Road emphasizes the power of perseverance, showcasing the team’s relentless pursuit of excellence despite facing numerous challenges.

The movie is a tribute to the pioneers who broke barriers in sports.

Glory Road pays homage to the courageous athletes and coaches who paved the way for greater diversity and inclusion in sports.

It received an A+ CinemaScore from audience polls.

The positive reaction from audiences indicates the film’s impact and its ability to touch the hearts of viewers.

The movie’s release led to increased awareness of the Texas Western team’s historic achievement.

Glory Road brought attention to the forgotten heroes of the Texas Western team and reignited interest in their incredible journey.

The film’s success further solidified Josh Lucas’s career as a leading actor.

Josh Lucas’s portrayal of coach Don Haskins earned him critical acclaim and established him as a versatile actor in the industry.

Glory Road continues to inspire athletes and sports enthusiasts today.

The movie’s powerful message and the team’s remarkable story continue to motivate and inspire people around the world.

Legendary basketball player Jerry West served as an executive producer for the film.

Having a basketball icon like Jerry West involved in the production added an extra layer of authenticity to the film.

The movie captures the intensity of college basketball games.

Glory Road immerses viewers in the electrifying atmosphere of college basketball, with nail-biting game sequences.

The film underscores the importance of sports as a platform for social change.

Glory Road highlights how sports can serve as a catalyst for breaking down barriers and promoting equality.

The movie raises awareness about the struggles faced by African American athletes in the past.

Through its portrayal of the Texas Western team, Glory Road sheds light on the obstacles African American athletes had to overcome.

The screenplay for the movie was written by Christopher Cleveland and Bettina Gilois.

The talented duo of Christopher Cleveland and Bettina Gilois crafted a remarkable screenplay that captures the essence of the story.

The movie’s tagline is “Experience a vision that would change history forever.”

Glory Road’s tagline perfectly encapsulates the lasting impact of the team’s historic victory on the world of sports.

The film features powerful moments of triumph and heart-wrenching setbacks.

Glory Road takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster, showcasing the highs and lows of the team’s journey.

The movie showcases the importance of mentorship and guidance.

Coach Don Haskins serves not only as a coach but also as a mentor figure, shaping the lives of the players on and off the court.

The film received the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Motion Picture.

Glory Road’s impact resonated with the NAACP, leading to recognition for its contribution to cinema.

The movie includes powerful and memorable speeches.

Glory Road features inspiring monologues that underscore the film’s themes of resilience, equality, and determination.

The film explores the sacrifices made by the players and their families.

Glory Road delves into the personal sacrifices the players and their families made in pursuit of their dreams and the greater good.

The movie’s critical success led to increased interest in the real-life players and their subsequent endeavors.

Following the release of Glory Road, there was a renewed focus on the lives and achievements of the Texas Western players.

Glory Road continues to be regarded as a timeless sports film with a powerful message.

The enduring popularity of the movie is a testament to its ability to resonate with audiences, even years after its release.


In conclusion, “Glory Road” is a captivating and inspiring movie that tells the true story of the 1966 Texas Western College basketball team. Through its powerful storytelling, memorable characters, and brilliant performances, the film shines a light on the struggle for racial equality and the triumph of the human spirit.The movie not only entertains with its thrilling on-court action but also educates and provokes thought about the challenges and triumphs of the Civil Rights Movement. Glory Road” serves as a reminder of the importance of unity, perseverance, and breaking barriers.With its engaging plot, dynamic cast, and powerful message, “Glory Road” is a must-watch for any movie enthusiast, sports fan, or history buff. It celebrates the power of diversity and the courage to challenge the status quo, leaving viewers inspired and motivated.So gather your friends and family, grab some popcorn, and prepare to be moved by the incredible journey of the Texas Western College basketball team in “Glory Road.


1. Is “Glory Road” based on a true story?

Yes, “Glory Road” is based on the true story of the 1966 Texas Western College basketball team led by coach Don Haskins.

2. What is the significance of the 1966 Texas Western College basketball team?

The 1966 Texas Western College basketball team made history by being the first team with an all-black starting lineup to win the NCAA national championship.

3. Who played the role of coach Don Haskins in the movie?

Josh Lucas portrayed the role of coach Don Haskins in “Glory Road.”

4. Where was “Glory Road” filmed?

The movie was mainly filmed in El Paso, Texas, where the actual events took place.

5. Did the movie receive any awards or nominations?

Glory Road” received two nominations at the Teen Choice Awards and won the ESPY Award for Best Sports Movie in 2006.

6. Can children watch “Glory Road”?

The movie is rated PG and is suitable for most audiences, including children, though parental guidance is encouraged due to some intense sports action and themes of racial discrimination.

7. What is the overall message of the movie?

Glory Road” conveys the message of the power of unity, resilience, and breaking down racial barriers in the face of adversity.

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