Guide for LEGO Batman - Walkthrough overview

1. LEGO Batman Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Welcome to the Lego Batman walkthrough. Most of the achievements in this game are character specific and the only way to unlock these characters is to play through the entire Story Mode. The most time consuming portion of this game will be

The path we will take to get to the magical 100% is:

1) Enter the "Cheat Codes" to make stud collecting a passive farm, instantly have access to all the power bricks and their abilities, and unlock all suit upgrades. This will take about 30-45 minutes.

2) Play through both the Hero and Villain stories to unlock access to all characters and Free Play mode. We will also achieve Super-Hero on every mission to unlock Wayne Manor and Arkham Asylum. This will take 8-10 hours.

3) Re-play every level in Free Play to collect all Memorabilia, save 25 civilians, and mop up any character specific achievements left. This will take 6-8 hours.

4) Complete the Hero and Villain bonus levels. This will take 1-2 hours.

Be aware there is one semi-missable achievement

This is the only character specific achievement not available in Free Play mode. Just make sure during your Story Mode run, for all the Hero boss fights, that you land the final blow with Batman. If not you can just load up the chapter again but you must do so in Story Mode.

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