POF Search URL & Advanced Guide To Plenty Of Fish [2024]
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POF Search URL [+ Expert Tips For Finding Your Perfect Match!]

POF Search URL: https://www.pof.com/search

POF Search Guide

You have standards. You can probably close your eyes right now and picture your ideal partner. Their body type, height, religious beliefs, even their hobbies. You may even consider deal breakers like smoking because if you’re not a smoker yourself, chances are you don’t want to meet one.

An awesome thing about Plenty Of Fish (vs. an app like Tinder) is the search capabilities.

With just a few clicks, POF’s extensive search features turn a massive sea of fish into a few great catches. And in this post, we’re going to show you some ninja “hacks” for using those filters to your advantage.

What To Know About POF’s Search

POF used to have a username search function that anyone could use. Then they discontinued the feature. Now, it's back - but not for everyone. If you want to search by username on Plenty of Fish, you'll have to purchase a Premium subscription.

There are two more changes to searching for matches on POF as well. The search function used to be split into two types: Advanced & Basic. But now it's all rolled into one "Refine Search" screen.

POF refine search screen

And you can no longer do a POF search without registering. So you’ll need a POF profile. (Want some POF profile tips? Go here next!)

POF Search Options

Plenty of Fish search filters include:

  • Age range
  • Gender
  • Intent
  • Ethnicity
  • Education
  • Body Type
  • Minimum & Maximum Height
  • Has Kids & Wants Kids
  • Religion
  • Drugs, Drinking & Smoking Habits
  • Marital Status
  • Income Level
  • Longest Relationship
  • Distance radius
  • Profiles
  • Sort (newest member & last online)
  • Zip Code

Most of the filters incorporate a 5 to 6 options you can choose from, and you can pick multiple options.

Body type filter in POF search

The age filter is a range. One thing to note about searching by age on POF.

The age filter automatically adjusts to singles within +/- 14 years of your age if you specify a huge range. You can refine your age search within that time frame, but you can’t exceed it. If your heart’s set on early 20s and you’re north of that by a few decades, check out these best “sugar daddy” dating sites or these cougar dating sites & apps.

On POF, you generally want to keep it realistic, and look for people within 5 (or max 10) years of your own age. While it’s tempting to want to see literally *all* your options, you’ll quickly get overwhelmed by the sheer number of matches. It’s best to focus on the high-quality ones who are likely to respond.

Frequent Fliers Only, Please

Filtering your search results by “Last Online” will help you identify singles who actively use the site.

You’ll generally only want to message users who have been active on the site within the last three days or so, and preferably within the last 24 hours. That drastically increases the odds your message will be returned.

The other option is “Newest Member”. These search results can be a goldmine of women who just created their accounts, which means they don’t have an inbox crammed full of messages from men (yet). Seize the advantage and send her one of these POF opening lines that really work.

Have The Best Intentions

The “Intent” filter has five different categories, ranging from casual dating to looking for marriage. If you’re looking for something more serious, limit your results to these last three categories:

POF search intent filter options

Alternatively, opt for the first two if you’re just looking to hook up or play the field.

Search By Location

You can filter by location in two different ways, by entering a zip code or by specifying a distance radius.

Physical Appearance

POF no longer lets you sort by specific physical attributes like hair and eye color. And that's not a bad thing, because it can be hard to resist the urge to "catalog shop".

meet women on POF

You might think your dream girl is a thin blonde with hazel eyes, but really, is it so bad if her eyes are blue?

When you are using the Plenty of Fish search filters, it’s important to prioritize. If religion is a huge part of your life, go ahead and filter for religion. If you know for a fact you want kids someday, use the “wants kids?” filter to make sure your matches feel the same.

But just because there are tons of filter options does not mean you should use them all.

The Ultra Match Hack That Triples Your Responses

POF no longer lets you filter by personality type, but you can still see people's interests and personality types displayed as badges on their profiles.

POF keyword hack

You can use the information you see there to send keyword specific copy and paste icebreakers. Having a go-to collection of conversation starters customized for any personality that interests you saves a ton of time, and she’ll never suspect you sent the same message to 20 other women.

For instance, take the “Traveler” personality. Odds are any woman who selected that is into travel, so you can send them a copy and paste message that’s related to travel.

Here’s an example of a travel icebreaker that women are excited to respond to:

POF icebreaker example that works

Or let’s say she selected “Foodie”. This is a great personality to target, because studies have shown when it comes to dating messages, women are 40% more likely to respond to messages about food.

Send her a delicious-sounding message like this:

POF conversation starter example that gets results

Skip The Search, Go Straight To The Date

Using the POF search functions can definitely help you narrow down your options, but with so many users finding an attractive woman you want to date can feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

And once you’ve found her, you need to make sure your profile, photos, and messages are up to snuff if you want her to be interested in you too. In other words, online dating is a lot of work.

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